190 FREE School/University/Education Worksheets
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FREE School/University/Education Worksheets

School, university and education are great topics for ESL students because they spend a lot of time in classrooms and should be able to discuss these topics. There are now 190 worksheets in this section with the majority being back to school activities or exercises about the classroom. This is a fun activity for pre-intermediate learners. It is a little text heavy but you can adapt it to better suit your needs. As suggested in the worksheet description, this is a great introduction to talking about the rules at your own school. For more worksheets and activity ideas, take a look at the other worksheets in this section. There are also several back to school articles that can help you prepare for the new school year.
Since school plays an important role in their everyday lives, students should be introduced to related vocabulary early on and be given the chance to talk about this topic from time to time. The majority of activities currently posted are for lower level learners but your advanced students and adults will certainly have some opinions about the education system in their country. Some topics of discussion might include the cost of university, public versus private school, and the quality of education children receive. Students may also find it useful to talk about whether or not students today receive too much homework or too many vacations. These topics will certainly lead to a lively debate.

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  • Complete Beginner (46)
  • Elementary (99)
  • Pre-Intermediate (71)
  • Intermediate (61)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (33)
  • Exam Level (10)
  • Suitable for All Levels (8)
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ESL Articles
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School Subjects

School Subjects

, School/University/Education
A very simple activity for young beginners about school subjects. Students have to match the subject with the correct drawing on the right. There's a catch in the activity: there's one school subj ...
23 Views 25,437 Beg
Days of Week and School Subjects Test: for UKR Speakers

Days of Week and School Subjects Test: for UKR Speakers

, School/University/Education
For Ukrainian teachers; days of week and school subjects.
20 Views 20,176 Beg
School Uniform Printable Worksheet

School Uniform Printable Worksheet

, School/University/Education
The worksheet helps to prepare students for discussions of such problems as fashion and particularly school uniform. Extract: School uniform is an issue that has caused a lot of debate in the l ...
20 Views 28,423 Int
Classroom Objects Target Board Matching Activity

Classroom Objects Target Board Matching Activity

, School/University/Education,
Target board activity for common classroom vocab. Match words to correct picture.
20 Views 27,368 Beg
Parent's Day

Parent's Day

, School/University/Education,
To practise being tactful. To simulate a parents' visiting day at a school.
9 Views 4,863 Int
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