Students spend a lot of time in the classroom so it is important that you decorate your walls with content that will encourage, assist, and motivate them.
For your classroom choose posters that focus on material students will need to use often.
Classroom English such as Can you please repeat the question? and May I have another handout? should be prominently displayed at the front of the class for students to refer to. You can have a section of the room reserved for seasonal displays, such as holidays, which students will enjoy exploring whenever it is changed. You may also consider posting new sets of vocabulary around the room but it is important that students actually learn what words mean so these should only be displayed for a short while. In order to help your class track their progress, you can make a creative display to represent how far they have come in their studies. This will help students stay motivated and track their progress. Posters serve a number of purposes so it is important to find or create ones that are appropriate for your students. Get more options with your custom posters at
Create awesome-looking custom word searches in seconds!
Make A Word Scramble:
Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class!
Make A Double Puzzle:
Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun!
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Despite a common image of an overworked, grumbling about pay teacher, several different studies around the globe independently revealed an amazing fact: people who choose to be teachers are happie ...
If you are good at your job as a teacher it's only natural to use the skills earned by hard work to get extra income through a similar but still a slightly different job, right? Check out our new ...
"Never give up on a child. There are reasons why children act up that we don't know about. You never know what a child will become." (Henry Brown III, Florida Teacher of the Year). Do you agree? L ...
There can never be enough Back to School activities, warmers, and first lesson ice-breakers. Check out our latest poster below: "The Ultimate Collection of Back to School Activities". These are th ...
Back to School- Mad Rush or Tons of Fun? By August, summertime will be winding down and vacations will be coming to an end, signaling that back-to-school time is near. Check out our latest infogra ...
Do you think you can multitask well? Check out our new infographic below: "Teachers: The Real Masters of Multitasking" What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. Click on the im ...
The lack of male teachers, particularly at the elementary level, has become an epidemic throughout the world. Want to know why men turn their backs to teaching? Check out our new infographic below ...
Our new infographic is called "Teachers Don't Work Hard Enough? THINK AGAIN!". What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! Click on the image below to view the full-size infographi ...
Check out our latest infographic - it's called "Anyone Can Teach? 3 Myths About Teaching". What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! Click on the image below to view the full-siz ...
Here's our new high quality poster about teaching. It's a quote from Leo Busgaglia, author. The quote reads: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening e ...
Here's another high quality poster that English teachers will love. It's a great quote from Susanne H. Frensley, 2007 Tennessee Teacher of the Year. The quote reads: "We’re working with h ...
Here's our latest high quality poster that teachers would appreciate. It's a great quote from Ronald S. Barth, educational consultant and author. The quote reads: “THE AVERAGE FOUR-YEAR-OLD ...
Please welcome: '7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary' - our new reference poster for busy teachers that contains 7 creative ideas to help you teach new vocab. Click on the image below to view ...
Introducing '7 Great Games for Your Next Conversation Class' - a reference poster with 7 creative conversation class ideas. Click on the image below to view the full-size poster [HI-RES] for print ...
Introducing '7 New Go To Activities for Conversation Class' - one more reference poster with 7 fresh and creative conversation activities for your next speaking class! Click the image below to vie ...
Introducing '7 More Go To Activities for Conversation Class' - another reference poster with 7 more fresh and creative conversation activities! Click the image below to view the full-size poster [ ...
Introducing '7 Great Go To Activities for Conversation Class' - our next reference poster with 7 fresh and creative conversation class ideas. Click the image below to view the full-size poster [HI ...
Introducing '7 Idiom Activities to Get Your Students’ Creativity Flowing' - our third reference poster with 7 fresh and interesting ways to teach or review idioms. You can click the image be ...
Introducing '7 No-Prep Activities for Teaching Idioms' - our second reference poster with 7 more interesting ways to teach or review idioms. Click the image below to view the full-size poster for ...
Here's a reference poster (HI-RES) with 7 interesting ways to teach or review idioms. Click the image below to view the full-size poster for printing. If you think these idiom activities are gr ...
Looking for new interesting ways to teach or review the Future Perfect Progressive? You've come to the right place! Here's our latest grammar reference poster that contains 7 short activities to p ...
Looking for new fun activities to review the Past Perfect Progressive? Here's our latest reference poster from the 'Grammar' series that contains 7 short activities that your students will adore! ...
Looking for new (and fun!) ways to practice the Present Perfect Progressive? Here's our new reference poster from our new 'Grammar' series that contains short but very effective activities that y ...
Need to practice or revise the Future Perfect tense? Here's our new reference poster from the 'Grammar' series that contains short, but oh so useful activities that you'll love! Click the image t ...
Here's one more reference poster from our new 'Grammar' series, this time it's about the Past Perfect tense. You'll love these activities when the time comes to practice or review this tense with ...
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