195 FREE Reported Speech Worksheets
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FREE Reported Speech Worksheets

BusyTeacher.org says, “We’ve got 195 reported speech worksheets just for you!” And once you’ve tried some of them in your classroom, we’re sure you’ll agree with thousands of other teachers all over the world, who’ve said, “BusyTeacher.org is a great site for ESL resources!”

All cheesiness aside, reported speech can be a little confusing for some ESL students, but it’s simple to teach if you have the right tools. Just about every language involves some form of reported speech - so once your students get the general idea, they should be off and running with any activities you give them. The question is, how can you make sure you give them a solid foundation in English reported speech?

By starting with BusyTeacher.org worksheets, of course! When you use some of these 195 worksheets along with the more rigorous exercises in your textbook, your students will quickly gain experience in all the ways English can be used to report speech. Then it’s time to turn them loose on some of the fun activities and games you’ll find on this page, so they can start using reported speech in sentences and descriptions.

It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching basic reported speech to ESL level-one beginners, or practicing advanced reported speech with your level-five students - you’ll find worksheets here that are perfectly adapted for your students’ skill and experience. And whether you want to quiz them with some fill-in-the-blank or multiple-choice worksheets, help them analyze reported speech in English-language movies and TV shows, or get them up and active with some reported speech games, BusyTeacher.org has got the right worksheets for you.

Working through a special themed unit? We love that! We’ve got worksheets based on work and school vocabulary, animals, cartoon characters, emotions, movies, and much more. BusyTeacher.org even has worksheets that target specific aspects of reported speech, like direct speech, reporting verbs, and impersonal report structures. We’ve got a reported speech worksheet for everybody, from ESL beginners to advanced students; from classes full of kids to business English seminars.

Not sure where to start with our 195 reported speech worksheets? Try looking through the top ten most popular ones, or searching using the bar at the top of the page. Or if you’d prefer to just browse, all our worksheets are easy to preview as thumbnail images, or with our handy “Quick View” feature, which lets you get a one-click preview of each worksheet before you download it.

And just so you know, every worksheet you’ll find here is totally free to download, share, and duplicate. That’s thanks to our international community of ESL teachers, who’ve created each of these worksheets themselves, and tested them in their own classrooms. Want to say thanks? Why not share a worksheet of your own? Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page to get started.

BusyTeacher.org’s 195 reported speech worksheets await - so start scrolling! We’re sure your students will love the worksheets you find.

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Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Practice

Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Practice

» Reported Speech
This is a worksheet for practising reported statements, commands and requests. It accompanies my ppt and could be used after presentation. It also contains sentences taken from "The Little Prince" ...
20 Views 25,214 Pre-IntInt
Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Presentation

Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Presentation

» Reported Speech
This is a presentation on reported statements, commands and requests. It includes necessary explanations and a lot of examples. All used examples in direct speech have been taken from the book &ld ...
12 Views 20,646 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech Presentation Worksheet

Reported Speech Presentation Worksheet

» Reported Speech
A detailed lesson about reported speech, how tenses and modals change from dirrect to indirect speech. It can be used by both teachers and learners. However, it doesn't contain any exercises ...
8 Views 10,608 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech Song Worksheet: Who Says by Selena Gomez

Reported Speech Song Worksheet: Who Says by Selena Gomez

Reported Speech,
This worksheet focuses on the use of reported speech/direct speech. Students will practice speaking through some discussion about the lyric theme; they will have the opportunity to practice gramma ...
14 Views 35,609 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech: Statements, Questions and Commands Worksheet

Reported Speech: Statements, Questions and Commands Worksheet

» Reported Speech
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching reported speech. There´s a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by 4 activities in which students are asked to put statements, questions ...
9 Views 30,600 ElemPre-Int
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Final Test

Final Test

, , Reported Speech
The worksheet is better used as final test after discussing grammar topics such as conditionals, reported speech and passive voice. The level is intermediate but, depending on your students' level ...
20 Views 14,192 Int
Reported Speech Activity

Reported Speech Activity

Reported Speech, ,
Two worksheets for practising transforming sentences from direct into reported speech and vice versa. Distribute worksheet A to one half of the class (they should report the dialogue in their note ...
21 Views 19,050 Int
Reported Speech Intermediate Worksheet

Reported Speech Intermediate Worksheet

» Reported Speech
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising reported speech. There are two actives in which students are asked to put the sentences into reported speech replacing the verb said by a suitable re ...
34 Views 62,619 Pre-IntInt


Reported Speech,
I use this game fairly often, students like it, even adults. You can practise any grammar structure with it, this one is for reported/embedded questions. They call out coordinates by making correc ...
14 Views 15,052 BegElemPre-IntIntAdv
Reported Questions: Flashcards

Reported Questions: Flashcards

Reported Speech, , ,
Here is another set of 24 flashcards, this time for practising reported questions. There are 12 cards containing yes/no questions and 12 containing wh-questions. They can be used after the student ...
40 Views 30,719 Pre-IntInt
Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Flashcards

Reported Statements, Commands and Requests: Flashcards

Reported Speech, , ,
Here is a set of 24 flashcards for practising reported statements, commands and requests. Cut them and laminate them. You can use them any way you want. I usually put my students into groups of si ...
59 Views 54,698 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech: Rules and Exercises

Reported Speech: Rules and Exercises

» Reported Speech
Gives an accurate overview about general rules + demonstrative examples (without questions and orders) + some tricky exercises including a key. Recommended for ESL learners aged around 13 to 14 y ...
12 Views 11,344 Pre-IntIntAdv
Reported Speech Theory Explanation+Practice Worksheet

Reported Speech Theory Explanation+Practice Worksheet

» Reported Speech
With these grammar pages you can have a deep revision on reported speech. The first two pages provide some explanation and the rest provide the practice. The one who finishes these pages can certa ...
12 Views 11,032 IntAdv
Reported Speech Worksheet III

Reported Speech Worksheet III

» Reported Speech
Worksheet with essential information about Reported/Indirect Speech included in the topic "Leisure time". Besides the table with main changes, the worksheet includes exercises. Directed to pre-int ...
7 Views 6,836 Pre-Int
Reporting Verbs Worksheet

Reporting Verbs Worksheet

» Reported Speech
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising reported speech. Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to complete the sentences with one of the reporting verbs given in the correct f ...
25 Views 50,355 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech Worksheet II

Reported Speech Worksheet II

» Reported Speech
This is a 3-page worksheet for teaching reported speech. The first page is basically just a grammar with detailed explanations and example tenses followed by 2 different activities in which stude ...
10 Views 18,874 Pre-IntInt
Write What Kate Said... (Reported Speech Worksheet)

Write What Kate Said... (Reported Speech Worksheet)

» Reported Speech
There is a number of sentences in direct speech (Kate tells about herself, about her life, her likes etc. Your class should transfer these sentences from direct speech into reported speech. Kate ...
11 Views 38,529 Pre-IntInt
Impersonal Report Structures

Impersonal Report Structures

, Reported Speech
The worksheet explains some of the most common impersonal report structures, how and in what registers they are used. It also contains 20 sentences for paraphrasing for exercise. Some sentences ca ...
21 Views 55,881 AdvExam
Direct Questions, Present Simple & Present Cont. Tense

Direct Questions, Present Simple & Present Cont. Tense

, Reported Speech
THis worksheet provides a revison for direct questions and indirect questions and a revision for The Simple Present and Present Cont. Tense.Suitable for intermediate level.It can be used a ...
12 Views 22,555 Int
Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Worksheet

» Reported Speech
This is a worksheet suitable for elementary students, for revising reported speech. There 4 different activities in which students are asked to put statements, questions and commands into reporte ...
14 Views 14,600 ElemPre-Int
Reported Speech Presentation

Reported Speech Presentation

» Reported Speech
It is a brief presentation with all the possible uses of reported speech, statements, commands, requests and so on.It will help students of intermediate level to summarize the theory given in book ...
19 Views 9,607 Pre-IntInt
Reported To Direct Speech: Transformation Worksheet

Reported To Direct Speech: Transformation Worksheet

» Reported Speech
In this ws the students have to change reported statements, questions and special uses into direct speech and correct some sentences if necessary. A good follow-up activity to my the direct to rep ...
23 Views 37,617 Pre-IntIntAdv
Direct To Reported Speech: Transformation Worksheet

Direct To Reported Speech: Transformation Worksheet

» Reported Speech
4 different exercise to practise reported speech. The students have to 1) rewrite direct statements; 2) if & wh-questions; 3) special forms (orders, invitations, requests...) into reported ...
36 Views 67,464 Pre-IntIntAdv
Reported Speech: PowerPoint Presentation II

Reported Speech: PowerPoint Presentation II

» Reported Speech
A fully animated PowerPoint presentation, with audio, for teaching or revising the reported speech. Students are asked to choose the most suitable option to complete each sentence. Recommended fo ...
45 Views 61,201 Pre-IntInt
Reported Speech: Mixed Forms

Reported Speech: Mixed Forms

» Reported Speech
The last of the series of worksheet about reported speech to provide students with practice about reported structures. After having done the 3 previous, independent ws, it's time to summarize and ...
12 Views 11,792 Pre-IntInt

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