For practice activities and lesson ideas on indefinite articles, look no further. Here at Busy Teacher, there are a variety of worksheets available that cover this topic; most of these are designed for beginner classes because this is usually covered early on in ESL courses. There are currently 105 indefinite article worksheets available in this section. You can use them as practice exercises for your students or as inspiration for your own worksheets. All worksheets are free and easy to download. This is a simple fill-in-the-blank practice activity for complete beginners. You can choose whether to use the black and white or color version. For another example look at this page which has a great activity for older students. Students listen to a song by Lily Allen and complete the worksheet. Honestly students will probably have to rely more on their understanding of articles than on their listening skills because the song is very fast paced. If there is time, you could even show students the related video. These two worksheets might not be your cup of tea but there are even more options that you might want to consider.
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An Enlish test for elementary students. Topics in the test: classroom vocabulary, using the definitive and indefinitive article, changing singular nouns into plural. Basic English with possibility ...
This is a very simple worksheet for revising quantifiers at elementary level. There are 3 different activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences with some or any, fill in ...
This is an Avril Lavigne song to practice the use of some, any and no. It can be used to practice this grammar with listening exercises. The student should fill the gaps with the appropriate word ...
Write a or an: a worksheet to consolidate the use of a and an with some images which will help students to complete the lines below the pictures and useful vocabulary: airplane, cup, backpack, pen ...
This worksheet was created to assess students at a beginner's level. I have used it with my elementary level students, mainly adults, as well as with 6th and 7th graders. It covers topics like cou ...
This presentation was used to help my Korean students understand when to use definite and indefinite articles. I enumerated 4 rules that hopefully clear this issue up. This presentation discusses ...
It's a worksheet to work with beginners. There are things like, a/an, and how to introduce yourself. I used it with my students before the test and it worked very well. They were having some diffi ...
This PowerPoint shows how to describe people and their jobs. The grammar focuses on present simple and indefinite articles a and an. It is appropriate for elementary language learners, specially a ...
This worksheet is devoted to the use of articles in the famous song by the Beatles. It's got only one task that is inserting the articles where necessary. The worksheet will work especially good w ...
This worksheet is mostly devoted to working with articles and word order on the basis of the song. It contains several tasks and wolud be a good warm up as well as a good material to analyze the u ...
This worksheet is devoted to articles and can be used as a warm up or as a test for your students. It includes several common proverbs which many students were taught in their childhood, though I' ...
This is a worksheet for teaching or revising the indefinite article. Recommended for pre-intermediate students who are asked to fill in the gaps with 'a' or 'an' and read the sentences, decide wh ...
This is a worksheet for revising articles at pre-intermediate level. There are 2 different exercises in which students are asked to fill in the blank spaces with the correct article and choos ...
I created this worksheet after my students had read about the rescue of the 33 miners in Chile. The articles have been removed and the spaces need to be filled with indefinite, definite or no arti ...
A table summarizing the most characteristic uses and features of articles in English. Its size (just one page) allows students to compare and contrast the three English articles (definite, indefin ...
This 100-a-or-an-question worksheet will provide an ample exercise for elementary students who need an article drill to make sure they understand the concept of using a or an. This exercise also i ...
This is an articles gapfill on the lyrics of Disney Channel's Jessie Theme Song. For students aged 8 to 12 aproximately. Play the video of the theme: Hey Jessie! And make the pupils listen an ...
It is a set of 3 exercises to practise the definte and indefinite articles. Students are expected to fill in the blanks in the text with a, an, the where it is necessary. This worksheet is good fo ...
A very simple worksheet to practice the articles a or an. Students are given words to match with a few pictures and then should use along the articles a or an. I created this worksheet for beginne ...
It is a worksheet with the set of exercises ready to use for elementary students. It includes numbers, colours, articles and the use of "can". It is a perfect idea for a revision lesson or a warm ...
In this worksheet, ss learn the names of classroom items. They have to listen and repeat the words. They can colour the items. The worksheet also presents the zero and indefinite articles. Ss have ...
The lyrics of this song are filled up with mistakes on purpose. Students have to figure out inappropriate articles, both definite and indefinite. The original lyrics are also included. You might ...
Articles is one of the most complicated lessons I have done so far. Hope this ppt would help other bilingual teachers.This power point is very simple to use as I have added pictures and sent ...
This is meant to be for the 1st graders.It is about twelve Animals. The main idea of the worksheet is to recognize the animals, match the pictures with the corresponding words and after that the s ...
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Indefinite Article?
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