Welcome to the section on countable and uncountable nouns. While native speakers have no trouble using countable and uncountable nouns correctly, second language learners may struggle to remember which nouns are which. Choose one of the 229 worksheets in this section to give your students some extra practice. This worksheet is popular with busy teachers and gives students more practice using many, much, few, and little. It includes some excellent explanations of the material and many practice activities. Some notes are not written in English but you can easily edit those parts to be in your students native language. If you do not want to use the entire worksheet, just choose the sections that will be most useful to your students and make a worksheet of your own. This worksheet might not be the best fit for your students so look at the other worksheets on this page to find the one that is. Remember that all the worksheets are free so choose as many as you want.
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A great way to start working on a task-based project: the final task is to create and record a radio programme. It includes ingredients, cooking instructions and a conversation between a host and ...
This worksheet uses words from Madonna's "Love Profusion" so students are able to practice countable and uncountable nouns.
I'd reccommend first having the students fill out the chart, ...
This worksheet examines the student to know his ability to differentiate between many, much, some and any. It has many levels from the very easy level to the difficult one. So, you will be happy w ...
A team game whereby students listen to a riddle, and they have to guess what it is. Maximum points are awarded for giving the correct answer at a first attempt, and lesser points are awarded there ...
This worksheet illustrates the differences between countable and uncountable forms within sentences. The sentences are illustrated in a table using pictures where necessary. No exercises are inclu ...
This worksheet is based on some countable and uncountable food. Firstly, students try to identify foods we can or can't count by writing them down in the correct chart. Secondly, teacher explains ...
This is a 2-page activity. On the first page, there's a grammar focus on the main difference between how much and how many together with questions to complete the gaps using them. Teacher might wa ...
This worksheet helps pre-/intermediate students to get familiar with the use of the quantifiers some/any. Information given: when to use (negative, positive statements, questions, offers, exceptio ...
This is a worksheet for revising quantifiers. Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to complete the sentences with much, many, a few, plenty of, some, any, none, no or a little of. ...
The worksheet presents the song What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong. The students have to put 10 nouns from the song into the plural form and then listen to the song and fill in the blanks t ...
Study to write down in a correct spelling about things around the house. First tell the students about the things, then ask them to complete the blanks, or you can also point at a picture randomly ...
Explain what is 'countable and uncountable nouns', by giving some easy examples. 2 short exercises is given to provide a clearer concept 1. cow and cows 2. rainbow and favourite colors 3. distin ...
This is a fun way for SS to practice the present simple with how much / how many, some / any and a /an. You can use it as a war-up or as a follow-up/review activity. Alternatively, assign the exer ...
This is a worksheet for elementary students on countable and uncountable nouns. There is a grammar guide with clear explanations and example sentences followed by different activities to go with ...
This is a multiple choice activity for teaching or revising the quantifiers some, any and no. Students are asked to fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correct quantifier. The worksheet is a ...
Use this worksheet to teach countable and uncountable nouns as follows: 1.Use the images to teach vocabulary: There are some flowers in the vase. After you are done with this, make them ask each o ...
This is a worksheet for teaching containers and quantities. It has a picture dictionary which can also be used as a study sheet followed by a matching activity . The worksheet is recommended for ...
A worksheet for teaching some, any, much, many and food related vocabulary. Students are asked to match the pictures with the words in box and then classify the words, write sentences with a (n), ...
There are 4 exercises to practise there is/ are & use some, any, how much and how many. In exercise 1, the students have to fill in the gaps with the correct verb form & some or any accord ...
Collective Nouns Worksheet This activity can be given out to students after having completed some practice in Collective Nouns. The illustrations will help the students identify with ease the mis ...
This is a 2-page worksheet on quantifiers: too, too much, too many and enough, for elementary students. The first page is basically just a grammar guide with simple explanations and examples tens ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for teaching quantifiers: (a) little and (a) few. There are simple and clear explanations followed by 2 different activities in which students are asked to answer the ...
This worksheet is very useful for beginners and elementary who missed some lessons on blends reading. After the flashcards you will find the exercises that help to remember and practice them. Try ...
Students will find some food vocabulary in a puzzle. The vocabulary contains both countable and non-countable nouns.There is also a reading comprehension activity that consists of reading two text ...
A 2-page worksheet on countable and uncountable nouns. There are 4 exercises in which students are asked to look at the picture and complete the chart, choose the most suitable word to complete e ...
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Countable/Uncountable Nouns?
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