Get students out of their seats and interacting with one another using one of Busy Teachers 408 mingling activity worksheets. They are free and a great way to increase student speaking time. This mingling worksheet, for example, focuses on talking about time and routines. It includes some key target vocabulary for beginners and could easily be used as a warm-up, practice, or review activity. If your class is studying a different topic, you can simply search for a worksheet that is more appropriate for your students.
Mingling activities are important because they increase the amount of time individual students have to practice speaking while building their self confidence. Often students are too shy to speak in front of the entire class but since the whole classroom is buzzing with voices during these types of exercises, students are more willing to express themselves.
Most mingling exercises should be fast-paced so keep them short.
Students must then work hard to complete their objective within the time limit and will be less easily distracted. Mingling activities are difficult to monitor so be sure that students have plenty of practice using the target structures and vocabulary before starting.
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For those more advanced students who have seen these sorts of activities too many times, this might bring some humour and surprise into the usual "Have You Ever" survey. The strange choice of the ...
A worksheet with 20 cards containing hints to make questions about daily routines (present simple). Suitable for pairwork or group work.
Extension: students can write down the full questions and ...
The activity is aimed at practising questions related to personal experience in Present Perfect in a form of a communicative activity. Each student in the group receives a questionnaire. All she/h ...
It is a definition-speaking game. We define the words at the top without using the ones under them. It is great for speaking and we all enjoy it. We print it in cardboard or laminate it and cut th ...
AN ACTIVITY TO REINFORCE VOCABULARY & SENTENCE MAKING Materials Required: 1. Rolling dice 2. A chart with the words below .Bold enough for the children to see:
NOUNS[ A] ...
A 'Find Someone Who' to review present simple, past simple, and future with 'going to'. I created this as many minglers only focus on one tense and it's good for students to practice the tenses th ...
With adults or young adults in mind, this sheet is a selection of questions that English speakers will often ask or be asked on first introductions. This could act as a prompt for a role play or ...
This is a set of cards organised by countries (Italy, France, Kenya, Russia, etc.). On the card there are pictures which represent the country's cuisine and some tradition, typically associated wi ...
I wrote some sentences to organize a nice speaking activity for my groups, may be you also will add anything. I usually cut the paper into stripes and put it into a special bag which I use for suc ...
It is a worksheet talking about olympic sports. I used it in my class to play this game: I cut the two parts (sport and explanation) and I give one each to my students; then they have to move arou ...
Students need to guess the top word without using any of the 'taboo' words underneath it. I find this activity very useful in vocabulary and self-confidence building. Used mainly as a warm up, it ...
This is suitable for children who have just learned the present perfect. There is a task where sentences with the present perfect have to be written for given pictures and a mix and mingle activi ...
Print out the material according to the number of students in the classroom. Each student will have one worksheet and walk around the classroom asking his/her classmates the questions provided on ...
Mingling activity asking about different disasters, using the 'Find someone who' format. It is followed by a pair or small group activity of putting disasters into categories. Useful when the top ...
Everyone has a dream. Ideal for business conversation. Students can use their creativity to come up with information. Design a business card to go along with the information and exchange informati ...
Words for taboo. The students have to explain the first word in each box and at the same time avoid using the other related words in the same box. The vocabulary has been chosen pretty much at ran ...
Cut the pictures and give them to the students. Let them think why this can be a bad gift and in what country this superstition exists. Then cut the stripes with "action - result" information and ...
You can practise asking general question in your class using this exercise. Each student is given a card with three questions and s/he has to go around the calss and interview his classmates and g ...
Cut the stripes and put them on your students' backs. Ask your Ss to make a circle and let them read the questions on the back of their groupmates. A student can only hear the question, but he has ...
I used this worksheet as warmer after the lesson in which we systematised and practised the Present Perfect. I used it with an adult class, but as it is so short, it can be easily adapted to ...
This is a very easy worksheet which can be used in several ways. I usually give a copy of the worksheet to each student (if the level is low, a translation session will be of help), then I let the ...
This activity was developed for beginners, but it can also be adapted for higher levels. First part: they work individually giving answers about themselves. Then teachers should pair students up ...
Talking about preference has always been something fun. That's why I want to share what I've done in my class with "Preference" as a topic. This activity can encourage the students to talk about w ...
FIND SOMEONE WHO IN HIS/HER CHILDHOOD. . . This interactive worksheet was designed in order to put into practice the use of "used to ", so students read the sentences & ask questions to their ...
This worksheet will help you and your students to ask questions and answer them. There are 100 questions and there are different subjects to talk about. This worksheet is made for speaking classes ...
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Mingling Activities?
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