Acceptance, Inner Peace and Lady Gaga

Acceptance, Inner Peace and Lady Gaga

rated by 15 teachers
Acceptance, Inner Peace and Lady Gaga
A lesson on acceptance (it goes with my Lady Gaga song sheet). The students will participate in a discussion on achieving inner peace and at the end there is a video which I made using Lady Gaga's song Born This Way (my students are freaked out about the way Lady Gaga looks in her videos, so I made a video using pictures to go along with the lyrics... I hope it works). The first part, the students will look at pictures and decide if they can accept themselves with the different qualities (having one arm, being homosexual, have acne, etc). At the end I ask them how many times they said they could accept themselves and then I explain to them that when they answer most of the time "yes" they are ready to achieve inner peace. You can discuss everyone of the qualities and explain to them these are things you CANNOT change. They will then see before and afters of people who couldn't accept the way they look. The students will need to talk about their best qualities and things they want to change about themselves (do better at school, learn English, learn Spanish, be less impatient, lose weight, etc).