Welcome to the section of the site that deals with months and days of the week vocabulary. This is a topic commonly covered in classes for beginners so most of the 108 worksheets included on this page target that level. If you have the ability to show PowerPoint presentations, consider using this one to help you introduce this topic to your young learners. It is a fun introduction and even includes a good practice activity. If you are unable to use that in your lesson, feel free to try one of the other worksheets listed here instead. They are all free and easy to print so that you can use them in your lessons.
Month and day of the week vocabulary is very basic and should be included in every beginner course. With young learners you will have to spend a lot of time working with this vocabulary for them to commit the words to memory but with old students it will take much less time. Sometimes students in higher level classes will need a review of these topics if they have not been working with them consistently or have just started classes after a long break such as summer vacation. Rather than devote a lot of time to these simple review activities, try to include a lot of basic material in just one activity or lesson so that you can figure out what your students need more practice with. Do not forget that students need to be able to use this vocabulary and not just list all the months or days of the week in order.
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This worksheet helps student to practice saying the days of the week, years. Besides it can help students to review the seasons and weekdays related vocabulary. It is useful to practice ordinal nu ...
This worksheet includes a variety of exercises for young learners of English. I have done it with my students in class and it was a success. I hope you like it too. Here they can revise the alphab ...
This is a short test for elementary students. It's an opportunity to check vocabulary on months and week days. You can use it in your class. Test should be written in 10-15 minutes. Evaluation sys ...
Revision of months, prepositions, there is/there are and vocabulary. It can be used to revise such vocabulary as school subjects, numbers, rooms or furniture, months of the year, prepositions on, ...
A very simple short vocabulary revision suitable for the first lesson of students in their forth year of English. It contains matching, completion and gap filling exercises about the days of ...
It is a crossword puzzle, where learners have to identify the twelve months of the year and then write each one of them starting from January to December. It can be used by beginners to practise s ...
Simple poster or reference sheet intended for students in grades 5 and 6 at Japanese elementary schools. It includes each of the months in English and Japanese accompanied by clipart depicting Ja ...
This worksheet is about the seven days of the week, the months of the year and the four seasons. Students learn about the meaning of the names of the days and they also practise their spelling. Th ...
A good way of practicing activities and days of the week using the structure "Let's ... on ...'. First make sure that the class knows about the days of the week and review the actions so that ...
This worksheet is actually a test I made for my students. It's about school subjects and days of the week. Students have to complete the names of subjects with missing vowels and then label pictur ...
This worksheet lets the students practice finding days of the week and dates on a one year calendar. This worksheet is useful in teaching cardinal and ordinal numbers. It is designed for EFL stu ...
This worksheet works great with beginner or elementary students. It is a simple and easy worksheet for revising days of the week related vocabulary.The students are asked to read the text and to ...
This is an easy and fun way to teach the days of the week. It's a simple song that allows students to participate by snapping their fingers while they listen and sidng. Students have to complete t ...
Each student gets a date. They must organize themselves in a line from the oldest to the most recent date. Check their order by asking each student to read out their date in the proper format (De ...
A typical gap-fill activity, aimed at young learners (9-10 y-o.). There are 3 worksheets. The first one can be used as a warm-up activity, to revise the vocabulary (telling the time, days of the w ...
This rhyme can be used to help your young learners to memorize days of the week faster and easier as the names of each day have their rhyming words that sound alike. It can also be sung as a song ...
This is an "interviewing game" that accompanies the elementary English textbook for 6th graders in Japan called "Hi Friends 2". The pictures used are the same as the ones in the textbook which de ...
This is a basic worksheet to revise vocabulary. It can be use to revise the material or to check on what level of proficiency your ss possess. Lexis is : classroom objects, numbers, days of the we ...
Greetings! This worksheet is about ordinal numbers and some real life applications of them, such as alphabetical order, order of the days. The names of the days are movable to their designated pla ...
Well, I use this worksheet as a warm up to help my students to find a partner in an easy and also interesting way. It is about the days of the week, the meaning of different days and the origin of ...
Listening worksheet to be used in conjunction with Module 10's Real Life section on the Cutting Edge Starter CD-ROM (it comes with the textbook). Simply play the video for the students to watch/li ...
If you want to introduce the days of the week to your students this is a perfect activity. Happy days is a famous song ideal for beginners or elementary students. The lyrics of the song are p ...
It is a puzzle to practice months of the year because sometimes it is difficult to find how to practice them. This puzzle can be used after you present the months, and as mechanical drill, b ...
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Months/Days of The Week?
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