The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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The worksheets consists of two parts: 1) general discussion questions, like "Do you think time travel is possible?" etc; 2) pictures to use for developing ideas about future inventions and advert ...
The lyrics of a song by the Beatles. Listen and enjoy. Helps students to understand how to use WILL for promises. After listening match the words with their meanings: 1. make somebody love someb ...
This a worksheet for teaching the future forms: will, going to, present continuous and present simple. Suitable for intermediate students who are asked to go through the pairs of sentences in the ...
I made this at 2010, but I changed the year to 2012. You can use this to teach Future Simple as well as personality adjectives. You can also practice reading techniques. In the end your students ...
Work with your student how to predict the future. The Teacher must pretend to be Ma'am Wiseone. He or she will give hypothetical answers as the students ask the questions. That becomes fun, when t ...
A legendary song by The Queen, which was requested by my students - proves to be still interesting to the teenagers. presented as a gap filling exercise. Abundant in adjectives, Future Simple form ...
It is a worsheet of 4 exercises about the future time. In the first exercise, students have to fill in the gaps with the Future Simple; in the second, they have to fill in the gaps with the Presen ...
It's a worksheet that I prepared for my A1 level preparatory school students. I used it during my revision week before the final exam. There are mixed verb tense and target vocabulary exercises in ...
I prepared this sheet for my students in order to practise the difference between will-going to. there may be some spelling mistakes, sorry about this.I have used this before a general exam. They ...
This is a PPT document on future tenses (simple future, be going to, future continuous, future perfect simple and future perfect continuous). It includes functions and example sentences in order t ...
Three future forms and first conditional - all in one song. Let your students fill in the gaps with the appropriate future form as they listen to the song. Or you can ask them to predict the futur ...
This worksheet is useful as an introduction to the future tense with "will". Use it with the following song by The Zutons. Have the children listen to the song first, and ask them if they can gue ...
There is a worksheet which consists of 3 exercises:
Transform the sentences from Present Simple into Future Simple;
Make general questions in Future Simple;
Put the verbs in brackets into corr ...
16 fill in the blank sentences using before/after dependant phrases. Simple Future practice (will+verb). Hand out to students and have them complete the sentences. Go around the classroom and h ...
This is a beautiful song by the great singer-songwiter Tracy Chapman. It´s a love song. It can be used to practise first conditional sentences, especially when they are used to make promises.
This is a powerpoint presentation created by one of my students. It contains exercises and uses of future tense. It also contains the future simple, future continuous, and the future perfect. At t ...
This is a worksheet designed to help elementary or pre-intermediate students to get more comfortable with the usage of shall, will and going to. Students are asked to complete 20 different senten ...
This is an excellent way to review will, going to and present continuous to express future time. There are two activities, with audio, in which students are asked choose which tenses or verb form ...
With this board game students will practice the most common tenses while playing! They are asked to make affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences with the correct form of the verb (presen ...
Worksheet to practise the most common tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future, present perfect and past perfect. There are 24 different sentences in whic ...
Some exercises to practise the future simple in which students complete the predictions for the future, complete the sentences with the suitable tense and form and use the words to write questio ...
A worksheet to make clear the difference between Future Simple and be going to for future actions. There are several exercises in which students look at the pictures and make predictions about wh ...
A worksheet on the future tense that covers 25 questions. Students are asked to use the correct form of the future tense (to be verb + going to, or will-future), as well as the verb given in the b ...
Some exercises to practice Future Simple, these exercises help you to learn this tense. They can be used by teachers as well as pupils. The exercises are not difficult, you can use them at the En ...
I've prepared this worksheet from the song "island in the Sun". It's quite simple and suits elementary or pre-intermediate levels. It should be done quite rapidly because the missing phrases do no ...
17 14,860ElemPre-Int
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Future Simple?
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