268 FREE Article Worksheets

FREE Article Worksheets

English language learners often forget when and where to include articles in their sentences but these words are important to master in order to achieve a high level of English. There are 268 worksheets that you can give your students for extra practice using articles and these are sorted into several different categories to make your search simpler. Here is a worksheet that practices not only articles but also countable and uncountable nouns. You will need to introduce and practice the material before completing the three activities outlined in this file. Students will enjoy the variety of games and the worksheet will enable you to evaluate their overall understanding of the material at the end of class or as a review activity at the beginning of the next lesson. There are more worksheets to choose from if this is not quite what you are looking for so take your time reviewing them.
Articles are often overlooked or misplaced by English language learners so it is important to give them sufficient practice with word order. Another way you can help students learn articles is to introduce nouns with a or an; instead of drilling book, consider using a book instead. This will help students when it comes to forming sentences because they will say “I want a book.” rather than the common, incorrect answer “I want book.” Other articles will obviously need to be introduced in a different way but getting students accustomed to using articles in sentences will make it easier for them later on in the course.

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ESL Articles
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3.7 out of 5, rated by 3 teachers

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A - An - The for French Learners

A - An - The for French Learners

This is a worksheet for French speaking learners to explain when to use a, an and the, as well as this and these, that and those. It's very basic but hopefully may be useful for some of  busy ...
2 Views 11,421 Beg
English Articles (A/An/The) - Create Sentences

English Articles (A/An/The) - Create Sentences

Lena Ch
This revision worksheet provides students with practice and revision of the English articles (a/an/the). The teacher can print out the document as many times as he or she likes and present it in c ...
5 Views 32,586 Beg
Indefinite Article

Indefinite Article

This printout is aimed at sorting out the usage of a/an article. It would be great if the teacher helped with pronunciation of the words (for example "hour"). The printout gives students the feeli ...
8 Views 21,573 Beg
Review - Objects and Numbers

Review - Objects and Numbers

Luana Araújo
This worksheet will help you review the numbers, objects, articles and verb to be. It was designed for elementary students. You can use this worksheet after you've taught personal information (nam ...
1 Views 14,870 Elem
What's in a Classroom

What's in a Classroom

I made this worksheet for the beginning of the year so that my French student becomes familiar with school items. The classroom picture is projected. I ask -how many items do you know? Can you pro ...
5 Views 13,734 Pre-IntInt
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A, An & Lots of/a Lot Of

A, An & Lots of/a Lot Of

This worksheet contains a short explanation when to use the indefinite article a & an as well as a lot of/lots of. The explanations is followed by exercises to practice the use of the articles ...
5 Views 21,249 BegElem
The House

The House

Worksheet for primary school. This is a worksheet about the parts of the house. Item I: reading. Item II: complete the graphic organizer according to the reading. Item III: match the names with ...
5 Views 20,081 Beg
Word Center

Word Center

Students get a table with words in three different colums. They must find the word in the centre that is suitable as an ending for the first as well as the beginning for the second word, in other ...
5 Views 8,453 ElemPre-Int
The Verb to Be, Possessive Adjectives, and Indefinite Articles

The Verb to Be, Possessive Adjectives, and Indefinite Articles

This worksheet is designed for the beginner levels which contains 3 parts. In part A, students are asked to use the correct forms of 'to be verb' in present tense. In part B, students are required ...
7 Views 24,775 Beg
A or An

A or An

This is a simple worksheet for practicing the articles a or an. It contains the biographies of three famous actors in which the language learners are asked to complete the sentences with a/ an. It ...
16 Views 18,673 Elem
Article: A, An, The, Zero

Article: A, An, The, Zero

This worksheet is appropriate for reviewing and practicing articles "a", "an", "the" and "zero"articles. It contains a lot of questions to test students previous knowledge. It is suitable for elem ...
19 Views 100,099 ElemPre-Int
A or An?

A or An?

This is a worksheet about the articles a or an. It contains a gap-filling activity. It is appropriate for both young learners and adults. You may use it at the activation part of your teaching. Th ...
7 Views 18,865 Elem


Quiz questions about articles.  
8 Views 16,011 Elem
Test for Junior

Test for Junior

elena tsilimpari
A small test on vocabulary and grammar for juniors . Vocabulary about numbers 1-20, family, school items, colours. Grammar about plurals,verb to be, possesive adjs. This/That, a/an. Eas ...
5 Views 24,888 Beg
Elementary Test

Elementary Test

An Enlish test for elementary students. Topics in the test: classroom vocabulary, using the definitive and indefinitive article, changing singular nouns into plural. Basic English with possibility ...
3 Views 17,426 Elem
Using 'Some' or 'Any'

Using 'Some' or 'Any'

A fairly simple worksheet with an explanation at the start. After the explanation, page one has simple 'some' or 'any' gap fill exercises, and page 2 has a more advanced worksheet, with a few mor ...
7 Views 14,238 Pre-Int
A- An- Some- Any Worksheet

A- An- Some- Any Worksheet

This is a very simple worksheet for revising quantifiers at elementary level. There are 3 different activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences with some or any, fill in ...
12 Views 103,811 Elem
Song Worksheet: Some, Any, No

Song Worksheet: Some, Any, No

This is an Avril Lavigne song to practice the use of some, any and no. It can be used to practice this grammar with listening exercises. The student should fill the gaps with the appropriate word ...
7 Views 54,632 Elem
A or An?

A or An?

Write a or an: a worksheet to consolidate the use of a and an with some images which will help students to complete the lines below the pictures and useful vocabulary: airplane, cup, backpack, pen ...
5 Views 13,730 Beg
Likes and Dislikes Using the Zero Article

Likes and Dislikes Using the Zero Article

This worksheet is about likes and dislikes and the use of the zero article. Students have to learn and repeat a few words and a few verbs, they can tell the class what they like and what they don' ...
9 Views 22,164 Elem
What's in Your House?

What's in Your House?

This board game aims at revising furniture vocabulary (bed, bath, lamp, chair, armchair, sofa, table, bookcase, vase) and colours (white, black, red, green, blue, purple, brown, pink, yellow). Exp ...
7 Views 21,705 Elem
Articles / Countable and Uncountable Nouns Worksheet

Articles / Countable and Uncountable Nouns Worksheet

This is a very simple worksheet for revising articles and countable and uncountable nouns. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to put the definite article before the noun ...
14 Views 52,166 ElemPre-Int
Elementary Level Test (Adults)

Elementary Level Test (Adults)

This worksheet was created to assess students at a beginner's level. I have used it with my elementary level students, mainly adults, as well as with 6th and 7th graders. It covers topics like cou ...
13 Views 26,969 BegElem
The Articles (PPT)

The Articles (PPT)

This presentation was used to help my Korean students understand when to use definite and indefinite articles. I enumerated 4 rules that hopefully clear this issue up. This presentation discusses ...
15 Views 102,533 ElemPre-IntIntAdv
Song Worksheet: Drops of Jupiter by Train

Song Worksheet: Drops of Jupiter by Train

I used this song to practice / get students to notice how subject, object and possessive pronouns are used in English as some struggle with she / her and he / him in subject-verb-object. There are ...
9 Views 30,566 Pre-IntInt

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