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At BusyTeacher, we are constantly working to make your teaching preparation easier and much faster by giving you access to 122 pages of Coursebook Resources worksheets.
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In my school the New Mosaic book is used. The first unit deals with Entertainment. This is a short quiz that has a matching (English-English), a gap filling and a free writing part to it. The voca ...
Extensive listening practice for America Headway Elementary. The file provides the link where audio tracks are available for download. For each track I wrote the related questions. Exercises range ...
The present PP presentation provides teachers help in explaining the form and usage of the passive in English. It was compiled for students at pre-intermediate level (to the course book New Total ...
These are the extra questions I wrote for listening practice of 12 tracks ranging from n. 04 to n. 3.5 of Speakout Starter Student's book. The doc. file provided the keys on a coloured background ...
It´s an improvement of a power point presentation of another person, based on verbs from the book More!1 unit 1; Pupils love to play "who wants to be a millionaire" - the difference to the o ...
This PPT largely corresponds with Project 2 Unit 5. It contains several pictures of landscapes. At the end there are 9 bingo charts containing 9 words each related to the topic. Print these bingo ...
In fact this powerpoint is based on New Headway Unit 3 and 4 but of course it could be used by the teachers who want to measure their students' knowledge on prefixes and see how far they can manag ...
A PPT presentation of some very common adjectives for adults. It was used with a group of retired peole, ages from 70 to 80. It worked well, images are appealing. it can be used independently ...
New English File coursebook. Unit 6B: mainly presented with the structures there is/ there are, focused on describing the city/ town where you live. Level: Beginner. The lesson also mentions some ...
Adjectives for feelings exercise done specially for Solutions Intermediate 2nd Edition Unit 2. It includes a gap-fill exercise (the ss need to complete the gaps with the correct adjective + a nece ...
A PowerPoint presentation made specifically for Solutions Intermediate 2nd Edition Unit 2. It includes adjectives of feelings (afraid; amused; ashamed; confused; delighted; depressed; disappointed ...
Print these cards out and cut them in pieces. There are different ways to use them, for example you can make the board game like Snakes and Ladders or some other. As well as that you can use cards ...
This is Jeopardy-style presentation based on the New Matrix course book for Intermediate ESL learners. Themes: Body language, Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous / American vs. British E ...
This worksheet was designed to gain feedback on likes/dislikes and adjectives at pre-intemediate level. The short quiz was based on Unit 2 of the New Total English Pre-Intermediate coursebook. You ...
The present worksheet is excellent material for revising the vocabulary and grammar connected to Unit 5 of New Total English Pre-Intermediate 1 Student's book. It can also be used as a short quiz ...
Unit 4 test concentrates on testing of past continuous and past simple, matching the halves of the sentences according to their meaning with past simple and continuous, making questions according ...
It is a revision test for unit 2. The test concentrates on the correct use of some and any, circling the correct form of subject or object pronouns, using of present simple and continuous. From vo ...
Unit 3 test - exercises for using this and these; completing the correct form of have got, short answers with have got; is or has; short reading exercise for school subjects and days. This test is ...
This is practice for business English elementary level. The worksheet provides the active link to download the tracks; I wrote the questions for each of the two tracks and included the answers at ...
This is a really simple boardgame to use with elementary 5th grade students. It was made to review the language in Hi Friends 1, including: How are you? How's the weather? How many ...
Revision test for unit 4. It deals with making questions - with the correct question words, making questions to the answers, making questions to the underlined words or phrases. Sentences with que ...
This unit test is about using the second conditional, the combination of the first and second conditional, questions with would, reflexive pronouns. From vocabulary there is an exercise for warnin ...
This test revises the present simple tense - affirmative, negative, questions, short answers, using prepositions of time - on, at, and it also deals with time telling. There is a reading and writi ...
This activity was originally created to accompany Unit 10 of Total English Advanced. It's connected with the topic "Luck" and "Superstitions" and it's ideal for advanced groups who need to practic ...
This worksheet contails a set of exercises to practice the vocabulary from Module 4 of New Cutting Edge Intermediate. The types of the tasks are the following: I. Cross out the odd word.  ...
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