2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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8 Killer Online Resources for ESL Vocabulary Review

8 Killer Online Resources for ESL Vocabulary Review

ESL Essentials
It’s no big secret that English vocabulary is essential to your students’ success, not only when it comes to doing well on tests, but also if they wish to improve their overall English ...
Views 71,480 All
How to Teach Writing Skills: 6 Best Practices

How to Teach Writing Skills: 6 Best Practices

ESL Essentials
When told you’re going to teach ESL composition (again) you may inwardly groan. Not again! Not another semester of hauling home 30 drafts of papers filled with mangled verb tense and droppe ...
Views 35,708 All
6 Winning Methods to Help Students Improve Conversational Vocabulary and Structures Tomorrow

6 Winning Methods to Help Students Improve Conversational Vocabulary and Structures Tomorrow

ESL Essentials
Many ESL students, particularly international students who are new to the U.S. but may have studied English for years in their home countries, come to college having some academic vocabulary, abil ...
Views 13,335 All
8 Top Tips for Giving Your ESL Class a Review Lesson They'll Love

8 Top Tips for Giving Your ESL Class a Review Lesson They'll Love

ESL Essentials
Review lessons are very important and often a wonderful opportunity to consolidate everything your students have learned. But let’s face it. They are usually very boring. So boring in fact, ...
Views 94,059 All
How to Teach Listening Skills: Best Practices

How to Teach Listening Skills: Best Practices

ESL Essentials
Teaching listening skills presents a series of challenges. It is perhaps the most ephemeral of language skills, hard to understand, teach, and assess. How do you really know that someone understo ...
Views 375,682 All
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6 Best Tips for Reviewing for an ESL Speaking Test

6 Best Tips for Reviewing for an ESL Speaking Test

ESL Essentials
Speaking English in day-to-day situations is often a source of frustration for ESL students – imagine how frustrating it is for them to take a speaking test. Tests in which ESL students are ...
Views 34,903 All
How to Teach Pronunciation & Accent Reduction: 7 Best Practices

How to Teach Pronunciation & Accent Reduction: 7 Best Practices

ESL Essentials
Most ESL teachers who have been teaching for some time are comfortable being assigned a reading/writing class or one that focuses on speaking and listening. We’ve been there before; we know ...
Views 83,483 All
Are You Sure You Understand? 4 Engaging Ways to Review

Are You Sure You Understand? 4 Engaging Ways to Review

ESL Essentials
It’s the end of a unit, and you need to make sure students have grasped the information you covered. You assign a review worksheet for homework, and students file into class the next day to ...
Views 18,802 All
Avoid Sounding Like a Robot: 6 Top Tips for Teaching Intonation

Avoid Sounding Like a Robot: 6 Top Tips for Teaching Intonation

ESL Essentials
"How are you today?" "I’m fine." Those words “I’m fine'” will be delivered quite differently when spoken by friends in good moods or by friends who are angry with each othe ...
Views 68,887 All
7 Steps to Fail-proof Your ESL Review Lesson

7 Steps to Fail-proof Your ESL Review Lesson

ESL Essentials
What exactly is a “review lesson”? You’re not teaching anything new, but you’re not testing your students’ knowledge, either. Review lessons are located in this limbo ...
Views 22,178 All
Reviewing ESL: 8 Mistakes Your Students Must Overcome Before the Test

Reviewing ESL: 8 Mistakes Your Students Must Overcome Before the Test

ESL Essentials
Sigh… It’s time to review again. That glorious moment when you get to show your students just how much they have learned and what still needs a little work before the test. If you ar ...
Views 16,865 All
6 Strategies for Assessment in the ESL Classroom: What Type of Tester Are You?

6 Strategies for Assessment in the ESL Classroom: What Type of Tester Are You?

ESL Essentials
Though it is probably most students’ least favorite part of education, testing is necessary. In almost any language program, at one point or another, students will have to take tests. And s ...
Views 55,001 All
So Many Ways to Say I’m Sorry: Teaching Apologies

So Many Ways to Say I’m Sorry: Teaching Apologies

ESL Essentials
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s a fact of life, and we all have to take a moment to express our regret from time to time. So how do you teach your ESL students how to apologize in English? A ...
Views 86,505 All
5 Fun Filled Activities with Noncount Nouns

5 Fun Filled Activities with Noncount Nouns

ESL Essentials
A, some, much or many? If your students are asking themselves these questions, you are likely studying noncount nouns. The objects in English require a counting word to express plurality. For exa ...
Views 92,490 All
Everything You Need to Know About English Conditionals: When the Present Isn’t and the Past Wasn’t

Everything You Need to Know About English Conditionals: When the Present Isn’t and the Past Wasn’t

ESL Essentials
When your ESL class starts discussing a limitless future full of potential and why what could have been wasn’t, you and your students are entering the world of English conditionals. Conditi ...
Views 54,634 All
5 Ways to Help ESL Students Start Improving Academic Vocabulary Tomorrow

5 Ways to Help ESL Students Start Improving Academic Vocabulary Tomorrow

ESL Essentials
Many ESL students, particularly young ones, come to class with fairly strong conversational English skills, which they have learned from interactions with their peers on playgrounds, in parks, and ...
Views 50,790 All
Busy Teacher's Top 10 ESL Articles in 2012

Busy Teacher's Top 10 ESL Articles in 2012

ESL Essentials
Presenting our 2012 ESL Hall of Fame! Top 10 BusyTeacher ESL Articles in 2012 1 No, It’s Not Arbitrary and Does Make Sense: Teaching the English Punctuation System Did you know tha ...
Views 10,962
ESL Learning Styles: 9 Ways to Teach Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners

ESL Learning Styles: 9 Ways to Teach Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners

ESL Essentials
Have you ever had students who were truly “hands on”? The kind who want to touch everything, gesticulate wildly and find it hard to sit still for extended periods of time? Then, you h ...
Views 136,456 All
From Balkanization to Integration: How to Improve Student Relations in Your Classroom

From Balkanization to Integration: How to Improve Student Relations in Your Classroom

ESL Essentials
Almost every ESL teacher has experienced it: you walk in the first day, and find a sort of Balkanization going on in your class already, the students divided into two camps, the Soviet students on ...
Views 8,354 All
From iPods to Smartboards: 10 Types of Technology Every Teacher Should Know How to Use

From iPods to Smartboards: 10 Types of Technology Every Teacher Should Know How to Use

ESL Essentials
There is a tendency to think of the classroom as removed from the rest of the world and isolated from change. To some extent, this is true - many of us are in classrooms that Socrates himself alm ...
Views 83,314 All
8 Ways to Improve Your Professionalism as an ESL Teacher

8 Ways to Improve Your Professionalism as an ESL Teacher

ESL Essentials
Every year new teachers arrive on campus overflowing with enthusiasm for their new craft, unable to wait to practice it. They have new ideas, love for their students, good relationships with thei ...
Views 51,353 All
8 Ways to Get Noticed and Hired as an ESL Instructor

8 Ways to Get Noticed and Hired as an ESL Instructor

ESL Essentials
So you’ve just finished college and landed your first probationary assignment as an ESL instructor. You enjoy teaching and your class, but you remain concerned on whether you’ll find ...
Views 9,965 All
ESL Learning Styles: 9 Ways to Teach Visual Learners

ESL Learning Styles: 9 Ways to Teach Visual Learners

ESL Essentials
As an ESL teacher, you’ve probably noticed that students learn in different ways, and more than that, you’ve started seeing some trends. Do you have students who consistently ask you ...
Views 146,046 All
Opening Gambits: 5 Conversational Openers for the Shy Student

Opening Gambits: 5 Conversational Openers for the Shy Student

ESL Essentials
In learning English, adult ESL students often find themselves caught in a “Catch-22.” A Catch-22 involves two contradictory outcomes, such as the one made famous in the novel by the s ...
Views 55,561 All
Hello, Are You There? 7 Ways to Get Through to Your “Unreachable” Students

Hello, Are You There? 7 Ways to Get Through to Your “Unreachable” Students

ESL Essentials
We’ve all had the “unreachable” student who doesn’t seem quite “there,” mentally or physically. He sits in the back of the room, doesn’t respond to questi ...
Views 25,769 All

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