The quizzes and hunts section of the site is full of fun practice activities for your students so hopefully this is what you were looking for. With 145 worksheets to choose from you are bound to find something your students will enjoy. Let’s take a look at one of the worksheets from this category. This is a fun quiz activity for intermediate learners. It is designed to test their knowledge of English but is so creatively laid out that it looks like a game complete with a secret message. There are many other activities to choose from so you should be able to find something for your students and if not, please upload your worksheet for other busy teachers to use. Quizzes are not usually enjoyable for students as they are viewed as mini tests. Some of quizzes are just that while others, such as the example above, is actually just a fun exercise. Hunts, on the other hand, are always lots of fun but make sure not to overuse them so that they remain a special treat. You can use hunts as review activities like quizzes or simply to get your students in a good mood. There are usually certain low points in the school year where you just need to put a little extra into your lesson plans. These types of activities are sure to engage students by breaking away from the typical lesson structure and getting them more focused on learning English.
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Make A Word Scramble:
Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class!
Make A Double Puzzle:
Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun!
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