Teachers can always use some new ideas so welcome to the present continuous page which has not only worksheets, but also several articles and warmers that you can use when teaching this topic. For this topic, there are now 399 available worksheets which you can print out as they are, edit, or even just use for ideas when creating handouts of your very own. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. It consists of two exercises; in the first exercise students complete sentences with present continuous verbs and then match those sentences to the pictures in part two. This is a great way to check not only their comprehension of the tense but also of vocabulary words and sentences. The images are so cute; your students are sure to enjoy them. If youd like to make changes, simply edit it to suit your needs. If you are teaching older students or think another activity might be better for your students, just look through the rest of the section. There are plenty of worksheets to choose from.
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This is a worksheet for revising present continuous at pre-intermediate level. There are 6 different activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences using present continuous ...
Listening practice - song by Joshua Radin "Brand New Day". It's quite easy to understand for students what he sings - his pronunciation is rather clear. A few gaps with present simple and continuo ...
This worksheet is based on an amazing video with Jean-Claude Van Damme and his trick on the mirrors of two trucks. It can be used to practice present continuous and the construction "going to". It ...
This is a worksheet I have created for students to revise present simple, present continuous, past simple and past continuous. This is accomplished with the completion of these exercises: multiple ...
This worksheet is for students who want to practice and revise tenses. It contains exercises related to past and present tenses and will help students enhance their knowledge of the simple, ...
I created this worksheet as a part of a leadership lesson for teens, but then used it many times as a warmer while speaking about personalities, famous people, leaders etc. It’s also good he ...
Glee, Season 1, episode 19. Great activity to introduce, practice or explore simple future tenses (present continuous, be going to, will/might). It was originally applied to advanced levels, but i ...
Busy teachers can use this worksheet to make their students talk about t present actions. They can also see how much their students remember about the picture they have just seen. This works ...
This grammar worksheet will help you to find the gaps in your student´s knowledge. The task is to correct the mistakes in the sentences below. This worksheet is really useful fo ...
This worksheet can be used for practice modal verbs and present continuous. Song is not difficult for listening and children like it. This worksheet contains 3 tasks: 1) choose the right mod ...
A powerpoint/boardgame about two verb tenses: present simple vs present continuous. Students are asked to play this boardgame by choosing the correct tense. They should be able to use these two te ...
This worksheet includes a profound explanation and three exercises to help students distinguish between state and action verbs. It also provides guidance on how one and the same verb can change it ...
The worksheet comprises the most common ways to express future, including future simple (with 'probably', 'definitely'), present continuous, be going to, would like to, would rather, may/ might. S ...
Lifted is a computer-animated short film by Pixar. It tells a story of a young alien taking an examination in alien abduction. Before watching it students are supposed to speculate what the film i ...
This is a worksheet for revising present continuous at pre-intermediate level. There are 4 different activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences using the present contin ...
This is a 2-page worksheet for revising present tenses: present simple, present continuous and present perfect at intermediate level. There are 3 activities in which students are asked to fil ...
A very simple worksheet which can be used with elementary or pre-intermediate students when revising questions. Involves present simple, present continuous, past simple, have/has got, can, there i ...
The title of this worksheet is 'Picture sentences - Chores'. This resource has five different pictures to look at, and each picture shows a person doing a chore. Students must look at the pictures ...
Powerpoint on how to form the present continous and an idea on how to make it fun for kids or adults to use. Slide 3 explains that you have to give the students a piece of paper with an action on ...
Students are asked how to form the future. Then they have to look at verbs and pictures and make sentences. This is best done in pairs to encourage speaking. Sentences can also be written down ...
This a review of the future simple. It has very easy exercises for example: complete sentences, choose the right option and fill in gaps in a song with the tense used, too. Besides, you ca ...
This activity is really simple. Your students can practice present continuous, present simple and learn new vocabulary ( if they are in a low level) or just practice. This song is not really diffi ...
This worksheet practices present continuous and pronouns. First, students learn the present continuous words for a variety of actions. They copy each word. Next, they make sentences and then rea ...
This powerpoint was originally made to complement an exercise in Side by Side 1, P110, with an aim of making the activity more fun for young children. However, the slide deck could be used as a st ...
This review activity is intended to be used after stative (non-action verbs) like “need, want, believe, long, etc,” have been taught for a few days. This activity can be done two ...
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Present Continuous?
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