For have to practice exercises look no further. There are now 57 worksheets on this topic and even more if you are interested in other modal verbs so be sure to check out other sections of the site for those. Here is a sample of what you will find on this page. The worksheet combines have to and must; it includes lesson notes for an entire fifty minute lesson as well as all the required handouts and answer keys. Since there are four individual practice activities, feel free to pick and choose what you want to use in class; there is no need to use the whole lesson and choosing just certain activities gives you much more freedom to include your own material. It is that easy! If your students are working on specific vocabulary not included in this lesson, you can simply use these activities as inspiration for your own worksheets which you could tailor to your students’ interests. Busy Teacher would like to see your worksheets; if you have worksheets on this topic, please upload them and help out fellow teachers around the world.
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This is a filling in activity to train the use of Present Simple and Present Continuous. The infinitives of the verbs are given in a box in the upper part of the worksheet. The song contains diff ...
We are aware of the difficulty and problems that your students have with modal verbs and their functions: ability, obligation, possibility , certainty, for example. Here, you have four exercises ...
Enjoy working on this worksheet song. Listening activities. Practice the use of some expressions, pronunciation and adjectives. You can also use it just to encourage your students to practice list ...
This is a nice matching activity where Ss have to find the corresponding cards to describe what people of different professions have to do in their line of job. Then they have to create sentences ...
It is a quick 2-exercise test on modal structures (can, could, must, have to, should, may, be allowed to). The first exercise is a gap-filling with a correct form (positive, negative, present, pas ...
U2's song "Sometimes you can't make it" has the lyrics with exercises. It deals with family issues. Gramatically, it demonstrates the difference between "mustn't" and "don't have to". It has al ...
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