FREE Movie + Video + Cartoons Worksheets
Let’s face it: Even the most enthusiastic ESL class sometimes goes through dull periods. No matter how much you switch up the activities and topics, there’s only so much English that your students can absorb at any one time. Still, that limit is sometimes a lot higher than your students believe it is - and the genuine exhaustion caused by a challenging topic, is very different from boredom that comes from too much repetition. When your students are just plain bored of board work, that’s when it’s time to break out one of your “emergency” activities - the ones you know will raise your class’s mood. You’ve probably got some go-to activities of your own - but it never hurts to add some new ones to your arsenal. That’s exactly why BusyTeacher.org has put together this collection of 1,099 worksheets themed on movies, cartoons, and viral videos. You won’t have to wonder whether these activities will catch your students’ interest - because each one is based on a movie or show that they already love to watch. For those times when ESL starts feeling a little too abstract, these worksheets bring English back into the real world, and inspire students to use it to talk about their own pop culture. But that’s not the only reason these 1,099 worksheets are handy. BusyTeacher.org’s movie and video worksheets help you organize lessons on a wide variety of ESL areas - from basic grammar and vocabulary to listening and speaking. Whether your students are level-one beginners or level-five English experts, we’ve got worksheets appropriate for their level. In fact, many of these worksheets can be adapted for different ESL levels - meaning they can be used again and again in all the classes you teach. While some of BusyTeacher.org’s 1,099 movie and video worksheets offer simple fill-in-the-blank or matching exercises, others provide frameworks for games and activities, encourage students to listen and answer questions about what happens in video clips, or even spark open-ended discussions about their favorite movies and shows. So whether you need to calm down a turbulent class or pump some energy into a quiet one, these movie worksheets will grab your students’ attention. How do we know these worksheets work? Because every single one of them has been created and tested in the classrooms of real ESL teachers just like you. And each one is completely free to download, modify, and share - you don’t even have to register on our site. But if you have a worksheet of your own that’s been a hit in your classroom, we’d love for you to share it with our international community of ESL teachers. It’s as easy as clicking the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page. Ready to find a worksheet for your class? You might want to start with the top ten most popular movie and video worksheets. Or you can browse BusyTeacher.org’s complete collection of 1,099 movie and video worksheets - all available to view in thumbnail mode, so you can see exactly what you’ll be getting when you download each one. So take a look at what we have to offer. We’re confident that any BusyTeacher movie worksheet you choose will make you the star of your classroom. read more......less