Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If you’d like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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Diagnistic written test - this test is a way to see what the students remember after summer holidays. It starts with a text with a true/ false exercise and some questions about it. Other contents: ...
This writing worksheet asks students to present the given information using the appropriate tenses. It can be adjusted to include targeted vocabulary and expressions. "You are applying for a ...
This exercise asks the students to describe several pictures using present continuous. You can add specific requirements for the task, e.g using targeted vocabulary or conjunctions such as 'while' ...
This worksheet can help your students understand better the verbs which can be used in gerund forms and which cannot. It can be especially useful for intermediate and upper-intermediate students w ...
It's about present continuous. It's a song, by the band The Wanted. It's good for the students to practice the ING form and the listening. It's a very easy song to learn, I suggest that you read t ...
It´s a power point presentation with the structure of future simple and be+going to, (afirmative, negative, questions), it also explains when you have to use them and provide some exam ...
I use this song with high school levels as it has good social lyrics to generate discussions around inequality and problems with current day US. The lyrics can be used to generate present continuo ...
A worksheet for practising using present continuous to talk about things that are happening now. It will help younger learners to familiarize themselves with the usage of the tense and to practise ...
The following worksheet contains activities to help students practice three main tenses, simple present, simple past and present continuous. Students will identify different verbs and complete act ...
Unscramble sentences one: twenty sentences to practice the use of present continuous in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. At the beginning there are easier sentences that become ...
This is an activity for elementary/basic students based on the 1995 song "One of us" by Jean Osborne. They should choose one of the options in parenthesis. The teacher may repeat the song, make th ...
Cut out the layout and tape the sides together to make a 3DTense Cube. Students can practise the most common tenses by rolling the cube and saying a sentence with the given time expression. You ca ...
You may use this game as a warm up to practice questions and short answers in the present continuous tense. You will stick four cardboards with a question mark and the silhouettes of a man, ...
This worksheet is for beginners and also for other level as a review. There are some sentences and they have to fill them out with the correct form of the verb using the present continuous tense. ...
What are you doing these days? What are you doing this week? What are you doing this month?This is another use of present continuous when we ask about something happening generally these ...
First page of the worksheet: pupils have only to fill in the right version of the present progressive tense (all verbs should be known). Second page: pupils fill in the proper version and ask the ...
This is a worksheet I use to practice verbs in present continuous. Students have to write what the mice are doing. Then they have an enjoyable who is who activity to do, and finally they are asked ...
This worksheet has different tasks. The first one is an activity on spotting the difference and writing sentences in present continuous. Then, there is a task to complete questions. Thirdly, ...
This set of activities is very simple and they are intended to revise personal questions, past simple as well as present continuous. There is a task to work with Cinderella's story. You can start ...
This is the grammar's test created for my 5th class pupils in order to consolidate the knowledge of present continuous tense. 3 tasks are given in it: 1. to unscramble the sentences; 2. to choose ...
This worksheet contains 30 "fill-in gap" sentences to help students practice using different verb tenses. With this worksheet, students will be able to revise the affirmative, negative and interro ...
These are 54 miming cards to print out. Students will draw a card, act it out and the rest of the class has to guess what they are doing. They need to use present progressive to get it right. To h ...
Grammar tenses, as any other type of information, can be learned a lot more easily when the information has already been processed by someone else. I'm using this template to help my less successf ...
This worksheet is about distinguishing present simple, present continuous, simple past, and going to. It provides students with examples to analyse and to complete with the correct form of the ver ...
This worksheet shows the basic form of present continuous in the affirmative, negative and question form. Students describe a picture of a park scene using present continuous. Later they pra ...
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Present Continuous?
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