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FREE Mingling Activities


Mingling Activities – Ready, Set, Go!

Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teacher’s 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.

Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.

Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.

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  • Complete Beginner (42)
  • Elementary (204)
  • Pre-Intermediate (241)
  • Intermediate (206)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (136)
  • Exam Level (50)
  • Suitable for All Levels (26)
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Whose House Information Gap Discussion Activity

Whose House Information Gap Discussion Activity

• » Mingling Activities
In groups of 4 to 6, students share information provided them on strips of paper to complete various details about five homeowners. As the information given on each strip does not provide suffici ...
5 Views 11,232 Pre-IntInt
Family Tree Information Gap Pair Practice Discussion Activity

Family Tree Information Gap Pair Practice Discussion Activity

•, Mingling Activities
In pairs each student receives one of two family trees along with a fact sheet that corresponds to his/her partner's family tree. Students take turns sharing information so that they can each com ...
7 Views 26,194 ElemPre-IntInt
How Well Do You Know Your Friends?

How Well Do You Know Your Friends?

•, Mingling Activities
Students complete an inventory of likes and dislikes on a provided sheet. The teacher then collects the unnamed sheets, mixes them up and redistributes the sheets to students in groups. Each per ...
8 Views 14,031 ElemPre-Int
Movie Worksheet: The Next Three Days (Speaking Workshop)

Movie Worksheet: The Next Three Days (Speaking Workshop)

•Mingling Activities,
This is a worksheet that contains questions about the movie "The Next Three days." These questions are very good to get intermediate level students discuss  some controversial topics such as ...
3 Views 11,559 Pre-IntIntAdv


This worksheet is designed for adult students with the intention of encouraging them to talk about themselves. It can be used in a group setting or in pairs. The worksheet has open ended leading ...
15 Views 29,997 Pre-IntIntAdv
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A Vocabulary Tree Project

A Vocabulary Tree Project

• » Mingling Activities
This project will encourage students to cooperatively learn new words and keep them on track on how many words they already know. The nice side of it is that they will be involved in sentence maki ...
5 Views 11,018 All
What Do You ....

What Do You ....

•, Mingling Activities
A worksheet targeted at junior high school 1st grade students in Japan. In this activity students ask each other questions using what, a category, and a verb. Students will take notes of the peopl ...
1 Views 13,791 BegElem
At a Party: Meet New People (Role Play Cards)

At a Party: Meet New People (Role Play Cards)

I've designed these 18 role cards for a small group of adults who need to review basic introductions. Each card gives the student a role freely based on a celebrity. Then I tell them they all ...
47 Views 188,955 BegElem
Speaking Training for FCE/CAE

Speaking Training for FCE/CAE

• » Mingling Activities
This is a power point presentation made in order to train students who are studying for one of the sections of the speaking part of the cambridge exams (FCE and CAE). It has several pictures that ...
32 Views 27,690 AdvExam
Time to Talk: Music & Celebrities

Time to Talk: Music & Celebrities

This sheet has a series of connected activities in which you can work with vocabulary, grammar, writing as well as speaking and listening skills. You'll find new lexis, dialogues, multiple choice ...
15 Views 28,040 Pre-IntIntAdv
Alice in Wonderland Roleplay

Alice in Wonderland Roleplay

•, Mingling Activities
This is a roleplay about the classical story for kids Alice in Wonderland. It was made based on the Walt Disney movie using the main characters of the film. It can be represented for an end of sem ...
14 Views 37,518 BegElem
Collection of Warm-up Acivities

Collection of Warm-up Acivities

• » Mingling Activities
This is a collection of warm-up activities. I use it at the beginning, in the middle and in the end of my lessons. I say or sing and show the "rhymes" together with my students. They like and enjo ...
13 Views 20,663 ElemPre-Int
Playing Card Conversation Activitiy

Playing Card Conversation Activitiy

•, Mingling Activities
This is a printable handout of questions that correspond to standard playing cards that I use to end lessons. In small groups, students take turns to draw a card and ask the corresponding question ...
27 Views 73,294 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
American English vs. British English Flash Cards

American English vs. British English Flash Cards

•, Mingling Activities,
These flash cards are based on others found on BusyTeacher.org, so credit goes to those creators. They are American vs. British English flash cards, but with each word on a separate card. Useful f ...
16 Views 41,003 Pre-IntInt
Annoying Things

Annoying Things

•, Mingling Activities
"Annoying Things" was initially designed for interactive boards but it can be used in any other way. How many times have we been annoyed by habits other people have? But have we wondered about how ...
39 Views 141,103 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Manners and Behaviour

Manners and Behaviour

•Mingling Activities,
Manners and behaviour was initially designed for interactive whiteboards but not only. What are good manners? Do we behave differently when we want to impress that special someone? Our classes rea ...
23 Views 28,863 Pre-IntIntAdv
Lifelong Dilemmas

Lifelong Dilemmas

This is a very funny PPT. I use it with my intermediate and advanced students to hace some speaking in class. One of the students has to read the dilemma to the class and then give his/her opinio ...
38 Views 29,232 All
Movie Worksheet: Public Speaking

Movie Worksheet: Public Speaking

A worksheet teachers can use as a listening for intermediate students with glossary in Spanish. There are eight questions for students to answer and a final question that can be used as a debate i ...
2 Views 17,747 Int
Information Cards - Ask and Answer

Information Cards - Ask and Answer

•, Mingling Activities
I made these cards for children over the age of 7 - 8 years old. It was for conversation lessons, so the students could mix and speak . Each card has information about people. The teacher gives on ...
9 Views 37,307 BegElemPre-Int
The Future

The Future

The Future is a discussion where students use their imagination to predict what our world will be like in the future. With stimulating pictures and questions the conversation diverts into various ...
19 Views 29,018 Pre-IntIntAdvExam
Body Language

Body Language

Body Language was initially a presentation for interactive boards, but it can be used in any other way. Most of the times our body language reveals truths or lies. Different gestures have differe ...
24 Views 74,011 IntAdvExam
IELTS Speaking Module Part 2

IELTS Speaking Module Part 2

• » Mingling Activities
The IELTS exam has a three-part speaking module. The second part almost always focuses on one of four broad categories: a person, place, object or situation, which the candidate has to describe in ...
10 Views 25,749 Exam
Learning Foreign Languages

Learning Foreign Languages

• » Mingling Activities
I am the teacher, therefore the leader of the classroom. Yes, I am. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. Hmmm, that sounds much better. Learning is a complicated ...
10 Views 16,428 All
Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Simple board game to practice elementary wh-questions such as "What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from" and yes/no questions with 'be'. The students are supposed to put the sentence ...
31 Views 150,236 BegElem
Conversation Starters

Conversation Starters

•, Mingling Activities
These are some questions that I have used as conversation starters, or jumping off points. Mainly used with higher level students, however there are some that can be used at most levels. Most are ...
21 Views 34,936 IntAdvExam

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