658 FREE Conditionals Worksheets
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FREE Conditionals Worksheets

In this section you can find activities for all four conditionals. With 658 current worksheets, there are a lot to choose from but you can select the specific conditional you are teaching to see worksheets relating only to that conditional. This will make your search a bit easier. For a study guide and quiz on the four conditionals use this worksheet. It was created with intermediate students in mind but could be used in any class on conditionals. It includes not only a clear explanation of each conditional but also some practice activities and an answer key. This is perfect for your review lesson! If you want to focus on just one conditional at a time, which is recommended when introducing the material, choose another one of our available worksheets.
Conditionals are often problematical for students because the sentence structures can be difficult to form and the meanings challenging to comprehend. Practicing one structure at a time is important if your students are going to master them. Be sure they are confident producing their own unique sentences prior to moving on with another conditional or other course material. This is a topic usually reserved for intermediate and advanced courses and students in middle school or above. Success with this topic at with other levels and age groups may be limited so take this into consideration when planning your curriculum.

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Poem Activity: If by Rudyard Kipling

Poem Activity: If by Rudyard Kipling

Anastasia Melnikova
This is a poem worksheet with very interesting tasks for your students. The worksheet includes an original poem, the explanations of how to create a lesson and a short passage explaining the histo ...
20 Views 48,832 IntAdvExam
Second Conditional Board Game Activity

Second Conditional Board Game Activity

Have your learners sit in groups of three or four. The discussion activity begins with one person finding the question by rolling the dice twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the left. ...
17 Views 76,197 IntAdv
Conditional Sentences Step 2

Conditional Sentences Step 2

Zorka Radonjić
This worksheet follows the ppt on conditional sentences. The same images have been used in order to help my students recollect the conditionals and rules. It's always a good idea for students to p ...
4 Views 18,507 Pre-IntInt
Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences

Zorka Radonjić
This ppt can be very useful for your students. It explains the rules for making conditional sentences (zero, first and second). It includes images and explanations. I usually ask my students what ...
9 Views 19,667 Pre-IntInt
Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

Mariela Busleimán
This is an exam designed for pre-intermediate students. They are expected to use related vocab, plus some grammar notions like pressent perfect, future forms, zero/first/second conditionals, compa ...
6 Views 35,016 Pre-Int
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Song Worksheet: You Get Me by Seal and Biuka

Song Worksheet: You Get Me by Seal and Biuka

This is a beautiful song, performed by Seal and Buika. The language used is very poetic but it is easy to understand. It contains examples of first type conditional and time clauses, as well as so ...
6 Views 14,510 Pre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: The Great Gatsby. Trailer Activity. Sentences with I Wish

Movie Worksheet: The Great Gatsby. Trailer Activity. Sentences with I Wish

Larysa Honcharuk
This is the worksheet based on The Great Gatsby trailer. The grammar focuses on the sentences with I wish/if only. It also contains listening practice with fill in the gaps activity and synonym m ...
7 Views 24,371 IntAdv


Anastasiya Tishchenko
The worksheet practises different types of conditionals. It isn't a multiple choice test, so students will have to transform the whole sentences to complete the task. The test consists of 3 activi ...
7 Views 25,532 Pre-Int
Conditional Sentences Advanced Worksheet

Conditional Sentences Advanced Worksheet

It's been too long since I last uploaded something. Well, this time I bring you a worksheet about conditional sentences. The three different conditionals are explained and there are exercises for ...
25 Views 38,345 AdvExam


Roberta Rohen
In this PowerPoint presentation students learn or, depending on the level, revise the rules of zero, first, second and third conditional sentences. They also understand when to use each conditiona ...
17 Views 40,067 All
Movie Worksheet: Friends (Second Conditional Integrated Skills)

Movie Worksheet: Friends (Second Conditional Integrated Skills)

An integrated skills worksheet using a video from TV show "Friends". It includes before-while-after listening exercises. I hope it works. You can use for pre/intermediate classes or revise it. Enj ...
13 Views 51,802 Pre-IntIntAdv


This is a PowerPoint presentation, where all types of  conditionals are described in details and with illustrations. Rules, structures and examples of usage are provided. Good luck!
13 Views 19,272 All
Song Worksheet: White Flag by Dido - Relationships

Song Worksheet: White Flag by Dido - Relationships

Thia worksheet will allow students to start a debate about painful relationships and broken hearts. First, they have to spot the extra word in some verses and then guess the meaning of some idioms ...
1 Views 16,764 Int
Song Worksheet: Tears in Heaven (Review of 2nd Conditional and Verb Forms)

Song Worksheet: Tears in Heaven (Review of 2nd Conditional and Verb Forms)

It's good for a quick review of 2nd conditionals and verb tenses. The students get to correct the mistakes in the first part of the worksheet before they listen to the song. I suggest they first w ...
8 Views 20,394 ElemPre-Int
Wishes and Regrets

Wishes and Regrets

I created this presentation to practice speaking with my adult students. It covers such sentence constructions as I wish I would, I wish I were, I wish I had gone, I hope, It's time and I should h ...
14 Views 43,369 Adv
I Wish, If Only Practice (Hobbit Movie Theme)

I Wish, If Only Practice (Hobbit Movie Theme)

I got inspired by the book of J R Tolkien "The Hobbit", where the main character is constantly regretting his decision to join the adventure, and created this worksheet. This ppt provides some pra ...
15 Views 16,051 IntAdvExam
Movie Worksheet: Beauty and the Beast (Third Conditional)

Movie Worksheet: Beauty and the Beast (Third Conditional)

An introduction to the third conditional by watching a short scene from the film Beauty and the Beast. Students watch when Belle washes the Beast wounds after he has saved her life, and they start ...
9 Views 23,896 Pre-IntInt
Let's Talk about the Impossible (Second Conditional)

Let's Talk about the Impossible (Second Conditional)

This power-point presentation provides explanations and examples of second conditional. Also it has a 'musical' warm-up that shows this grammar point. Moreover, it has plenty of exercises (matchin ...
18 Views 35,023 Pre-IntInt
Song Worksheet: If You Were a Sailboat by Katie Melua- 2nd Conditional

Song Worksheet: If You Were a Sailboat by Katie Melua- 2nd Conditional

'If you were a sailboat' by Katie Melua is a perfect song to practise 2nd conditional. Print out the worksheet and fold it along the lines, so that your students can focus only on the first part o ...
7 Views 19,902 Pre-IntIntAdv
Rephrasing Worksheet

Rephrasing Worksheet

This is a pretty simple worksheet for teaching or revising rephrasing at pre-intermediate or intermediate level. There is a simple activity in which students are asked to rephrase the sentenc ...
9 Views 31,229 Pre-IntInt
First Conditional Worksheet

First Conditional Worksheet

This is a worksheet for teaching or revising conditionals. Recommended for pre-intermediate students who are asked to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, fill in ...
24 Views 86,160 Pre-Int
If- Clauses Worksheet

If- Clauses Worksheet

This is a worksheet for teaching or revising if- clauses at pre-intermediate level. There's a simple activity in which students are asked to complete the sentences with the correct form of th ...
14 Views 55,287 Pre-IntInt
Translation for Polish Speakers - Conditionals (2)

Translation for Polish Speakers - Conditionals (2)

Once again, another batch of sentences in Polish to translate into English using the correct conditional (the first conditional, the second conditional or the third conditional). This time there i ...
3 Views 10,808 IntAdv
Conditionals - Translations for Polish Speakers

Conditionals - Translations for Polish Speakers

Translation exercise for Polish speakers. Students are supposed to translate sentences from Polish into English using the proper conditional. This includes all three: the first conditional, the se ...
3 Views 10,568 Pre-IntInt


Galya Sukasheva
This is a PowerPoint for revising conditional sentences at elementary level. It contains different activities. First, students are asked to make sentences using the word phrases . Then, they are ...
9 Views 10,907 Elem

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