76 FREE Emergency Worksheets

FREE Emergency Worksheets

This section is for worksheets about emergencies such as earthquakes, fires, and tsunamis. There are currently 76 worksheets posted on this page. You can use the subsections to help you narrow your search further or remain in this main section to see everything that is offered. There are stories, coloring pages, and classroom posters related to emergencies that you can use in your ESL classes. Many of the worksheets, such as this one, come from the National Weather Service. This worksheet is about thunderstorms. The thirteen page document is a story that includes some thunderstorm vocabulary and safety guidelines. It would be most appropriate for pre-intermediate to intermediate students. If your students are younger, you can have them color the pages of the story to make a nice book while for older students, you might want to have students form groups and give presentations about different topics related to the story. If this worksheet is not what you were looking for, continue browsing through this section to discover more great worksheets.

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Earthquake Safety Activities That May Save Lives

Earthquake Safety Activities That May Save Lives

This 74-page book is a 'must have' for every educator - it contains ready-to-use activities explaining what to do and where to go in case there is an earthquake in your area. You'll also learn (an ...
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