Christmas is a wonderful time of year but as it is a major school holiday in many countries, you might find that your students are less focused leading up to the holiday period. These 357 printable worksheets can help you engage students in English learning activities while still allowing them to concentrate on the holiday and all the excitement surrounding it. This is one of the most popular and most highly rated worksheets in this section. It is actually an entire booklet of Christmas activities for beginners including coloring sheets and songs. You can use the entire booklet or just print out a few of your favorite pages to use in class depending on how much time you want to spend on this topic. If your students are a little older or at the intermediate or advanced level, you will want to choose one of the other available worksheets. There are many others to choose from and since they are all free, you can download several before making a decision. For even more ideas, read some of the articles listed on this page.
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Great for revision of vocabulary connected with toys and Christmas. The worksheet includes a vocabulary list, answering the questions and matching pictures with words. Aimed at complete beginners ...
This worksheet is based on the cartoon that came out in 1966 and is based on the famous book by Dr. Seuss. You can find some information about the author and the plot. There are some vocabulary ex ...
This episode is 45 minutes long. One of the two main story lines is about a man who believes he is Santa Claus. There is a worksheet for students plus the teacher's key - with solutions (among oth ...
This Christmas worksheet is a cloze exercise that can be used as an extra resource when teaching students about Christmas. Students are asked to fill in the missing words to the sentences using wo ...
A simple song worksheet to enjoy during Christmas season. There are options to choose as well as a few gaps. It can be done with any level, but it works best with elementary and pre-intermediate s ...
Watch a Peppa's episode and complete the worksheet. Pay attention to introducing new vocabulary first and then children answer your question. You may also talk to them about Christmas, custom ...
This Christmas worksheet is all about matching and can be used as an extra resource when learning about Christmas. Students must match the Christmas riddles on the left with the correct answer on ...
Reindeer can be many different colours and sizes. They have thick coats and large hooves. This reading comprehension includes facts about reindeer and can be used as an extra resource when learnin ...
It's an easy bingo game for young kids. The first page is the pictures for the teacher's to use and call out the name of the pictures and the other pages are the bingo cards for the kids. Kids wil ...
Christmas is coming, so Christmas songs worksheets are useful these days. This is a worksheet for a song "Christmas (Baby please come home)" by Death Cab For Cutie. Students need to fill the gaps ...
As I have previously written in part 1, this pack is published and provided by Oxford University Press. Here you will be able to find the following: decorate your Christmas tree, Christmas t ...
Wonderful pack about Cristmas that contains Christmas poster, the story of Christmas, how to make an advent wreath, lyrics for Jingle Bells, make a Christmas card, pin the nose on Rudolph, h ...
This Powerpoint Presentation contains all the answers from OUP Christmas pack 2013. I believe my pupils need more repetition before they can do the activities, so the plan is to go through the pre ...
A worksheet that contains basic Christmas vocabulary as an introduction part of the lesson for OUP Christmas Pack 2013. It can also be given as a handout that children can stick into their noteboo ...
I teach a class of Japanese adults who love everything about Hawaii, so I put together these two pages to teach them how Christmas is different in Hawaii than the "mainland". Most of the students ...
This is a very easy missing letters activity for teaching or revising Christmas related vocabulary at elementary level. Students are asked to look at the pictures and complete the words with ...
This is a colourful and easy word search puzzle for teaching or revising Christmas related vocabulary at elementary level. At the bottom of the page is a list of words. The words are hidden i ...
This is a rather simple word search for English lessons during the Christmas season. The children that I teach in Germany have always loved to do this word search puzzle. The words that you have t ...
This is a power point presentation on Christmas vocabulary. Students have to look at the pictures and choose the correct option, they can revise or learn some words about this holiday and traditio ...
With Christmas coming, the kids'attention is easier to get with related topics. This year I work a lot on Rudolph and so I made this worksheet to work on the song too (the version I used is the on ...
Christmas tree parts, speaking task- what kind of ones do you like?- and a video from National Geographic- 2 minutes- followed by a task to order stages of plastic tree production. Level B1 and ...
This is the book version of my mini kamishibai for printing. It allows the kids to reread the story, on their own or with guidance. This version is for very young learners as it's simplified. ...
I used pictures from the video made by Edewcate ( to create this mini kamishibai and tell the tale of Rudolph to young learners. The pictures help them u ...
This worksheet can be used as an extra resource when teaching students about Christmas. Students look at the pictures and circle the odd one out in each row. There are 6 rows of pictures. Once the ...
This worksheet was created for primary/elementary children and can be used as an extra resource when learning about Christmas. Students trace over the word and then draw a line from the word to th ...
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