Animals are a popular ESL topic especially with young learners and students in primary school. Here at BusyTeacher there are 635 worksheets in this section that focus on animals as well as a variety of grammar points. These are all ready to use, free, and printable which makes the site a great resource for teaching materials. Take a look at this worksheet which combines animal vocabulary and reading practice into a guessing game for students which they can complete individually, in pairs, or even in groups. If you would like to do something else, look at some other worksheets to find something your students will love.
Animals are a fun topic that students enjoy talking about so they can be used throughout your course to interest students in a variety of activities. Younger students especially like talking about different types of animals so be sure to give them the opportunity to use this enthusiasm in their ESL classes. Besides studying animal vocabulary, you can also use animal flashcards when studying comparative and superlative structures, descriptive words and for other topics too. With intermediate, advanced, and adult learners animals will be a less important topic but you may consider talking about some of them in discussions, for example polar bears and global warming.
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The title of this worksheet is 'Percy the pig'. It is a reading comprehension for children of 5 - 7 years old. The passage is about a pig called Percy. What colour is Percy? Can Percy swim? Ss rea ...
The title of this English worksheet is 'Farley the fox'. It is a reading comprehension for children of 5 - 7 years old. Ss read the comprehension about a fox called Farley and answer the multiple ...
A set of 23 cards for wild animals vocabulary which can be used for teaching new words. Flashcards are prepared for elementary students to teach wild animals. You can play "What is missing" or ask ...
This English worksheet is a reading comprehension all about chipmunks. Find out what they look like and where they live. What is the largest species of chipmunk? What is an omnivore? This workshee ...
This worksheet is a reading comprehension all about deep-sea wildlife. Discover some interesting facts about the creatures that live on the deep-sea floor. What does bioluminescence mean? Why can' ...
It's an easy task for cooperation. The task is prepared for the lesson about farm animals and structure 'what is you favourite animal?' The learners have to fill the table with five names o ...
This handout is prepared for primary school. The topic of the lesson is farm animals. Learners have to take an odd word out. Secondly they have to draw this thing and name it. Drawing can be ...
Flashcards are prepared for primary school to teach farm animals. Lesson can be dedicated to vocabulary and structure 'What's your favourite animal?' Lesson can involve tasks like 'odd one o ...
Hi, I'm a newbie here. I'd like to share a review on Animal Kingdom. It covers land and seaside animal homes, sounds, and special features to describe the animals using adjectives. Besides vocabul ...
Beginner level, suitable for young children (age 4 - 6 yrs old). After watching the animated film Finding Nemo, children are asked to match the names of animals and other related vocabulary with t ...
This colourful worksheet is a gap-fill that helps young learners think about pairs of animals and the adjectives that describe them. The pairs of adjectives are opposites. The animal words and opp ...
James and the animals. Reading Comprehension Level 2.Directions: 1. Read the text, then take out the unknown words, before, look them up in the bilingual dictionary and finally, answer the questio ...
Seagulls. Reading Comprehension Level 2. Directions: 1. Read the text and answer the questions below 2. Circle the verbs, underline the nouns and finally, classify them 3. Translate the passage or ...
This is meant to be for the 1st graders.It is about twelve Animals. The main idea of the worksheet is to recognize the animals, match the pictures with the corresponding words and after that the s ...
This is a worksheet to be used with the final episode of the BBC's Africa television series. I created this for an Intermediate class studying the Nature unit of the IELTS Target 5.0 student book. ...
It's a power point file containing sounds and pictures of farm animals. This is suitable for kid's classes. I made it for engagement stage and my students really enjoyed it. You can show the slide ...
This is a writing activity for intermediate students who are asked to, based on the topics given , write a speech defending animals’ rights and the idea that people should never abuse and ex ...
This worksheet was created in order to work with descriptions of animals. It requires prior knowledge related to animals and parts of their bodies. First, I designed three activities in order to p ...
This worksheet aims at children. Activity with video, useful for revising/teaching animals and jobs. There are three activities, the first one is a spelling activity, the second and third encourag ...
It can be used as a warm-up activity to revise the animals or as a revision of different adjectives. There are exercises like unscrambling, finding opposites for practicing the vocabulary. You can ...
This is a very colorful and beautiful presentation which can be used to introduce the names of animals. Nice pictures will make your lesson more interesting. The presentation includes exercises su ...
An essay with tittle and pointers to guide them along when they are writing.Before they start to write they should brainstorm on how to write and plan them accordingly.There should be at least 180 ...
This activity is designed to challenge student’s ability to read sentences and find the names of animal hiding in the sentences. In the last task they write their own sentences. This idea wa ...
This activity is designed to challenge student’s ability to read sentences and find the names of animal hiding in the sentences. In the last task they write their own sentences. This idea wa ...
The topic of this presentation is "Animals". It can be used at school lessons for pupils in 2-3 grade. Children get acquainted with wild animals and the place of their living. They guess riddles a ...
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