Here you can find worksheets that talk about music. There are many different aspects to this topic so you will see a lot of variety on the worksheets available in this section. Some worksheets talk about musical instruments, musicians, and the music industry while others focus more on lyrics. Take a look at some of the 122 worksheets in this section to find one that fits your class. This music worksheet is a very creative way to get your students to practice using the present continuous. Due to the fact that the songs are a little older, your students might have to do some research to find the answers or you could use the worksheet as a model for your own that includes more recent titles. There are other worksheets to choose from if your students are working on something else and you are welcome to post your own worksheets too!
Almost everyone enjoys listening to music so whether you decide to use songs in your lesson for a listening activity or introduce vocabulary related to musical instruments, your students will certainly be interested in this topic. Listening activities that use songs, while fun, are often very challenging for students because the speed is usually much faster than the one you use when speaking in class. Keep this in mind when making your song selections. The type of music you discuss in class will vary depending on your students. In Japan, for example, talking about J-pop artists and songs would be perfect for your high school students but not such a good fit for your older adult students. Try adding variety to your lessons but talking about music.
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Activities for advanced learners related to a song dealing with the money topic. This worksheet includes a gap-filling activity, a matching one, a multiple-choice exercise and finally some discuss ...
A lesson on acceptance (it goes with my Lady Gaga song sheet). The students will participate in a discussion on achieving inner peace and at the end there is a video which I made using Lady Gaga's ...
This is an easy and colourful matching activity for elementary students on musical instruments. The task is very simple: students are asked to match the words with the pictures. Black and white v ...
An MTV Cribs episode where Teen stars Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, Lil Mama and Mark Indelicato take you through their Los Angeles and New York apartments. This worksheet includes listening comprehension ...
A very interesting article dealing with the astounding connections between mind and music. How does music have anything to do with empowering our learning and vitality skills? I would recommend fo ...
With this worksheet our students might have an idea about how many people like different kinds of music or sport. Also they will practise some reading comprehension about sport, finally they have ...
Students can learn about different kinds of musical instruments, can work in pairs miming playing a musical instrument, asking each other using present simple. they will need to look at the chart ...
This worksheet explores topics such us youth, music and urban tribes. It contains lots of excercises to work with young students. In the first part, students will explore different music styles a ...
This is a text about Joshua Bell, a famous violine player playing incognito at a subway station in Washington DC. The text is for upper intermediate to advanced students. It is a good exercise for ...
Vocabulary of the song by Eminem and Rihanna " I love the way you lie" List of words used in this word search: HURT, BURN, INSANE, BREATHE, STRENGTH, STEEL-KNIFE, LIE, FUSSY, SCRATCH, BLINDED, DR ...
An elementary word search on musical instruments. This is consolidation exercise which follows up on the previous introduction to musical instruments worksheet. List of words used in this word s ...
Short Justin Bieber's biography with several comprehension questions + interview questions and answers for matching. After this activity do listening using his "Baby" song worksheet (w ...
You can use this worksheet as a final lesson to the topic 'The World of Art'.
The aims of the lesson: 1. to practice speaking skills; 2. to revise vocabulary; 3. to inculcate love for music. Pupi ...
With this worksheed students are going to be able to describe and distinguish not only new vocabulary but also some kinds of musical genres. this can be used after explain some about the eight mu ...
Well, it's nice to have this website as a resource for our English classes. My worksheet is about "can" to describe abilities. First, it contains some musical intruments so that students can speak ...
Nice song to practice past tense and feelings adjectives.
In the worksheet: Questions: After watching the video, you have to answer the following questions: - How many stories are there ...