The third subsection of nouns deals with singular and plural nouns. Browse through the 163 available worksheets to find something that your students will enjoy. When learning vocabulary, students initially learn the singular form of nouns rather than both the singular and plural forms because this approach makes it easier for them to increase their vocabulary more quickly. Later on, as students start learning verbs and making sentences, they also have to learn the plural forms for all those nouns they learned earlier on. This simple worksheet for beginners helps students do just that by asking them to write the plural form of vocabulary words they already know. You can create worksheets just like this one to give your students practice with plurals of other vocabulary words and can even assign a worksheet like this as homework. Check out the rest of the section for more options and feel free to download as many as you want.
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Language Target: Working with basic questions: Is there…? / Are there…? Where is it? Where are they? How many are there? And basic answers: There is… . / There are… . It is… . They are… .All stru ...