The future simple is usually the third tense that students learn so it is a topic covered in classes for beginners. There are 224 Future Simple worksheets to choose from on this page and even more worksheets on tenses on the main tense page. The future simple is often the easiest tense for students to use once it has been introduced because sentences such as I will study tomorrow are constructed by simply adding the word will. Here is an example of a worksheet from this section. It is a fifteen minute pair activity for low level learners. After printing out the directions and cutting out the phrase cards, you will be ready for class. The activity is pretty straightforward and focuses not just on using the future simple but also on time clauses. If you already have worksheets for the future simple, take a moment to upload them so that other busy teachers can learn from you.
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This worksheet is a revision of tenses: present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple and future. There are 2 exercises: The first one is to put the verbs in the correct column ...
A lesson plan that can be used as an inspiration for creating "will / going to" themed business English lesson. The aim is a practical use of the particular grammar and at the same time student t ...
In this document you will find two activities to write predictions about famous people. In the first exercise, the ss must match 2 pictures, which are related, to come up with a logical predictio ...
This is a vacation/holiday activity information sheet about Turkey. It includes sightseeing of three Turkish cities, food & drink, and festival and special events in Turkey. It can be used for ...
This is a vacation/holiday activity information sheet about Indonesia. It includes sightseeing of three Indonesian cities, food & drink, and festival and special events in Indonesia. It can be ...
This is a vacation/holiday activity information sheet about India. It includes sightseeing of three Indian cities, food & drink, and festival and special events in India. It can be used for an ...
A simple overview of how to talk about the future. Going to/will (won't) and present continuous. Timelines show the time of speaking and brief explanations are given as when to use which phrase/ t ...
This worksheet contains a brief explanation and two exercises. This worksheet does not have solution because it's too easy so that students can understand easily what future tenses can be used. I ...
This is a worksheet about New Year's resolutions. There are three activities including reading, matching and writing. Students learn the vocabulary to talk about their resolutions, they practise t ...
It is a revision test no. 2 suitable with Project 3 3rd ed. coursebooks. It is concentrated on testing will and be going to, making questions with will, prepositions in and on, definitions of pla ...
This worksheet is based on the song from "Great Gatsby" "Will You Still Love Me". It consists of two pieces. In the first part the students have to predict what the song might be about and share t ...
This is a very simple worksheet for teaching the differences between will and going to at intermediate level. There are 2 different activities in which students are asked to fill in the gaps ...
Any wordlist of personality adjectives can be used for doing this activity. For me it’s the way to make ss not only memorize the words, but also apply them for themselves, think and speak. S ...
Glee, Season 1, episode 19. Great activity to introduce, practice or explore simple future tenses (present continuous, be going to, will/might). It was originally applied to advanced levels, but i ...
This worksheet is appropriate for teaching future simple (will) structure. Teachers can use it for teaching adverbials of probability (certainly - definitely - maybe - possibly- clearly - obv ...
The simple future basics is designed for use in the classroom for teaching the basics of this tense. There is an exercise page that can be used as a revision on this topic with an answer sheet. Re ...
Illustrated worksheet.You can engage your class in making up sentences with the verb to have in present simple, past simple or future simple. Please feel free to use it. Comments are welcome.
Students are presented pictures painted by little kids. They will have to guess what kids’ predictions about the future are and write their ideas in the following table using ‘going to ...
This is a speaking activity that might be used as a warm-up where students will have to discuss how men, women, computers, cars, clothes and houses look like in future. At first everyone is given ...
There are plenty of ways to express future actions apart from tense forms. This worksheet comprises some of the most common structures that are used for this purpose. After examples students will ...
The worksheet comprises the most common ways to express future, including future simple (with 'probably', 'definitely'), present continuous, be going to, would like to, would rather, may/ might. S ...
This is a worksheet for predicting the future with will, may and won't at elementary and intermediate level. Pupils have to fill in the gaps with will, may or won't. Then they can share it with th ...
Students are asked how to form the future. Then they have to look at verbs and pictures and make sentences. This is best done in pairs to encourage speaking. Sentences can also be written down ...
This a review of the future simple. It has very easy exercises for example: complete sentences, choose the right option and fill in gaps in a song with the tense used, too. Besides, you ca ...
This game will help learners feel the difference between future forms in terms of speculation. It is easy and fun, as the aim is to guess what kind of picture is “hidden” on a board. ...
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Future Simple?
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