School, university and education are great topics for ESL students because they spend a lot of time in classrooms and should be able to discuss these topics. There are now 190 worksheets in this section with the majority being back to school activities or exercises about the classroom. This is a fun activity for pre-intermediate learners. It is a little text heavy but you can adapt it to better suit your needs. As suggested in the worksheet description, this is a great introduction to talking about the rules at your own school. For more worksheets and activity ideas, take a look at the other worksheets in this section. There are also several back to school articles that can help you prepare for the new school year. Since school plays an important role in their everyday lives, students should be introduced to related vocabulary early on and be given the chance to talk about this topic from time to time. The majority of activities currently posted are for lower level learners but your advanced students and adults will certainly have some opinions about the education system in their country. Some topics of discussion might include the cost of university, public versus private school, and the quality of education children receive. Students may also find it useful to talk about whether or not students today receive too much homework or too many vacations. These topics will certainly lead to a lively debate.
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ESL Articles
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No doubt that wordlists are essential elements of studying and further reference. This particular wordlist is designed for the topic education and career and comprises the most c ...
Here you can find some cards with the principal sentences all the students must know to practice the language in class. There are key statements to communicate in class with the teacher and their ...
The title of this English worksheet is 'All My Great Excuses'. It is a poem about a student who makes up excuses of why they couldn't do their homework. Ss read the poem and fill in the gaps with ...
In this worksheet, ss learn the names of classroom items. They have to listen and repeat the words. They can colour the items. The worksheet also presents the zero and indefinite articles. Ss have ...
These “Classroom Objects Flash Cards” are very useful in the classroom to introduce new words for beginner and elementary students. I have designed them so that they can be edited if y ...
This is a PPT based on the topic of discipline and a 2 minute funny video called “Seven ways to discipline your child”. The PPT includes two questions about the video and types of disc ...
This is a very simple and easy worksheet about clocks for kids. 1 - What is the time shown on the clock? 2 - Draw the hands and show the time. Visit to learn how to read time an ...
It is the second part of Education in Britain I. Text, tables, oral & written activities. Appropriate for teaching comparison of educational systems in different countries. Intermediate/Upper- ...
A lovely song with exercises aimed at revising adjectives/adverbs, perfect for students preparing for FCE exam. The worksheet includes pre- and post-listening questions (topic:education), vocabula ...
This is the second part of the classroom vocabulary. We can use it to teach words and pronounciation. Basic and intemediate grade. There are about thirty five words , you can form sentences ...
It's a picture word list about the things in the classroom. We can use it to study the vocabulary and the pronounciation. This is only the middle. There are two parts. We can use at the elemetary ...
A story and activities for beginning ESl students. Includes a graphic organizer & comprehension questions. Students in need of extra support can read the article at ...
I use this Power Point Presentation to get my pedagogical college students interested while studing the topic "Your futute profession". Students are to find the equivalents for topic words, to rea ...
A bad case of the sneezes, by Bruce Lansky.Funny 'school excuses' poem, and gap fill exercise created to practise the past simple tense. Can also be used as a reading exercise, a warmer or filler ...
The video worksheet is targeted on Upper-Intermediate level students doing a General English course. Before viewing the students comment on the heading and describe the picture. They look through ...
This ppt is for making children understand the names of the stationery / supplies names which they use in school every day. Ho wever many of them are not aware the names of these items. The ppt ...
Schools around the world, read the bullet points from each slide to the students and then they must guess what country the school is in, then for bonus points ask them to answer the capital, curre ...
In this video, Rachel and Phoebe take literature classes. While Phoebe is really interested in learning something, Rachel just wants to have some fun with her friend. This activity can be used for ...
This worksheet contains the answers and summary concerning the video " why take a gap year?". My students sum it up in French since it is their mother tongue. Nevertheless you can adapt the third ...
Sometimes I find out that the children have troubles with exercise I consider easy. That is why I make easy revision worksheets. This one contains several easy grammar exercises - plural of nouns ...
This worksheet can be used for a guided writing session. Activity 1 triggers students' opinions about school (what they like/don't like, how they feel at school). Activity2, students are asked to ...
Listening Activity. Listen and watch to the introduction of the Syracuse University Library carefully. Then use the words given on the lists to complete the gaps. There are five parts to complete ...
This activity is a 'True- False' kind. In the video there is some amusement about school rules and you can develop it by adding different questions. The video URL is given at the bottom of the act ...
You can use this blank timetable for practising vocabulary - school subjects. It is mainly for beginners who can revise new vocabulary (school subjects) and at the same time have a lot of fun doin ...
This is an easy wordsearch puzzle for revising school subjects related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to find the words in the puzzle. The answer key is included.
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