Dictionaries are important in ESL classrooms and whether your students have electronic or paper ones, they should have some practice using them in class. In this section there are 106 possible worksheets to choose from that will help you encourage your students to use the resources they have available. This dictionary worksheet asks students to provide words to match definitions but you can also flip this around and ask students to look up the definitions of words to get them better acquainted with their dictionaries. The worksheet is meant for intermediate and advanced students and contains good notes about each activity so that you can easily conduct them in class. For activities suitable for lower level learners, simply browse this section.
Dictionaries may not be the most exciting tool students use in school but they are definitely a valuable one to have and something that will help students throughout their English language studies. A resource such as this is only as good as its user so it is important to help students learn to use their dictionaries effectively. Activities like those found in this section can really help you find creative ways to get students to use their dictionaries in class.
Create awesome-looking custom word searches in seconds!
Make A Word Scramble:
Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class!
Make A Double Puzzle:
Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun!
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This worksheet was created to practise the new vocabulary from the text 'The Adventures of Perseus'. The students have to fill in the blanks in the text with the provided words. The full text 'The ...
This worksheet is devoted to the topic of Winter. It helps to practise the vocabulary (everything that is connected with winter activities). It includes reading, spelling and speaking. Grammar is ...
This is a wonderful song that takes love, caring and hope into account. The activity is based on pronunciation and use of English. It can be used to practice diphthongs and features of connected s ...
I've made this worksheet for introducing some new words (outdoor and indoor activities) to my beginner Ss and practice Present Simple using like/dislike while interviewing each other. They ask que ...
Work in groups of eight to ten. Choose one of the students as your “caller.” Caller: Explain the rules. Ask the questions from the worksheet one at a time. Give students time to answer ...
The following is a list of words which are alike and are often confused. The definitions are simple and not comprehensive. The list is designed in a table format and can be printed to be used as ...
This ws is to get your students into describing sounds. I often teach adults who get stucked in a conversation because they simply don't know how to describe them. This sheet might help them a lit ...
Personal core values match. Nice activity where Ss have to match the personality core values with their definitions. The words include courtesy, loyalty, love, compassion, faith, integrity, respec ...