Christmas is a wonderful time of year but as it is a major school holiday in many countries, you might find that your students are less focused leading up to the holiday period. These 357 printable worksheets can help you engage students in English learning activities while still allowing them to concentrate on the holiday and all the excitement surrounding it. This is one of the most popular and most highly rated worksheets in this section. It is actually an entire booklet of Christmas activities for beginners including coloring sheets and songs. You can use the entire booklet or just print out a few of your favorite pages to use in class depending on how much time you want to spend on this topic. If your students are a little older or at the intermediate or advanced level, you will want to choose one of the other available worksheets. There are many others to choose from and since they are all free, you can download several before making a decision. For even more ideas, read some of the articles listed on this page.
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This is a test for vocabulary and grammar. There is present simple, possessive pronouns and wh- questions exercises. I've prepared this test for my students and it encompasses all the vocabulary a ...
This activity is intended to be carried out with elementary students right after the Christmas holiday. There are two stages. The first one is a guided writing activity. Students are expected ...
Ice-breaking activity for Spanish beginner/ elementary students to be done right after Christmas. Students will review vocabulary related to the typical things we do at Christmas and will pra ...
Ice-breaking activity for Spanish pre-intermediate students to be used after the Christmas holiday. Students will practise asking and answering questions about Christmas. They are expect ...
To give teenagers a break from general English classes over the Xmas season. Watch the episode with subtitles with intermediate- advanced students (with advanced you can leave out the subtitles).& ...
I used this worksheet for a special Christmas lesson with young learners (11-12 y.o.) and elementary students (aged from 13 to 16). They all loved it! It's based on a famous cartoon which is only ...
It's a worksheet to use the day after Christmas holidays. There are lots of questions to make your students speak about what they did, what they liked, what presents they got and many more things ...
This worksheet contains a reading comprehension about Santa Claus. It describes where he lives, what he wears, and what he does every Christmas. It is appropriate for elementary students, particul ...
This is the worksheet I made for the topic "Christmas time". This is a very beautiful and melodic song, which helps students to like English more and meanwhile learn new words connected to the top ...
A song activity based on the famous song of Wham, covered by Taylor Swift. There are several exercises, during listening there are gaps to fill in past tense, multiple choices, then they have to f ...
Note for teachers: This 3 minute video shares the Christmas story as told from a simple contemporary translation from the bible. Adapted from, it has been modified to include subtitle ...
This is a fill in the gaps dictation exercise for intermediate students. One of the songs contains a swear word (Santa stole my girlfriend) so you might want to delete that one if not age-appropri ...
This worksheer ia about how Christmas is celebrated in Greece. It serves a double-folded purpose (a) to familiarise pre-intermediate learners with Greek customs and (b) to practice vocabulary, aid ...
This is a listening activity for the song "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" by Dr. Seuss. It can be done on its own or after watching "The Grinch who Stole Christmas". The song can easily be found o ...
This worksheet is based on short film Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer from 1948. It contains listening (with "fill in the missing words" exercise), answering questions based on the story from the fi ...
This collection contains 7 cool color pages for Christmas. They are appropriate for young learners. You can assign them as your students' homework and they will love them a lot. Next, you can pin ...
The Holiday is a very good film to watch before Christmas. Your pre-intermediate teenage students will love it. Here you have two activities to do after watching the film. The first one is a true ...
I wanted to do something original for my students to help explain Christmas traditions in Ireland and the UK and also to get them talking. So I prepared my own Xmas presentation. Feel free to add ...
This is just a simple series of ten Christmas images to use with either beginners just as a vocabulary presentation lesson or for higher levels to spark off a discussion about Christmas festivit ...
A Christmas time worksheet based on this movie. Students need to complete a table which compares a few traditions in the UK and in the US accordingly. The second exercise is a "true or false" exer ...
Here's another Christmas song worksheet - this time it's Michael Buble singing "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas". Students need to fill the gaps. Warning: the song gets stuck in your h ...
Holiday greetings made easy. A collection of nice phrases and wishes for intermediate students of Business English. Typical lesson plan can include: - Brief history of the postcard - Structure of ...
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