2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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FREE ESL Essentials

ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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5 Great Ideas to Use Social Media in Your ESL Classroom

5 Great Ideas to Use Social Media in Your ESL Classroom

ESL Essentials
As we all know, social media is here to stay. Can you name someone who hasn't used it in one way or another? These computer-mediated tools are simply incredible. They allow people to create, shar ...
Views 18,333 All
Great Techniques for Creative Writing in the ESL Classroom

Great Techniques for Creative Writing in the ESL Classroom

ESL Essentials
I'm sure you would all agree that teaching our ESL students writing skills is undoubtedly necessary. After all, it goes without saying that writing is a way to communicate as well. Business stude ...
Views 16,366 All
How to Make Your ESL Lessons Irresistible for Kids: 7 Tips on What to Do and Not to Do

How to Make Your ESL Lessons Irresistible for Kids: 7 Tips on What to Do and Not to Do

ESL Essentials
I'd like all of you to think about the following question and if possible answer it truthfully. Do your kids enjoy the lessons you provide? Are they anxious for you to start the lessons and get th ...
Views 25,456 All
Get Your Students Flipping: 10 Fun Ways to Use Reversi to Teach Grammar

Get Your Students Flipping: 10 Fun Ways to Use Reversi to Teach Grammar

ESL Essentials
Have you ever used the game Reversi or Othello, which is similar to the Japanese game Go, to teach grammar? This simple game has players flip tiles repeatedly to show either the black or white si ...
Views 19,931 All
Isn’t That the Rub? 8 Simple Games You Can Play with Just an Eraser

Isn’t That the Rub? 8 Simple Games You Can Play with Just an Eraser

ESL Essentials
Everyone knows you’re a busy teacher. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here looking for easy ideas to teach language to your ESL students. But just because you are busy doesn&rsq ...
Views 27,933 All
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Those Are Such Excellent Ideas, but Let’s Hear from Someone Else Now: Getting Students to Share the Floor

Those Are Such Excellent Ideas, but Let’s Hear from Someone Else Now: Getting Students to Share the Floor

ESL Essentials
There’s one in every class: that “eager beaver” who always has his hand in the air, who is always the first to speak, who goes on at length on the topic, and who tends to dominat ...
Views 20,195 All
Tell Me All about It: 6 Fun Business English Activities for Talking about Your Job

Tell Me All about It: 6 Fun Business English Activities for Talking about Your Job

ESL Essentials
All English students have similar needs, but if you are teaching a business English class, your students will have more. Not only will they have the needs that come with language learning, they w ...
Views 28,235 All
Agreeing to Disagree: 6 Activities for Tackling Cultural Differences

Agreeing to Disagree: 6 Activities for Tackling Cultural Differences

ESL Essentials
Culture permeates everything we think and do. Everyone is influenced by culture. The thing is, not everyone can pinpoint what beliefs, assumptions, and values come from their culture. In fact, if ...
Views 51,241 All
Turnitin Isn’t Working, I Lost Your Email, and I Forgot My Password: Dealing with Electronic “Excuses”

Turnitin Isn’t Working, I Lost Your Email, and I Forgot My Password: Dealing with Electronic “Excuses”

ESL Essentials
I hate to sound cynical, but my students, all “digital natives”—that is, those who have grown up with technology and have never known a world without the internet—become cu ...
Views 9,021 All
I Handwrote the Paper, Changed the Topic, and Posted It on Facebook: Managing Students Who Can’t Follow Directions

I Handwrote the Paper, Changed the Topic, and Posted It on Facebook: Managing Students Who Can’t Follow Directions

ESL Essentials
There has always been at least one student in class who seems to have enormous problems following directions. If you ask for an essay, she writes a poem. If you ask for it submitted to the class ...
Views 8,866 All
What Do You Mean, You Don’t Have an Email Account?: Helping the “Nonwired” Student Navigate the Electronic World

What Do You Mean, You Don’t Have an Email Account?: Helping the “Nonwired” Student Navigate the Electronic World

ESL Essentials
There are, believe it or not, those students who still don’t have a home computer. There are also those who don’t have an email account, don’t post on Facebook, or own a smart p ...
Views 7,008 All
TOEFL Success: 8 Easy Tips for Getting Test Conditions Right for Practice Tests

TOEFL Success: 8 Easy Tips for Getting Test Conditions Right for Practice Tests

ESL Essentials
Whether you are teaching a class specifically to prepare for the TOEFL or TOIC or you simply include some element of test preparation in your classes, simulating test conditions is important for g ...
Views 10,165 All
How Much Did He Participate? Individual Grades for Group Discussion

How Much Did He Participate? Individual Grades for Group Discussion

ESL Essentials
One of the most difficult grading concerns is assigning a grade for “participation” or “group discussion.” Accurate and fair grading for participation and discussion is im ...
Views 14,348 All
Do Student Papers Breed in Your Briefcase? 4 Methods of Managing the Paper Load

Do Student Papers Breed in Your Briefcase? 4 Methods of Managing the Paper Load

ESL Essentials
Papers tend to pile up when you’re a teacher. This is especially true for the English teacher or other teachers in the habit of assigning multipage essays throughout the term. Just when you ...
Views 9,551 All
Contractions Are Coming: 10 Simple Tips to Teaching Great Pronunciation with Contractions

Contractions Are Coming: 10 Simple Tips to Teaching Great Pronunciation with Contractions

ESL Essentials
Believe it or not, nonnative speakers whose English is nearly impeccable can still stand out because of their speech. Grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary…all of these can be perfect, but you ...
Views 34,303 All
Do We Really Have to Move? Getting Students out of Their Seats

Do We Really Have to Move? Getting Students out of Their Seats

ESL Essentials
Many teaching strategies today involve having students get up from their desks, circulate, and interact with their peers. This trend is due to a change in teaching philosophy and recognition that ...
Views 30,467 All
Classroom Management 101: Moving the Group

Classroom Management 101: Moving the Group "Discussion" from the Party Back to the Course Content

ESL Essentials
It can be surprising to laypeople, those outside of education, that adults can have behavioral problems in the classroom. There is, however, a generic “student” behavior that even adu ...
Views 14,800 All
You’re Hired! 4 Activities to Prepare Students for School and Job Applications

You’re Hired! 4 Activities to Prepare Students for School and Job Applications

ESL Essentials
Most people study English for a reason. Many will go on to further their education in English speaking schools and countries. Others will use what they learn in your classes for business purposes ...
Views 74,869 All
Upside Down And All Around: 8 Super Activities About Theme Parks

Upside Down And All Around: 8 Super Activities About Theme Parks

ESL Essentials
We all like to have fun, and for many the most fun of all is going to an amusement park. There are awesome rides, indulgent foods, and laughs all around. Many ESL students love going to amusement ...
Views 31,358 All
How to Create Your Own Games for ESL Classes

How to Create Your Own Games for ESL Classes

ESL Essentials
The idea of creating your own games for ESL classes might seem intimidating. After all, don’t professionals work hard to make games that people will love and want to play? And don’t t ...
Views 39,689 All
Don’t Feel Guilty about Actually Using the Student Textbook

Don’t Feel Guilty about Actually Using the Student Textbook

ESL Essentials
There has been a movement in recent years against actually using of the student textbook in class. This may be in part because students can’t or won’t read textbooks, especially ones ...
Views 8,911 All
The Mighty Pen: How to Encourage Handwriting in ESL Classes

The Mighty Pen: How to Encourage Handwriting in ESL Classes

ESL Essentials
The jury has deliberated and their decision is clear: the ability to write with a pen is absolutely vital, encourages brain growth, aids memory and raises grades. For me, the debate is over, so I ...
Views 13,725 All
The Limitations of “Creative” Teaching Methods: Dancing, Painting Pictures, and Writing Poetry?

The Limitations of “Creative” Teaching Methods: Dancing, Painting Pictures, and Writing Poetry?

ESL Essentials
There has been a focus and interest on more “creative” teaching methods in the classroom for the past forty years or so, since the sixties and seventies with their myriad social change ...
Views 41,365 All
ESL Fanatics: 7 Pop Culture Elements You Can Use to Engage Your Students

ESL Fanatics: 7 Pop Culture Elements You Can Use to Engage Your Students

ESL Essentials
Viral videos, snarky memes, and a cat that is so grumpy it puts all other crabby felines to shame, these are but a few of the pop culture elements that make millions drop what they’re doing ...
Views 64,115 All
Getting Scrappy: 7 No-prep Games That Only Need Some Scrap Paper

Getting Scrappy: 7 No-prep Games That Only Need Some Scrap Paper

ESL Essentials
Are you looking for a no-prep activity that doesn’t require special materials? Try one of these language exercises that need nothing more than some scrap paper. Try These 7 No-prep Games ...
Views 88,796 All

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