2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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FREE ESL Essentials

ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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ESL Teachers Ask: What Works Best with Online Skype Lessons?

ESL Teachers Ask: What Works Best with Online Skype Lessons?

ESL Essentials
“One of my private students has moved abroad but wants to continue taking classes via Skype. I’ve never given online Skype lessons before. What tips/advice can you offer?” * Abo ...
Views 38,879 All
OMG, They Remember Nothing! Poor Retention And 4 Great Activities You Need To Fight Back

OMG, They Remember Nothing! Poor Retention And 4 Great Activities You Need To Fight Back

ESL Essentials
There are some situations that are way too common in the ESL classroom, and I'm quite sure that this one in particular will ring a bell. Imagine this situation: you spend more than enough time on ...
Views 8,327 All
FCE for Schools: 6 Top Tips to Help Students Pass Writing

FCE for Schools: 6 Top Tips to Help Students Pass Writing

ESL Essentials
When it comes to writing, the FCE for schools is more age appropriate just like all other sections of the exam and focuses more on writing topics that younger learners are familiar with (i.e. writ ...
Views 25,174 All
What Can I Even Do with That? Great Uses for Smartboard

What Can I Even Do with That? Great Uses for Smartboard

ESL Essentials
Many teachers older than 30--and even some younger--have trouble with using “new” technology. This is in part because, electronic revolution or no, our classrooms don’t look muc ...
Views 25,301 All
6 Fantastic Ways to Use Sticky Notes in Reading Class

6 Fantastic Ways to Use Sticky Notes in Reading Class

ESL Essentials
Whether your students are reading texts designed for ESL classes or are tackling full length novels, you might find that sticky notes are a great asset to them as they read. With a little directi ...
Views 59,894 All
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Falling Asleep Over Student Essays? Shhh - We Won't Tell Anyone!: But Here's How Their Essays Can Come To Life Through Details

Falling Asleep Over Student Essays? Shhh - We Won't Tell Anyone!: But Here's How Their Essays Can Come To Life Through Details

ESL Essentials
I’ve been known to fall asleep over student essays for an hour. At first I thought it was simply fatigue. It is tiring and requires reading hundreds of papers to teach several composition c ...
Views 10,646 All
ESL Teachers Ask: What Is the Best Way to Deal with Students’ Parents?

ESL Teachers Ask: What Is the Best Way to Deal with Students’ Parents?

ESL Essentials
“I’ve been an ESL teacher for several years, but this year, I will be teaching children for the first time. I feel confident in my ability to teach young learners, but I have zero expe ...
Views 19,625 All
Let's Face It: Some Kids Just Don’t Like To Read: 10 Simple Ways To Foster A Love For Reading In Your Young ESL Students

Let's Face It: Some Kids Just Don’t Like To Read: 10 Simple Ways To Foster A Love For Reading In Your Young ESL Students

ESL Essentials
Some students just aren’t born readers. It doesn’t matter what their native language is for kids who just don’t like to read. But just because someone isn’t born a reader ...
Views 14,491 All
10 Simple Word Games You Can Play with a Magnetic Alphabet

10 Simple Word Games You Can Play with a Magnetic Alphabet

ESL Essentials
Dollar stores are great resources for teachers. You can find all sorts of materials there that make your classroom more interesting and effective. One such material is a magnetic alphabet. For ju ...
Views 61,165 All
5 Ideas to Help Students Master FCE for Schools Speaking

5 Ideas to Help Students Master FCE for Schools Speaking

ESL Essentials
Speaking is a core component of the FCE for schools exam and many a teacher (especially those more inexperienced ones) will dismiss practicing speaking if they believe that they have strong speake ...
Views 14,730 All
Give It a Year: 7 Strategies for Teaching about the Calendar

Give It a Year: 7 Strategies for Teaching about the Calendar

ESL Essentials
The topic of calendars is a very important one for ESL students. Everyone needs to be able to discuss the date or the year, no matter what their age. An added challenge for some is that they may ...
Views 34,353 All
Turn Your Next Guided Reader Into A Super-Engaging Reading Adventure For Students: 8 Simple Things You Can Do

Turn Your Next Guided Reader Into A Super-Engaging Reading Adventure For Students: 8 Simple Things You Can Do

ESL Essentials
Getting students to read can be difficult enough but getting them to read books in English can be a real challenge. Many students may not read much in their own language and the thought of readin ...
Views 9,291 All
What Do I Even Do with This? Great Uses for Your Class Online Learning Management System

What Do I Even Do with This? Great Uses for Your Class Online Learning Management System

ESL Essentials
Many classes, even those that are traditional “on site” classes and are not online, now have an online “learning management system” course website (sometimes called the &ld ...
Views 8,096 All
Monster University, The Curious Alien: And 3 Other Brilliant Communicative Activities Your Students Will Love

Monster University, The Curious Alien: And 3 Other Brilliant Communicative Activities Your Students Will Love

ESL Essentials
Have you ever experienced the frustration of not being able to make your students speak English in class? Have you ever had to waste valuable time on telling them not to use their L1, or speak in ...
Views 18,506 All
You Can Do It: Words of Encouragement for ESL Teachers And 5 Important Things I Have Learned Through Experience

You Can Do It: Words of Encouragement for ESL Teachers And 5 Important Things I Have Learned Through Experience

ESL Essentials
Are you new to teaching ESL? Are you starting out in your first classroom or a new school? Are you worried that you aren’t giving your students everything they need in the way of language in ...
Views 19,485 All
Now Your Beginners Can Have Fun, Too: 5 Simple Reading Games For Beginning ESL Students

Now Your Beginners Can Have Fun, Too: 5 Simple Reading Games For Beginning ESL Students

ESL Essentials
Beginning students often get the short end of the stick when it comes to fun classroom reading activities. They’re not ready to read a book. Even short stories are too complex. Forget about ...
Views 42,525 All
'DDD Your Language' And 3 Other Little Habits You Need To Have: To Make A Big Difference In Your Students’ Vocabularies

'DDD Your Language' And 3 Other Little Habits You Need To Have: To Make A Big Difference In Your Students’ Vocabularies

ESL Essentials
How complex are your students’ vocabularies? Are your habits increasing their lexicons or limiting them? Do you know just how much influence you have on how much your students learn? If you ...
Views 12,670 All
10 Educational Online Tools For Teachers

10 Educational Online Tools For Teachers

ESL Essentials
Digital revolution is changing rapidly and becoming popular to all ages. Not only youngsters are now only immersed in technology but lots of educators as well. Many educators nowadays are widely ...
Views 39,567 All
We’re A Bazillion Dollars In Debt - I Read It On The Internet: Teaching Students To Support Claims

We’re A Bazillion Dollars In Debt - I Read It On The Internet: Teaching Students To Support Claims

ESL Essentials
Did you know that President Obama was once a gang member and even served time in prison before rising to the presidency? That vegetarianism kills? That more people die by violence from knives tha ...
Views 7,220 All
Where Do I Start With PBL? 5 Steps To Building Killer Projects

Where Do I Start With PBL? 5 Steps To Building Killer Projects

ESL Essentials
Projects are awesome! I mean they can be a lot of work, but they are a great time for the kids and usually result in some laughs, or at least warm and fuzzy feelings, for the teachers. Of course ...
Views 18,046 All
Teacher, I Need to Talk to You Now: Acclimating the Very Novice Student to Classroom Manners

Teacher, I Need to Talk to You Now: Acclimating the Very Novice Student to Classroom Manners

ESL Essentials
It was only a couple of days into the semester of my community college freshman English class that I began to notice something a little off. On the face it, it was a typical community college cla ...
Views 8,696 All
10 Learning Centers Perfect for Listening and Speaking Class

10 Learning Centers Perfect for Listening and Speaking Class

ESL Essentials
Are you looking for a way to incorporate listening and speaking learning centers into your ESL classroom? Try one of the following with your class and give students some ownership in their own la ...
Views 22,563 All
It’s Not Them, It’s You: Why Students Don't Pay Attention And How To Keep Dead Time Out Of Your Classroom

It’s Not Them, It’s You: Why Students Don't Pay Attention And How To Keep Dead Time Out Of Your Classroom

ESL Essentials
I hate those classes where all I can see is the top of my students’ heads because they’re all looking down at the cellphones in their lap. Why don’t students pay attention? Is i ...
Views 67,255 All
And Speaking of the Use of Cell Phones, Eleanor Roosevelt Said…: Teaching Students Appropriate Uses of Quoting and Paraphrasing

And Speaking of the Use of Cell Phones, Eleanor Roosevelt Said…: Teaching Students Appropriate Uses of Quoting and Paraphrasing

ESL Essentials
Some interesting things happen when students are asked to use quotations, paraphrases, or source material in their work. Papers start off with “To be or not to be, that is the question&hell ...
Views 11,596 All
What Do You Mean You Don’t Have Deodorant?: 7 Things To Bring With You When Moving To Korea

What Do You Mean You Don’t Have Deodorant?: 7 Things To Bring With You When Moving To Korea

ESL Essentials
Moving to a new country can be both intimidating and exciting. One of the trickiest parts is trying to decide what to drag half-way around the world and what you can just buy when you arrive. Of ...
Views 9,134 All

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