Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.
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This short reading comprehension is for early readers. It includes some interesting facts about meerkats. Find out where Molly the meerkat lives and what she likes to eat. This is a fun way for ki ...
This worksheet was originally used as part of an enrichment activity to supplement a unit on animals in the New Parade 2 (elementary school) ESL textbook. At this stage, the students had already a ...
This is a fun worksheet to work with kids. The drawings are taken from an Argentine Sunday magazine that offers games for children, so when it's possible, and I can adapt it, I translate the games ...
The title of this worksheet is 'Animals and their young'. There are ten animals in each list. Students are asked to draw a line to match the mother and her baby e.g. cat - kitten, dog - puppy etc. ...
Animals can be put into different groups: mammal, reptile, fish, bird, insect. This worksheet focuses on animal groups. Students are asked to look at the animals and then write them under the corr ...
The title of this worksheet is 'Life cycle of a butterfly'. The life cycle of a butterfly is made up of four parts - egg, larva, pupa and adult. Students are asked to read the comprehension and an ...
I did this simple game for my kinder students, they enjoyed it a lot! You need a dice and some flashcards or pre-thought questions depending on the topic chosen. I took flashcards and just asked t ...
I use these cards for children, it works well with Old Mcdonald. Practice the animals and sounds, and then do a matching or memory game then sing the song. Please feel free to adapt, add to, or ch ...
Flashcards of the most widespread similes that will help your students master as…as… pattern. They might be used for various purposes from vocabulary presentation up to its recycling ...
A simple matching activity for ss to match the animals with their home. The animals involved in this activity are bear, ant, horse, spider, rabbit, bee, goat and hen. Another activity is filling t ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a penguin called Pepin. He is a type of bird but he cannot fly. He has black and white feathers and waddles when he walks. This is a great way for young ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a polar bear called Poldo. He is the biggest of all bears. He lives in an icy cold place called the Arctic. This is a great way for young children to lea ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a grasshopper called George. George has six legs and five eyes. He doesn't have ears or a nose. This is a great way for young children to learn about gra ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a tiger called Tigra. Tigra is the biggest cat in the world. She lives in a forest and likes to climb trees. She eats a lot of meat and has sharp teeth. ...
This simple reading comprehension is about an otter called Oscar. Oscar likes to swim in the river. His thick fur keeps him warm in the cold water. This is a great way for young children to learn ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a hedgehog called Henry. Henry has sharp spines all over his back. During the winter he hibernates. This means that he curls up into a ball and goes to s ...
This simple reading comprehension is about a monkey called Marcus. Find out where Marcus lives, what he likes to eat and what he likes to do. This is a great way for young children to learn about ...
Whales have been swimming in the oceans for millions of years. They are large, gentle mammals. Whales are warm-blooded and have no fur. This reading comprehension includes some interesting facts a ...
This is a worksheet for beginners. You show them or make them listen the song "Five little monkeys", which you can easily find on Youtube. The aim of this worksheet is to have students pract ...
This reading comprehension includes interesting facts about forest wildlife. How do trees in a forest help the animals that live there? What does nocturnal mean? Students read the article and answ ...
This reading comprehension includes interesting facts about seashore wildlife. How do plants help some of the seashore creatures? Why are crabs called the seashore's 'cleaners'? Students read the ...
The title of this worksheet is 'Chipmunk snack'. Students look at the picture and think of an interesting, creative story to go with it. Students write their story on the lines provided and can th ...
Eleven large pet flash cards that coordinate with "Pet Survey" and "Matching pets to their names". Also includes one composite sheet for students to study. Animals include dog, sheep, mouse, duck ...
This activity can be used in coordination with the worksheet "Matching pets to their names". Print out the survey cards and cut in half (for a total of 11 different cards). Each student is given ...
A simple matching worksheet where students match the picture of a pet to its name. Students match the words fish, dog, sheep, duck, mouse, rabbit, bird, cat, fish, chicken, turtle and snake to co ...
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