Here you can find worksheets that talk about music. There are many different aspects to this topic so you will see a lot of variety on the worksheets available in this section. Some worksheets talk about musical instruments, musicians, and the music industry while others focus more on lyrics. Take a look at some of the 122 worksheets in this section to find one that fits your class. This music worksheet is a very creative way to get your students to practice using the present continuous. Due to the fact that the songs are a little older, your students might have to do some research to find the answers or you could use the worksheet as a model for your own that includes more recent titles. There are other worksheets to choose from if your students are working on something else and you are welcome to post your own worksheets too!
Almost everyone enjoys listening to music so whether you decide to use songs in your lesson for a listening activity or introduce vocabulary related to musical instruments, your students will certainly be interested in this topic. Listening activities that use songs, while fun, are often very challenging for students because the speed is usually much faster than the one you use when speaking in class. Keep this in mind when making your song selections. The type of music you discuss in class will vary depending on your students. In Japan, for example, talking about J-pop artists and songs would be perfect for your high school students but not such a good fit for your older adult students. Try adding variety to your lessons but talking about music.
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This will allow intermediate to advanced students to write about their favorite instrument. Completion time - 5 days or 1 school week. Please show youtube videos of instruments. I perso ...
This is a very simple gap fill for the song Common People by Pulp, I used it to introduce a lesson on Britpop and found that the song produced some good new vocabulary and an enjoyable listening t ...
This task involves students watching a short BBC documentary and answering some true or false questions. My students loved this task as they enjoy learning about British culture and watching inter ...
I quickly put this together after hearing the sad news about Prince. The materials include an obituary from Rolling Stone (it is quite long but can easily be shortened depending on your students), ...
The PPT contains some pictures with idioms related to music (found on the Internet), examples of their usage (found in different online dictionaries) and one exercise (filling the gaps activity) ...
Many of my students heard about David Bowie, but didn't know a lot about his work and his importance for the British music culture. So I started with the video ( Australian accent), then the arti ...
Listening activity using a TedEd video about music and rhythm. The multiple choice questions were copied from the website of TedEd, but a list of vocabulary and some discussion topics were added. ...
The worksheet contains 3 exercises developing listening skills. Watch the video Top 10 Iconic Instrumental Film Scores on YouTube and have your students do the tasks. 1. Matching exercise. 2. ...
This is a worksheet to teach some vocabulary to pre-schoolers and especially a way of making it easy for them to learn the lyrics of this popular song. It features the lyrics written in fun large ...
This worksheet is about the song "All you need is love" by The Beatles. It is a presentation with images and a link to the original video on YouTube. It tells you information about a program being ...
This power-point presentation is appropriate for showing and introducing musical instruments such as: guitar, violin, trumpet, drum, piano, flute, daf, accordion, etc to our students. It can be su ...
Reading Comprehension - Rihanna. Question Types included: Short questions for facts, long questions for the main idea, multiple choice questions, true, false , not given, referencing, su ...
A PPT to check students' knowlwedge about music in general. It's a multiple choice questionnaire which can be used prior to or after a lesson on music. It can be done in pairs, with stud ...
Frank Sinatra is one of the most popular American singers. Several generations were raised on his music and his incredible voice. If you want to understand American culture and American natio ...
I wanted to do something original for my students to help explain Christmas traditions in Ireland and the UK and also to get them talking. So I prepared my own Xmas presentation. Feel free to add ...
From time to time I like my students to have a direct contact with real English, and they work with videos from real tv programs where they can find communication barriers such as applauses, peopl ...
Vocabulary worksheet I created for my students, who use "Matura choices" textbook for Polish learners. The vocabulary is from chapter 11, entitled "Inspiration", contains words connected with cult ...
Use this activity to review or introduce present continuous to your students. The worksheet is divided into 3 exercises. Each exercise will work for a different area of knowledge. E.g. In ex ...
In my school the New Mosaic book is used. The first unit deals with Entertainment. This is a short quiz that has a matching (English-English), a gap filling and a free writing part to it. The voca ...
Mr Bean Capers is a video worksheet about uising the expression can or can't to talk about abilities. It is suitable for elementary students and specially for kids. The video is very ea ...
I'm sharing an activity for students to practice the use of gerunds and infinitives through songs. Students are supposed to choose the correct verb alternative (gerund or infinitive) and then list ...
A quick matching activity for intermediate/upper intermediate students of all ages. Can be followed by a writing activity where students are required to use one or more of the idioms (correctly) i ...
This song pair activity focuses on ability to hear particular words in a song. It doesn´t matter what song you use. It is easily adaptable. However, the level of English of your students sho ...
This presentation introduces the Baroque Period in the arts, focussing specifically on the music of the era. It was originally used for my students studying Music within the bilingual progra ...
This presentation introduces to the general context of the Classical period in the arts, focussing specifically on the music of the era. It was originally used for my students studying Music withi ...
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