Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.
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This is a ppt about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is an interactive story which allows the teacher to teach animals, food, counting. I have also used this when teaching the life cycle of animals ...
This is a PPT that has circulated around the expats in China teaching Primary EFL. It is constantly moving and holds children's attention. Learn the timings and this can last well into 2 lessons. ...
This is a webquest I made last year while preparing for a trip to Jersey and a visit to the Durell zoo. All the links are to the Durell zoo website. I used it after I had studied animals with 6th ...
It's a matching exercice. Match the picture of the animal with its name. You can use this to introduce the vocabulary. Pretty basic stuff. Toad, snail, cheetah, dolphin, ostrich, scorpion, mouse, ...
Tell students to use different colours to complete this activity. They have to join the names of the animals with their pictures. As an introduction to this activity the teacher can read the words ...
This worksheet can be used after or while watching the video of Disney Nature about Chimpanzees. This worksheet is designed specially for beginners and will help them with their listening and com ...
This worksheet is very interesting and easy reading for students. The lexical units and grammar are known for them. Tasks are also very important for every day conversation and using for speaking ...
Here's an enjoyable cut and paste activity for revising animals related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to complete the words with the missing vowels, cut and paste them under ...
This is a pair work matching game dealing with animals related vocabulary. There are 30 picture cards and 30 word cards; the aim of the game is to match the words and pictures. The instructions a ...
This powerpoint presentation is about animals. It can be used for article in book Project 2, Tom Hutchinson, p. 28. It practises using present continuous tense, there is/ there are, vocabulary abo ...
You can use ZOO animals flashcards to learn beginners new vocabulary. You can play "What is missing" or ask questions like: What is it? What colour is a zebra? Where is a zebra? You can play chara ...
Slovak ppt about fairy tale about Chicken Licken and her friends. It can be used for practicising must. It includes crossword, wordsearch and talking about pictures. There are animated pictures. I ...
These flashcards are very useful for childen because children can see and tell the animal's name. You can print them twice and use them in a memory game. This activity is easy to understand, and ...
This is a helpful visual aid for teaching animal classes. This aid is good for very young leaners as a prompt or a poster, since it shows general classification. It contains the pictures of animal ...
Reading comprehension activity, with different exercises, true/false, questions, drawing, etc. It can be used with children at elementary or intermediate levels. It is a good way to review verb te ...
A simple worksheet about the topic: Environment - endangered species and Fauna. It's a simple text for intermediate students that can be used either as a test or as motivation to start the unit on ...
You can use these animmal flashcards to decorate your classroom or your children's room. It can be used for many class activities as well. This is the second set. There are 3 more sets. These fl ...
You can use these animal flashcards to decorate your classroom or your children's room. It can be used for many class activities as well. This just the first set. There are 3 more sets. These fl ...
Over a hundred printable Taboo Game cards with template for beginner and intermediate students. The objective of the game is for a player to have his/her partner(s) guess the word on his/her card ...
This is an easy wordsearch puzzle for revising farm animals related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to find the words in the puzzle and match them with the pictures. The answer ...
This is a True or False activity about Kung Fu Panda 2. This activity can be done after students had watched the movie.There are twenty statements about the characters and the movie's story. The ...
The activity is intended to be used at the stage of practice, that is after students have been introduced to the names of some of the most well-known African animals. The teacher asks students to ...
A short reading, and some activities to practice present simple. Also, a good way to introduce jobs, and review names of farm animals. It can be used as an introduction of different jobs, and also ...
A really simple fact sheet template for snakes. This one is for the world's most deadly snake - the Fierce Snake - but you can change the heading and picture for other snakes. The students must r ...
Here's a pretty simple worksheet for teaching or revising wild animals related vocabulary. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to find the words given in the puzzle and then match t ...
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