408 FREE Mingling Activities and Find Someone Who
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FREE Mingling Activities


Mingling Activities – Ready, Set, Go!

Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teacher’s 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.

Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.

Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.

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  • Complete Beginner (42)
  • Elementary (204)
  • Pre-Intermediate (241)
  • Intermediate (206)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (136)
  • Exam Level (50)
  • Suitable for All Levels (26)
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7 Great Go To Activities for Conversation Class: Poster

7 Great Go To Activities for Conversation Class: Poster

Introducing '7 Great Go To Activities for Conversation Class' - our next reference poster with 7 fresh and creative conversation class ideas. Click the image below to view the full-size poster [HI ...
16 Views 96,910 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Talk for a Minute

Talk for a Minute

•, Mingling Activities
This ppt is a good game for your students to practice speaking for one minute on one of the topics that they are going to choose by luck, it is appropriate for a conversation class ( beginner- int ...
332 Views 734,485 ElemPre-IntInt
Find Someone Who (Simple Present)

Find Someone Who (Simple Present)

I use 'Find Someone Who (Simple Present)' as a warm up or as an activity following a lesson on SIMPLE PRESENT with adult learners. The reason I specify 'adult learners' is that the questions mostl ...
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Find Someone Who (TO BE)

Find Someone Who (TO BE)

•, , Mingling Activities
I use 'Find Someone Who' as a warm up or as an activity following a lesson on verb 'to be' with adult learners. The reason I specify 'adult learners' is that the questions relate to adult situatio ...
9 Views 33,285 ElemPre-IntInt
Presentation Practice [How to Prepare a Presentation]

Presentation Practice [How to Prepare a Presentation]

• » Mingling Activities
This lesson gives step-by-step instructions to help students prepare a presentation. It includes topic discussion questions, important phrases for presentations, an example script, and brainstormi ...
9 Views 15,924 Pre-IntIntAdv
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Video Worksheet: Small Businesses in Crisis

Video Worksheet: Small Businesses in Crisis

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Discuss, Chat or Talk About...

Discuss, Chat or Talk About... "Help"

•, Mingling Activities
Here is another of my themed conversation worksheets. This worksheet covers the topic of help. Personally, I love using this kind of sheet to stimulate conversation. I hope you find it useful, and ...
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Easy Hint for Better Speaking

Easy Hint for Better Speaking

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TV Debate

TV Debate

•, , , Mingling Activities
This worksheet can form the basis of a TV debate. It asks students basic questions about their TV habits and the possible advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. After students have written a ...
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How Often Do You... ?

How Often Do You... ?

•, , Mingling Activities
This is a speaking activity where students will practice the adverbs of frequency, specially always, usually, sometimes, never, once, twice… Students will work in pairs and they will ask qu ...
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Classroom Language

Classroom Language

•, Mingling Activities,
This classroom language activity can be used in many ways, the easieast as a matching exercise once the sentences have been presented and practised in the classroom. It can also be used as a memo ...
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Bingo on Faity Tales Titles

Bingo on Faity Tales Titles

•, Mingling Activities
This is a Bingo activity based on Fairy Tales Titles. It is played like a normal bingo game. Teacher chooses her own criteria. I discussed with the children about different fairy tales and th ...
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Guess The Title Of The Fairy Tale/Tales With The Clues Given

Guess The Title Of The Fairy Tale/Tales With The Clues Given

•, Mingling Activities
This activity is related to Fairy Tales. The teacher reads out the clues in any order of her/his choice. The children have to tell the name/names of the story(ies). The children form two groups A ...
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Discuss, Chat or Talk About...

Discuss, Chat or Talk About... "Happiness"

•, Mingling Activities
Here is another of my themed conversation sheets. This worksheet covers the topic of "Happiness". If you like this worksheet and find it useful then please take a look a look at my other worksheet ...
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Discuss, Chat or Talk About...

Discuss, Chat or Talk About... "Growing Up"

•, Mingling Activities
Here is another of my themed conversation worksheets. As the title says this sheet focuses on your formative years and how they went. If you like this worksheet please take a look at my others. I' ...
24 Views 16,722 ElemPre-IntInt
Discuss, Chat or Talk about...

Discuss, Chat or Talk about... "Family"

This is another of my discussion worksheets that I use with my adult students. They pretty much all have the same format. Each worksheet has 18 discussion/conversation questions that revolve aroun ...
32 Views 25,456 ElemPre-IntInt
Discuss, Chat or Talk about...

Discuss, Chat or Talk about... "Feelings and Emotions"

A conversation style worksheet that revolves around the topics of feelings and emotions. Generally speaking I use these worksheets with large classes, but they work just as well with small groups. ...
34 Views 100,482 Pre-IntIntAdv
Discuss, Chat or Talk about...

Discuss, Chat or Talk about... "Dating"

•, , Mingling Activities
Here is another of my conversation sheets. I hope you find it useful. I work at a university in South Korea and for me this kind of sheet works well. Korean students often have an imbalance in the ...
19 Views 17,072 Pre-IntIntAdv
Discuss, Chat or Talk about...

Discuss, Chat or Talk about... "Can You"

This is another of my conversation style worksheets. Obviously this one focuses on ability. My students usually work in pairs or small groups with this kind of worksheet. I have big classes, so on ...
21 Views 34,628 ElemPre-Int
Discuss, Chat or Talk About...

Discuss, Chat or Talk About... "Phones"

•, , , Mingling Activities
This a conversation style worksheet that should get your students talking about the subject of mobile phones. There are eighteen conversation questions on the sheet that revolve around the topic o ...
30 Views 29,615 ElemPre-IntInt
Family Members Mingle

Family Members Mingle

Hi It can help the students to practice question making. After the cards are spread, the students are supposed to mingle and ask each other questions to find their family members. Questions regar ...
21 Views 13,102 Elem
Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

•, Mingling Activities
It is a mingling activity for Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate level learners. Probably useful to get to know each others. Although best suitable to be used in the beginning of the course to getto ...
10 Views 14,413 ElemPre-IntInt
Speaking: Your New You

Speaking: Your New You

• » Mingling Activities
Invent a new name, lifestyle, job, etc. Don't let your students look at other worksheet, each one must be confidential! Advice them to write in Capital Letters (so students can't recognize th ...
11 Views 10,846 ElemPre-Int
Plan a Party - Guessing Game

Plan a Party - Guessing Game

• » Mingling Activities
Warm up speaking activity perfect for the beginning of the lesson. Students are given a card with specific celebration name. Then they describe how they would plan a party for it without saying wh ...
11 Views 18,947 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Who Are You? Fake Identity Card Activity

Who Are You? Fake Identity Card Activity

For adult, complete beginner students - When using your own personal information becomes too boring (and too easy), use this activity to change things up. Each student receives a card with their ' ...
26 Views 61,323 Beg

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