Welcome to the large numbers section of the site. There are now 29 worksheets devoted to this topic all designed with a variety of age and ability levels in mind. This worksheet is great because it can be adapted to almost any age level. While younger students are often more willing to move around and do fun group activities, the content is relevant enough that even adults can learn a lot from completing the exercise. All the directions, materials, and answers are included so just be sure that your students are confident using large numbers before starting this activity. If you have time, complete the follow up activity too; it will give your students some extra practice with years. Especially with business English students, learning more than ordinal and cardinal numbers is very important so choose something appropriate for working with these learners. For more ideas on teaching numbers, read the article that is listed on this page.
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The students can watch the video (several times, or in the computer lab) and they answer 14 questions about the history of Wikipedia. You can use this as an introduction to a class devoted to Wiki ...
This worksheet helps students to practice saying large numbers in English, as well as practising asking and answering questions in relation to describing homes. This is a speaking-based worksheet ...
Three simple excercises for practising numbers in class. Made specifically for teaching individuals rather than groups but can be used in both ways. The second excersise can be adjusted; students ...