145 FREE Quizzes and Hunts Worksheets
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FREE Quizzes and Hunts

The quizzes and hunts section of the site is full of fun practice activities for your students so hopefully this is what you were looking for. With 145 worksheets to choose from you are bound to find something your students will enjoy. Let’s take a look at one of the worksheets from this category. This is a fun quiz activity for intermediate learners. It is designed to test their knowledge of English but is so creatively laid out that it looks like a game complete with a secret message. There are many other activities to choose from so you should be able to find something for your students and if not, please upload your worksheet for other busy teachers to use.
Quizzes are not usually enjoyable for students as they are viewed as mini tests. Some of quizzes are just that while others, such as the example above, is actually just a fun exercise. Hunts, on the other hand, are always lots of fun but make sure not to overuse them so that they remain a special treat. You can use hunts as review activities like quizzes or simply to get your students in a good mood. There are usually certain low points in the school year where you just need to put a little extra into your lesson plans. These types of activities are sure to engage students by breaking away from the typical lesson structure and getting them more focused on learning English.

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General Knowledge - Quiz on America

General Knowledge - Quiz on America

•Quizzes and Hunts,
This worksheet can be used to find out how much your students know about the country America. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer including true or false, circle the correct ans ...
9 Views 16,711 Elem
General Knowledge Quiz on Germany

General Knowledge Quiz on Germany

•Quizzes and Hunts,
This worksheet can be used to find out how much your students know about the country Germany. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer including true or false, circle the correct ans ...
6 Views 16,416 Elem
4 Pictures 1 Word - Medium Difficulty

4 Pictures 1 Word - Medium Difficulty

•, Quizzes and Hunts
It is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goal of the ss ...
11 Views 21,075 Pre-IntIntAdv
General Knowledge - Quiz on Spain

General Knowledge - Quiz on Spain

This worksheet can be used to find out how much your students know about the country Spain. There are 11 mixed questions that students must answer including true or false, circle the correct answe ...
5 Views 15,863 Elem
4 Pictures 1 Word - Difficult

4 Pictures 1 Word - Difficult

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This activity is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goa ...
6 Views 18,619 IntAdvExam
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4 Pictures 1 Word - Easy/Medium Difficulty

4 Pictures 1 Word - Easy/Medium Difficulty

•, Quizzes and Hunts
It is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goal of the ss ...
4 Views 15,459 ElemPre-IntInt
4 Pictures 1 Word - Easy

4 Pictures 1 Word - Easy

•, Quizzes and Hunts
It is based on the application for mobile phones. In this presentation you´ll find 15 pictures (15x4 if I should be precise). Every 4 pictures have something in common and the goal of the ss ...
5 Views 21,016 ElemPre-Int
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This worksheet is about the UK, its culture, traditions, people. You can use it as a final test.The quiz includes two tasks:1) test ( 26 questions); 2) map ( where students should write down the n ...
15 Views 29,196 Pre-Int
Quiz on Britain

Quiz on Britain

•, Quizzes and Hunts
I use this worksheet to sum up my ss' knowledge about the UK. Questions contain some factual information about Great Britain. They have either to say if it's true or false, circle the correct alte ...
13 Views 18,233 ElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: Vikings - Journeys to New Worlds

Movie Worksheet: Vikings - Journeys to New Worlds

Listening comprehension about Viking journeys. The worksheet is made as a quiz (easy to correct when you use the enclosed key), but might require some interpretation before you go on to watching t ...
3 Views 9,793 Adv
Amazing Places in the World

Amazing Places in the World

•Quizzes and Hunts,
Quiz - the students have to guess famous places, monuments, buildings, etc. There are questions and pictures, the students have to search for the info on the Internet and fill in the table with t ...
9 Views 16,270 Pre-IntInt
International Organizations

International Organizations

•Quizzes and Hunts,
Your students have to guess the names of famous international organizations and download their flags/embles. There are clues (dates, pictures, activities,...) to help. It is suitable for an extra ...
3 Views 6,024 Pre-IntInt
Vocabulary Quiz 1

Vocabulary Quiz 1

• » Quizzes and Hunts
Vocabulary Quiz that suits Arab ss of the 7th grade and it can be used for 8th graders with strong students. The quiz contains the words and their meaning, also it contains writing sentences ...
2 Views 7,322 Int


• » Quizzes and Hunts
This worksheet has plenty of puzzles which can easily be turned into power points. It contains hidden cities, hidden animals, hidden countries, numbers and words puzzles and so on. I tried some of ...
6 Views 11,944 Int
Personality Adjectives (Vocabulary)

Personality Adjectives (Vocabulary)

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This worksheet is devoted to personality adjectives and is suitable for both teens and adults. It was made with the help of this website and is actually a double puzzle where students first have t ...
8 Views 28,264 Pre-IntInt
American Writers

American Writers

• » Quizzes and Hunts
Dear Busy Teachers, I hopefully believe that this quiz can help you to revise biographies of 5 well-known American writers such as M.Mitchell, E. Hemingway, T.Dreiser, J.Cooper and H.Longfell ...
2 Views 4,342 IntAdv
Going Green Quiz

Going Green Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
A quiz to make pupils/students talk about ecology. I give this quiz as a pair or group work checking they discuss the points in English -they usually don't agree on the answers. Then each group te ...
9 Views 16,821 IntAdvExam
US Revolutionary War Quiz

US Revolutionary War Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This is a quiz about facts of the Revolutionary War in the U.S. It's mainly based on Boston since it followed a unit on the city. You can use it as an overhead transparency and put the students ...
1 Views 7,736 Pre-IntInt
Fortune Telling (Vocabulary)

Fortune Telling (Vocabulary)

•Quizzes and Hunts,
I used this worksheet with my students at the speaking club today and it was fun, though quite mind-boggling for them. The worksheet was created with the help of the Tiles Creator on this site. I' ...
7 Views 22,948 IntAdv
World Tour

World Tour

•Quizzes and Hunts,
It’s a great Powerpoint presentation of famous places all over the world. It can be a nice helpful activity while studying travelling/sightseeing etc. It includes bright pictures and questio ...
15 Views 11,756 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet:The Butterfly (by A. Khrjanovsky, 1972)

Movie Worksheet:The Butterfly (by A. Khrjanovsky, 1972)

This is a worksheet based on the masterpiece of Russian animation. It gives food for young thoughts and boosts their creativity. In the first couple of tasks students should make up correct senten ...
4 Views 6,764 ElemPre-Int
Ecology and Environment Quiz

Ecology and Environment Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
The quiz is designed for elementary level students. The quiz is aimed at figuring out the students' knowledge about ecology, pollution and environment. The keys are included below. The worksheet c ...
11 Views 23,366 Elem
What Decade Are You?

What Decade Are You?

•, Quizzes and Hunts
This is a personality quiz which can be combined with my worksheet titled 'Fashion through Decades'. You can use this quiz after you are done with the lesson. My students told me that they like to ...
3 Views 6,023 Pre-Int
Are You a Healthy Eater? Quiz

Are You a Healthy Eater? Quiz

•, Quizzes and Hunts
By presenting this quiz into your classes students will have fun while learning eating habits related vocabulary. It will also encourage healthy eating and it's perfect to be used as an introducti ...
19 Views 50,914 Pre-IntInt
Movie Quiz

Movie Quiz

•Quizzes and Hunts, ,
Quiz is an awesome way to entertain your students at any lesson stage. This one is made up on popular movies, TV series and cartoons. Every slide presents a scene from a famous film with four opti ...
8 Views 15,708 All

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