2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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4 Types of Sentences Your Students Need to Know (and How to Teach Them)

4 Types of Sentences Your Students Need to Know (and How to Teach Them)

•ESL Essentials
Not every scholar likes grammar, but if you teach ESL students hopefully they at least have a tolerance for the complexities of the English language. Still….If they have yet to develop thi ...
Views 42,523 All
7 Easy Ways to Inject Humor into Your ESL Classroom

7 Easy Ways to Inject Humor into Your ESL Classroom

•ESL Essentials
“I hear students roaring with laughter in other ESL classrooms as I walk down the hall. I’d love to make my students laugh like that, but I’m not good at making jokes or clowning ...
Views 19,141 All
Predi-what? How To Help Your ESL Students Understand Predicates

Predi-what? How To Help Your ESL Students Understand Predicates

•ESL Essentials
Predicate. It’s a big word to refer to everything from the verb to the period in a sentence. Sometimes, the predicate is simple, just one word. Other times it contains vast amounts of infor ...
Views 32,144 All
'English Only' Policy Could Be Hurting Your Students: Here Are 4 Reasons Why

'English Only' Policy Could Be Hurting Your Students: Here Are 4 Reasons Why

•ESL Essentials
When I first tell people that I am an English as a second language teacher, inevitably, they ask, “Oh, what languages do you speak?” I have taught students from all over the world, sp ...
Views 36,688 All
It May Not Be The Words At All: 7 Tips For Teachers Of Spelling Strugglers

It May Not Be The Words At All: 7 Tips For Teachers Of Spelling Strugglers

•ESL Essentials
You are standing in front of your ESL class, looking out at eager faces and minds ready to absorb everything you have to share about the English language. You see faces filled with hope and expec ...
Views 15,239 All
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Get Rid Of Those Lists! How To Teach Vocabulary Without Your Students Even Realizing It

Get Rid Of Those Lists! How To Teach Vocabulary Without Your Students Even Realizing It

•ESL Essentials
One of the never-ending questions ESL teachers ask themselves is, “How do I increase my students’ vocabulary?” Learning a language and becoming fluent in that language is a long ...
Views 31,511 All
7 Benefits of Teaching ESL Abroad

7 Benefits of Teaching ESL Abroad

•ESL Essentials
“I really enjoy teaching ESL, but I feel I need a change of scenery. A friend suggested I look into teaching abroad, but I’m not sure I want to be far away from my family and friends f ...
Views 17,847 All
5 Types of Abbreviations Your Students Need to Know (And Why They Aren’t Acronyms)

5 Types of Abbreviations Your Students Need to Know (And Why They Aren’t Acronyms)

•ESL Essentials
The English language is rife with abbreviations. I’ll never forget the moment I learned how true this is. I was teaching at a university ESL program, instructing business students one on on ...
Views 83,170 All
5 Simple Steps for Teaching and Practicing Reported Verbs

5 Simple Steps for Teaching and Practicing Reported Verbs

•ESL Essentials
Reported verbs are like second hand verbs; speakers use them to say what someone else has already said. Quite often, we use quoted speech to repeat what someone has said. However, quotations requ ...
Views 36,400 All
Little Words Can Be Big Trouble: 5 Types Of Determiners Your ESL Students Need To Know

Little Words Can Be Big Trouble: 5 Types Of Determiners Your ESL Students Need To Know

•ESL Essentials
Rarely does a noun hang around on its own. Besides the comfortable companionship of adjectives, nouns tend to keep certain words close to them. These words, which you and your students know as ar ...
Views 37,460 All
Coordinate or Subordinate? Making Sense of English Conjunctions

Coordinate or Subordinate? Making Sense of English Conjunctions

•ESL Essentials
“Conjunction junction, what’s your function…?” If you every watched School House Rock, these words should sound familiar. Conjunctions are an important part of the Englis ...
Views 41,658 All
All the Exercises Your Students Need To Learn and Practice English Nouns

All the Exercises Your Students Need To Learn and Practice English Nouns

•ESL Essentials
If you have read Everything Your Students Need to Know About Nouns, you have already set them a strong foundation for learning the English language. Nouns, after all, are an essential part of the ...
Views 21,650 All
From the Wisp of an Idea to a Polished Story: How to Teach Creative Writing

From the Wisp of an Idea to a Polished Story: How to Teach Creative Writing

•ESL Essentials
One of the perennial questions writers get asked is “Where do you get your ideas?” And indeed even writers, especially novice ones, seem to think that there is some shortage of writin ...
Views 8,052 All
7 Writing Tasks That Use Video

7 Writing Tasks That Use Video

•ESL Essentials
“My students are not very keen on writing. They love watching videos, however. How can I combine video and writing tasks so that my students find writing a little more enjoyable?” * T ...
Views 18,790 All
Speaking of the Capitalist Economy, Let Me Tell You about My Vacation: Teaching Transitions in Writing

Speaking of the Capitalist Economy, Let Me Tell You about My Vacation: Teaching Transitions in Writing

•ESL Essentials
I used to fall asleep over student papers a lot or take up five minutes reading and rereading the same short paragraph. I used to think it was sleep disorder and Attention Deficit (ADD) problems, ...
Views 10,946 All
More Abstractions to Avoid in Writing: Moving from Saying Nothing to Saying Something

More Abstractions to Avoid in Writing: Moving from Saying Nothing to Saying Something

•ESL Essentials
Having taught writing college writing for many years, I’ve really come to abhor certain words: “society.” “Issue.” “The media.” “The government.&rdq ...
Views 14,942 All
A Rainbow of Cultures – 7 Steps to Organizing an International Day

A Rainbow of Cultures – 7 Steps to Organizing an International Day

•ESL Essentials
It’s a wonderful thing to celebrate the diversity of our ESL classes. Often, our students are abroad for the first time, and have the experience of meeting people from continents and countr ...
Views 39,469 All
6 Awesome Ways to Use Photos for Writing Tasks

6 Awesome Ways to Use Photos for Writing Tasks

•ESL Essentials
“I really loved your article called 'What You Can Do with Photos: 10 Creative ESL Games/Activities'. Any ideas for more ways to use photos specifically for writing tasks?” * Photos ar ...
Views 13,946 All
Rice or Lice? 7 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation and the IPA

Rice or Lice? 7 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation and the IPA

•ESL Essentials
I’ve found that a lot of textbooks lack thorough pronunciation practice, so here are some tips for identifying, correcting and reviewing your students’ pronunciation, and for integrati ...
Views 29,562 All
Future Time Clauses: A Quick Summary Of What Your Students Need To Know

Future Time Clauses: A Quick Summary Of What Your Students Need To Know

•ESL Essentials
English is full of different types of clauses, and learning them all at one time can be overwhelming for ESL students. Perhaps that’s why so many teachers choose to cover just one specific ...
Views 67,897 All
Cover All Four Skills With This Simple, 4-Step Activity Your Students Will Love

Cover All Four Skills With This Simple, 4-Step Activity Your Students Will Love

•ESL Essentials
A teacher’s work is never done, and the more we can multitask with our class activities, the better off both we and our students will be. This simple activity is perfect for the teacher who ...
Views 20,901 All
Everything Your ESL Students Need to Know about Nouns

Everything Your ESL Students Need to Know about Nouns

•ESL Essentials
Nouns – one of the basic building blocks of language, and one of the first bits of grammar students learn in any language. The English language contains more nouns than any other type of wo ...
Views 60,956 All
What Do You Want Us to Do, Exactly? Tolerance of Ambiguity and Lack Thereof in Students

What Do You Want Us to Do, Exactly? Tolerance of Ambiguity and Lack Thereof in Students

•ESL Essentials
I hate to sound like an old, irascible professor, but I’m finding an increasing generation gap between college students today and those of my generation. Most notable today is the tendency ...
Views 20,244 All
What Does That Mean, Who Said It, and Why: Teaching Critical Thinking

What Does That Mean, Who Said It, and Why: Teaching Critical Thinking

•ESL Essentials
Sometimes I’ll be reading student research papers, going along as smoothly as possible with the work of beginning college-level writers, and I’ll be pulled up short by some observation ...
Views 13,078 All
How to Host Your Own English Language Olympics

How to Host Your Own English Language Olympics

•ESL Essentials
Even though the big games only come around every two to four years, you don’t have to wait that long before hosting your own Olympic Games. As the year comes to a close, celebrate everythin ...
Views 22,995 All

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