635 FREE Animals Worksheets

FREE Animals Worksheets

Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.

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Movie Worksheet: George of the Jungle. Part 1

Movie Worksheet: George of the Jungle. Part 1

Here you will find exercises for part 1 of the film "George of the Jungle". The exercises are for before and after watching. Some can be set as homework. Most of them should be done in class. Stud ...
3 Views 11,612 Pre-IntIntAdv
Movie Worksheet: We Bought a Zoo

Movie Worksheet: We Bought a Zoo

The worksheet includes 3 short fragments of the film, there are 4 types of questions: open, multiple choice, fill in the gaps and multi-optional (more than one answer is possible), students need t ...
8 Views 23,486 Pre-IntInt
Savannah Animals

Savannah Animals

• » Animals
A helpful powerpoint presentation to help kids relate the Savannah animals with their names. You can use as flashcards or as a part of a mimic game. It's very helpful with second language students ...
4 Views 7,061 Beg
Forest Animals

Forest Animals

• » Animals
A helpful powerpoint presentation to help kids relate the forest animals with their names. You can use as flashcards or as a part of a mimic game. It's very helpful with second language students, ...
6 Views 9,408 Beg
Farm Animals

Farm Animals

• » Animals
A helpful powerpoint presentation to help kids relate the farm animals with their names. You can use as flashcards or as a part of a mimic game. It's very helpful with second language students, yo ...
6 Views 11,294 Beg
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Animals Past and Present Grammar Worksheet

Animals Past and Present Grammar Worksheet

This worksheet is about animals. It contains two activities for grammar: present simple andpast simple. The students are asked to make questions and write answers. It is appropriate for elementary ...
6 Views 13,408 Elem
Extinct and Endangered Animals

Extinct and Endangered Animals

• » Animals
This PowerPoint contains the information of some endangered and extinct animals; dinosaurs, Pyrenean ibex, giant panda, and Komodo dragon. It is designed for elementary and pre-intermediate levels ...
6 Views 10,659 ElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: British Animals You Won't Find in America - Anglophenia Ep 27

Movie Worksheet: British Animals You Won't Find in America - Anglophenia Ep 27

There are some adorable British creatures that are never seen in the States outside of zoos and exotic pet owners. (Note: some of these animals can be found in other countries, but not natively in ...
3 Views 11,141 ElemPre-IntIntAdvExam
Amazing Animal Facts

Amazing Animal Facts

• » Animals
This worksheet can be used as a warmer/filler or when studying animals. It makes people think and they discover something new for themselves. I adapted the facts from the book '1001 unvelievable f ...
5 Views 10,556 ElemPre-Int
Animals to Colour by Number

Animals to Colour by Number

This worksheet is good for young learners that only recognize capital letters as they have to colour the animals following the number and its colour written on a side. It can be used to work with ...
10 Views 27,545 Beg
Present Simple, Animals and Adjectives

Present Simple, Animals and Adjectives

This is a worksheet for primary students. Topics: animals, adjectives, is/isn't/are/aren't. Item I: according to the pictures, complete the sentences as in the example given, using is, isn't, are, ...
9 Views 18,942 Beg
Writing a Conclusion - Komodo Dragons

Writing a Conclusion - Komodo Dragons

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
10 Views 15,805 Elem
Writing a Conclusion - Wolves

Writing a Conclusion - Wolves

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
9 Views 15,773 Elem
Writing a Conclusion - Manatees

Writing a Conclusion - Manatees

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
5 Views 9,612 Elem
Writing a Conclusion - Green Sea Turtles

Writing a Conclusion - Green Sea Turtles

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
7 Views 13,830 Elem
Writing a Conclusion - Gibbons

Writing a Conclusion - Gibbons

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
4 Views 8,245 Elem
Writing a Conclusion - Polar Bears

Writing a Conclusion - Polar Bears

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is a summary of the main text and leaves the reader with the basic information in the piece. Students are asked to read throug ...
7 Views 24,371 Elem
Zoo Animals

Zoo Animals

• » Animals
This PowerPoint includes some zoo animals such as panda, cheetah, polar bear, dolphin, etc. It is designed for both absolute beginners and elementary levels of learning English. Hope it works!
8 Views 11,873 BegElem
International Cat Day

International Cat Day

•Animals, ,
Worksheet on cat-idioms and commonly used expressions. The first page suggests phrases definitions, the second - picture practice and intresting facts about cats and the third - phrases in use (di ...
7 Views 9,050 Pre-IntInt
The Rabbits Who Caused the Trouble

The Rabbits Who Caused the Trouble

A fable by James Thurber , reading comprehension. I love this story because it shows how prejudice can lead to hatred and the text can lead to a debate or discussion with students . Here are t ...
9 Views 19,047 Adv
Animal Jokes for Kids

Animal Jokes for Kids

Enjoy the range of hilarious animal jokes for kids and laugh along with the neat humor and classic jokes related to all our friends living in the animal kingdom. Very useful to make some funny pa ...
7 Views 18,872 Int
Colors, Animals and Adjectives

Colors, Animals and Adjectives

A simple worksheet for primary school. It includes colours, basic adjectives (happy, sad, tall, thin, etc.) and animals (pig, cat, lion, etc). Item I: read the text. Item II: draw the characters o ...
7 Views 16,821 Beg
Baby Animals

Baby Animals

This powerpoint presentation is about baby animals. It is useful to present vocabulary related to animals babies. It's good for beginners. This powerpoint presentation is about baby animals. It is ...
4 Views 21,345 BegElemPre-Int
Coloring Animals

Coloring Animals

• » Animals
This is e very simple worksheet. Pupils can learn and have fun at the same time. This worksheet was successful with pupils of first grade. We started by making sounds of the animals in the workshe ...
2 Views 10,855 Beg
Zoo Animals PowerPoint

Zoo Animals PowerPoint

• » Animals
This is the new version of my PowerPoint "Zoo Animals". More animal cliparts are added, such as kangaroo, cheetah, etc. It is designed for absolute beginners of learning English, particularly kids ...
8 Views 29,092 Beg

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