You have found the politics section of Busy Teacher where you will find 66 related worksheets. There are a number of ways you can include this topic in your classes and the different worksheets available reflect that. This is one such worksheet. It has a number of activities that can help intermediate students learn about elections. The topics of the sample elections are a little basic so you might want to alter them a bit for classes with high school students or adults. There are other worksheets in this section that can help you address different aspects of politics.
This is another topic that is not suitable for everyone and will certainly ruffle some feathers if you plan to discuss a specific historical or current event. To avoid controversy in your classroom consider conducting an activity like the example above. A good time to look at the passive voice is when you are reading political articles because it is often used in them. Rather than place the blame squarely where it belongs by using the active voice, things are phrased differently to deflect the blow. The President did this. is totally different from This was done. where no one is accused of performing the action. Whether or not you decide to include this topic in your course, the worksheets are here and free for you to use at any time.
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This is a set of five sheets that can be used for speaking lessons. The first sheet offers an introduction to the members of the royal family, the second sheet uses a youtube interview ...
This is a set of five sheets that can be used for speaking lessons. The first sheet offers an introduction to the members of the royal family, the second sheet uses a youtube interview with ...
This presentation acts as an introduction to the people, history, economy and culture of the United States of America. I am not an American citizen myself but I have researched this piece in order ...
This presentation introduces students to the education system in the United Kingdom, giving them examples of how the system works and a few of the key issues currently relevant to the system. Idea ...
It was created to promote an interesting discussion about controversial topics. Teachers must be aware of students' opinion and act as a guide in the discussion. It would be helpful if p ...
A simple lesson plan for a speaking lesson based on the Ban Bossy campaign, which is about empowering young girls to hone their leadership skills. Videos can be found on YouTube at http://www.yout ...
This handout is a fact file on the topic of Ireland. It provides the teacher as well as the students with basic information on Ireland such as Great Famine. Moreover, it explains certain terminolo ...
This was an activity I did based on a video (the link is at the top) in order to introduce the theme "Global issues". It's a vocabulary activity which can be easily adapted. It can also be used wi ...
This is a worksheet that I used as an introduction for a project on Northern Ireland in which the final task was to present a Mural (context, description, interpretation) at an art exhibit for the ...
John F. Kennedy was born in May, 1917. He was the 35th President of the United States. This English handout is a reading comprehension about John F. Kennedy. Students read the text and then answer ...
George Washington was born in February, 1732. He became the first president of the United States in 1789. This English handout is a reading comprehension about George Washington. Students read the ...
This lesson plan and worksheets aim to encourage students to practice their speaking skills, giving their opinion on certain statements the teacher will read out loud about politics using specific ...
This worksheet will be helpful if you want to teach your students speak real every-day English and use active vocabulary at a high level. Unlike traditional vocabulary sections, that provide only ...
Fill the blanks activity followed by some civilisation questions. I added an interesting analysis of the song found on the Internet to be used as a helper to deal with US civilisation themes : Vi ...
This is a quizz about what the students know about South Africa and Apartheid. Before doing this test, we studied the history of South Africa, the Apartheid system and Nelson Mandela's biography. ...
This worksheet can be used with upper intermediate to advanced English learners. It will help them get ready to talk about this controversial topic. It will allow students to give thei ...
This is designed to be a speaking activity for upper - intermediate students. It has a frame work so that the teacher can intervien when necessary but allows students to openly express opinions. ...
This is a worksheet about the U.S. Elections 2012. I have used these exercises for improving reading skills, increasing vocabulary range and to widen knowledge about English speaking countries (th ...
In this activity, students watch and listen to Obama's victory speech in the 2012 election. In the first phase, while listening to Obama's speech, they have to complete the transcript with the mis ...
Students can read part of President Obama's acceptance speech and practice new vocabulary, synonyms, and figures of speech. Discussion questions are included for partners or small groups to pract ...
This is a complete 6-page document to understand the electoral system in the USA. There is no proper activity, this is just important information about how it works. It is illustrated by some phot ...
This is a very simple, unattractive .ppt. I use this as a way to get students to talk. So far they seem to like it. (Chinese 18-22y.o) Each slide has a topic/situation to talk about. I make the st ...
This worksheet aims at helping our pupils understand the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday " by the Irish group U2 . It's a pleasant way to make them feel concerned with the ' troubles" in Northern Irela ...
Activity: Whose flag is this? Show Ss different countries flags and ask ‘Where are they from?’ Alternatively show them using a ppt. Ask Ss ‘What is this country famous for?’
This is a short documentary about an American man, called Richard Lee, who runs coffee shop that is a marijuana dispensary. The video also shows Oaksterdam University, where students train for th ...
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