2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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4.7 out of 5, rated by 26 teachers

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It’s Not A Secret Code: The Simple System That Can Help Your Students Achieve Perfect Pronunciation

It’s Not A Secret Code: The Simple System That Can Help Your Students Achieve Perfect Pronunciation

•ESL Essentials
If you had a trick you could use in class that wasn’t complicated, was free, and didn’t violate any moral or educational codes and would be a huge help to your ESL students, would you ...
Views 27,735 All
Parent Teacher Conference: Don't Get Worried, Get Ready (6-Step Checklist)

Parent Teacher Conference: Don't Get Worried, Get Ready (6-Step Checklist)

•ESL Essentials
When working with kids we all know that holding meetings or conferences with parents is inevitable. The reason for this is, meetings are simply necessary. They are the key to dealing with a varie ...
Views 15,708 All
7 Ways To Use Social Media in the ESL Classroom

7 Ways To Use Social Media in the ESL Classroom

•ESL Essentials
“Social media is a big part of my students’ lives. They’re always checking Facebook updates or Tweeting to each other inside and outside the classroom. So the big question is: sh ...
Views 87,085 All
7 Turn-taking Strategies That Will Boost Student Speaking Time

7 Turn-taking Strategies That Will Boost Student Speaking Time

•ESL Essentials
“Although most of my students have no trouble answering or even asking questions, I find they struggle with the ability to carry a simple conversation. What are some turn-taking strategies I ...
Views 181,510 All
Cut It, Grow It, Build It, Roll It: 4 Fantastic Hands On Activities For Teaching Prefixes And Suffixes

Cut It, Grow It, Build It, Roll It: 4 Fantastic Hands On Activities For Teaching Prefixes And Suffixes

•ESL Essentials
I love teaching affixes to my ESL students. Doing so not only increases their vocabulary, it gives them tools to understand words they have never encountered before. These activities are designed ...
Views 109,710 All
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Clothes Pins For Grammar? Organization? Spelling?: Yes, Yes, Yes, And More! 10 Ways To Use Clothespins In The ESL Classroom

Clothes Pins For Grammar? Organization? Spelling?: Yes, Yes, Yes, And More! 10 Ways To Use Clothespins In The ESL Classroom

•ESL Essentials
What can you get at the dollar store for pennies a piece that can serve multiple purposes in your classroom? Clothespins! These versatile pieces of wood and metal can make possible all sorts of t ...
Views 14,230 All
Their, There, Or They're? 6 Fun Activities You Can Use To Teach Homophones And Minimal Pairs

Their, There, Or They're? 6 Fun Activities You Can Use To Teach Homophones And Minimal Pairs

•ESL Essentials
English grammar can be complicated. Pronunciation can be a struggle. As for comma rules, even native speakers struggle with those. As your students advance in their language studies, they will be ...
Views 64,884 All
Only 5 Minutes A Day Required: 5 Simple Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher

Only 5 Minutes A Day Required: 5 Simple Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher

•ESL Essentials
A teacher’s work is never done, and that’s especially true for ESL teachers whose class needs change from semester to semester and from year to year. For as many years as I have taugh ...
Views 19,547 All
ESL Teachers Ask: How Can I Help Advanced Learners Overcome a Language Plateau?

ESL Teachers Ask: How Can I Help Advanced Learners Overcome a Language Plateau?

•ESL Essentials
“I teach intermediate to advanced learners most of the time, and I keep seeing the same trend. Once they reach a plateau, they get discouraged and eventually abandon their studies. What can ...
Views 25,703 All
The Discovery Technique For Teaching Grammar: Just Get Out Of The Way And See How Much Your Students Can Learn

The Discovery Technique For Teaching Grammar: Just Get Out Of The Way And See How Much Your Students Can Learn

•ESL Essentials
Have you heard of the discovery technique for teaching grammar? Have you tried it? If your answer to either of these questions is no, read on to learn everything you need to know about this simpl ...
Views 102,941 All
ESL Teachers Ask: How Can I Gamify My ESL Classroom?

ESL Teachers Ask: How Can I Gamify My ESL Classroom?

•ESL Essentials
“I’ve read about this recent trend called gamification, which seems to involve a lot more than simply “playing games” in the classroom. Can you explain what gamification is ...
Views 70,190 All
How To Plan A Task Based Grammar Lesson: 6 Easy Steps

How To Plan A Task Based Grammar Lesson: 6 Easy Steps

•ESL Essentials
I’m sure it’s not true in your case, but when most people think of a foreign language classroom, they imagine rows of students reciting verb conjugations in rote. I go. You go. He goe ...
Views 97,853 All
How To Create Your Own Classroom Cable News Show: 6 Simple Steps

How To Create Your Own Classroom Cable News Show: 6 Simple Steps

•ESL Essentials
Have you ever watched cable TV news and thought to yourself, “I could do better myself!” You’re not alone, of course. Our younger students have grown up with cable news, and are ...
Views 73,130 All
10 September Themed Language Building Activities

10 September Themed Language Building Activities

•ESL Essentials
Whether school started in August or September marks the beginning of the semester, school is now back in full swing. It’s the start of new classes, new students, new challenges, and new joy ...
Views 12,682 All
Move Over: How To Address Bullying in the Classroom

Move Over: How To Address Bullying in the Classroom

•ESL Essentials
A lot has been written on the topic of “bullying,” which seems to be a kind of terrorism at the interpersonal level, the bully controlling the bullied through instilling fear. Most of ...
Views 15,033 All
Call My Bluff: 5 Simple Steps To Adapting A Classic Word Game For Your ESL Classroom

Call My Bluff: 5 Simple Steps To Adapting A Classic Word Game For Your ESL Classroom

•ESL Essentials
Call My Bluff was a tremendously popular BBC TV quiz show in the 1960s. After a long run, it was resurrected in the 1990s and has since spawned similar shows, board games and radio versions in th ...
Views 83,515 All
Squish And Learn: 9 Fun & Simple Ways To Use Play Dough To Teach English

Squish And Learn: 9 Fun & Simple Ways To Use Play Dough To Teach English

•ESL Essentials
Are you looking for something different to engage your students? Have you tried play dough in your classroom? This squishy fun is extremely flexible when it comes to teaching English. Here are 9 ...
Views 47,480 All
Top 5 Ways to Make Pronunciation Fun for Young ESL Students

Top 5 Ways to Make Pronunciation Fun for Young ESL Students

•ESL Essentials
If you teach young learners, you know that language learning often comes naturally for children. That doesn’t mean, however, that language learning comes without work. But “work&rdquo ...
Views 21,515 All
Putting it Together: Everything a Busy Teacher Needs to Know about Phrasal Verbs (and How to Practice Them)

Putting it Together: Everything a Busy Teacher Needs to Know about Phrasal Verbs (and How to Practice Them)

•ESL Essentials
Are you teaching beginning students? Intermediate students? Advanced or beyond students? Then it’s the perfect time to introduce or reintroduce phrasal verbs. Here’s just what you ...
Views 21,952 All
Top 4 Spelling Tricks for English Language Learners

Top 4 Spelling Tricks for English Language Learners

•ESL Essentials
Spelling in English is tough, at least it was for me as a student. And although I have spell check to rescue me these days, that is not always the case with students. (That is until they invent a ...
Views 42,095 All
Get Them Involved: Teach Your Students How To Cooperate And Collaborate

Get Them Involved: Teach Your Students How To Cooperate And Collaborate

•ESL Essentials
Cooperation and collaboration are key, not only in second language learning but in any classroom and household for that matter. It is one the first things kids learn to do in kindergarten and pre ...
Views 38,042 All
Conspiracy Theory - A Universal Activity That Covers All The Bases: Creativity, Fluency and Grammar Practice

Conspiracy Theory - A Universal Activity That Covers All The Bases: Creativity, Fluency and Grammar Practice

•ESL Essentials
Have you ever considered these questions with your class? - Did aliens land in New Mexico in 1947? - What really happened to Princess Diana? - Can we be sure we didn’t misinterpret the Ma ...
Views 40,873 All
Teaching the Art of Prewriting in Composition

Teaching the Art of Prewriting in Composition

•ESL Essentials
Often students don’t have anything to say on a given topic, or think they don’t. The conventional remedy has been to teach a series of “brainstorming strategies” such as & ...
Views 9,244 All
Teaching the Art of Revision in Composition

Teaching the Art of Revision in Composition

•ESL Essentials
Often when a writing instructor suggests revising a work, a collective groan goes up. “You’re making us write it again? Why?” Or alternately the teacher is met with a blank star ...
Views 8,384 All
Being Wrong Is The Best Thing That Can Happen: 8 Methods for Compassionate Error Correction

Being Wrong Is The Best Thing That Can Happen: 8 Methods for Compassionate Error Correction

•ESL Essentials
My father taught me a venerable but valuable maxim: It’s not a mistake... it’s a learning opportunity. I’ve taken this advice to heart, and I apply it in my classroom to help st ...
Views 20,096 All

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