635 FREE Animals Worksheets

FREE Animals Worksheets

Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.

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Polar Regions

Polar Regions

This power-point presentation is prepared for teaching and reviewing about Polar regions: iceberg, arctic fox, puffin, polar bear, etc.. It also contains some questions to ask. It's appropria ...
2 Views 6,964 Elem
Tropical Rain Forests

Tropical Rain Forests

This power-point presentation is prepared for teaching and reviewing about tropical rain forests : bamboo, canoe, parrot, toucan, etc.. It also contains some questions to ask. It's appropriat ...
5 Views 8,030 Elem
African Plains

African Plains

This power-point presentation is prepared for teaching and reviewing African plains such as: buffalo, water hole, acacia tree, lion, etc.. It also contains some questions to ask. It's appropr ...
5 Views 6,898 Elem
Animals Color

Animals Color

• » Animals
This document will help kids. They can learn the animals and color them.  It's an interactive way to teach farm and domestic animals to children. 
4 Views 32,416 Beg
Can or Can't

Can or Can't

•, Animals
This is a worksheet for practicing and reviewing can and can't. It contains gap-filling and question activities. It is designed for elementary levels. Hope it helps!
12 Views 30,513 Elem
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Safari Park

Safari Park

BusyTeacher Contributor
• » Animals
This presentattion will be helpful to russian-speaking students while studying the topic animals. It contains English words, transcription and russian equivalents of animals' names. There are also ...
2 Views 4,271 Elem
Movie Worksheet: The Pet Penguin (Used To)

Movie Worksheet: The Pet Penguin (Used To)

Larysa Honcharuk
A fun worksheet to help learners understand the structure Used to+Infinitive. The worksheet is based on the video about the penguin who lives in rather unusual conditions. It contains listening p ...
5 Views 17,843 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: Everything at Once (Animals)

Song Worksheet: Everything at Once (Animals)

BusyTeacher Contributor
It's a ppt with Lenka's song "Everything at once". There is the original video and the audio of the song. There are pictures of the animals listed in the song and also a video with animated pict ...
2 Views 16,876 BegElem
Fun on the Farm

Fun on the Farm

• » Animals
A worksheet designed to introduce and practice vocabulary about  farm animals. Learners are asked basic questions about animals, asked to complete a matching exercise, a word jumble exercise ...
4 Views 12,164 ElemPre-Int
Reading Comprehension - Hibernation

Reading Comprehension - Hibernation

Having strong reading comprehension skills will also help in other subjects. This reading comprehension includes a passage with some interesting facts about hibernation. Students read the text and ...
14 Views 21,402 Elem
Water Animals Word Scramble

Water Animals Word Scramble

BusyTeacher Contributor
This is a word scramble to review sea animal names. Animal names are basic common sea animals that have already been introduced to the class. In my class the animals were introduced with picture ...
4 Views 12,172 Elem
Comprehension - My Hat Is Full of Rabbits

Comprehension - My Hat Is Full of Rabbits

This is a funny magic poem that was created for primary/elementary students. Students are asked to read the poem and underline the correct spelling of the words in brackets. There are also questio ...
13 Views 39,657 Elem
Word Unscramble - Dinosaurs

Word Unscramble - Dinosaurs

•, Animals
This resource can be used when teaching kids about dinosaurs! Students are asked to unscramble the letters and write the words correctly on the lines. There are fifteen words to unscramble from ex ...
4 Views 15,055 Elem
Poetry - My Sheep Is Being Sheepish

Poetry - My Sheep Is Being Sheepish

This is a funny wordplay poem that was created for primary/elementary school students. They are asked to read through the poem and then answer the accompanying questions. There are seven questions ...
6 Views 17,844 Elem
Movie Worksheet: Tell Me the Story of Pothound

Movie Worksheet: Tell Me the Story of Pothound

Suzanne Bhagan
"Pothound" is a great, short film by Trinidadian filmmaker, Christopher Guinness. You can watch it here: https://vimeo.com/32823310. I used this worksheet with intermediate ESL students in a Japan ...
1 Views 10,757 Int
Game: Wonderful Wild Animals

Game: Wonderful Wild Animals

This is a game based on the story book Wonderful Wild Animals. Cut the cards and write numbers 1-14 on the other side of each card. Place the cards on the board and divide your students into two t ...
8 Views 15,446 Elem
Wonderful Wild Animals, Dolphin Readers, Level 3

Wonderful Wild Animals, Dolphin Readers, Level 3

I've designed this PowerPoint for the story book Wonderful Wild Animals. It includes some information about different animals including crocodiles, bats, polar bears, porcupines, etc. Hope it ...
9 Views 12,364 ElemPre-Int
Animals Puzzle Search

Animals Puzzle Search

Maca Rodríguez
• » Animals
It's a word document with a word puzzle search about animals, it's really easy to do. 
7 Views 9,646 BegElem
Animal Professionals - Jobs

Animal Professionals - Jobs

This is a cut-out activity, where students can have fun coloring and joining the animal parts in order to create animal professionals. There are three professions: chef, fire fighter, police offic ...
3 Views 10,418 Beg
Lion and Zebra

Lion and Zebra

This is a craft worksheet for preschool and kindergarden. It aims at teaching two animals belonging to the wilderness. In this craft you can either color the lion's mane and the zebra's stripes or ...
5 Views 9,253 Beg
Animal Scrabble

Animal Scrabble

Rania Foka
• » Animals
This worksheet aims at young learners who have learnt the animals and need some kind of revision. It will facilitate them to practice both their spelling of the particular animals and how they are ...
5 Views 10,330 Beg
Opposites, Colours, Animals, Feelings

Opposites, Colours, Animals, Feelings

This is a PP presentation for revising opposites, colours, animals, feelings and family relationships at a very elementary level. I made it as a revision before young learners' first test but you ...
6 Views 28,750 Elem
Game -Orientation Session

Game -Orientation Session

This is a game that I've designed for my elementary level/ orientation session. It includes different questions that students are supposed to know.  It includes different items, like animals, ...
14 Views 15,533 Elem
Game- Backpack 3

Game- Backpack 3

This is game for reviewing different subjects including daily routines, animals, jobs, and five senses. It is designed for elementary level. Write numbers 1-20 on the other side of each card. Pin ...
7 Views 12,384 Elem
Movie Worksheet: George of the Jungle. Part 2

Movie Worksheet: George of the Jungle. Part 2

Here you will find exercises for part 2 of the film "George of the Jungle". The exercises are for before and after watching. Some can be set as homework. Most of them should be done in class. Stud ...
3 Views 9,383 Pre-IntIntAdv

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