2,124 FREE ESL Essentials - What Every English Teacher Needs To Know!
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FREE ESL Essentials

ESL Essentials – Important Teaching Tips

In this section there are 2,124 articles that cover essential ESL topics such as how to teach grammar, use realia, and teach young learners. There are also a lot of lesson ideas and fun activities included in the articles. This ESL article, for example, is about teaching grammar and describes five great activities. It has been given five stars by other busy teachers so it obviously has useful content. Check it out for yourself or take a look at other articles that relate better to your questions or teaching situation.

There are a lot of dos and don’ts and tips and tricks that many teachers learn through teaching.

Our ESL Essentials section will help you master the basics of teaching English and will help you start teaching like a 'pro'. Every ESL Essentials article provides clear, to-the-point instructions that can be used with the students right away.
At the moment we have 2,124 ESL Essentials.
Sometimes that is the best way to learn but the experiences of others can also help you develop your teaching skills without having to make the same mistakes. If you have a great story or activity, feel free to submit your own article so that you can share your knowledge with others. We would love to hear from you!

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ESL Articles
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You Ought to Be in Pictures: 4 Times You Should Be Acting out for Your Students

You Ought to Be in Pictures: 4 Times You Should Be Acting out for Your Students

ESL Essentials
When I tell people that I teach English as a second language, their inevitable first question is, “Oh, what languages do you speak?” I always answer the same. English. I suppose the a ...
Views 10,055 All
Interactive Reading Notebooks: The Key to Comprehension for Students

Interactive Reading Notebooks: The Key to Comprehension for Students

ESL Essentials
I love reading. I’ve heard it said that the person who reads does not live one life but a thousand. But not everyone feels like I do about the written word. And even those who do love readi ...
Views 22,378 All
Penny Pinching: 13 Great Places to Find Resources on a Budget

Penny Pinching: 13 Great Places to Find Resources on a Budget

ESL Essentials
Let’s face it. None of us went into the teaching profession because we thought we could make a million dollars. Teaching is infamous for reaping low salaries and even lower budgets, so ever ...
Views 9,030 All
Get Twisted: How and Why to Use Tongue Twisters for Pronunciation

Get Twisted: How and Why to Use Tongue Twisters for Pronunciation

ESL Essentials
Rubber baby buggy bumpers. Sally sells seashells by the seashore. Peter Piper picked a peck, a peck of pickled peppers. Red leather, yellow leather. Is your tongue tired yet? There’s jus ...
Views 52,649 All
Go Ahead and Press Play: Secrets to Successful Video Based Lessons with Kids

Go Ahead and Press Play: Secrets to Successful Video Based Lessons with Kids

ESL Essentials
I don’t know about your kids, but mine love TV and movies. There is just something about seeing lively characters on screen having fun and crazy adventures that appeals to the kid in all of ...
Views 12,067 All
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Would You Listen to That? 6 Listening Challenges for Advanced ESL Students

Would You Listen to That? 6 Listening Challenges for Advanced ESL Students

ESL Essentials
Your students hear you, but how well do they listen? You are sure to find out with these activities that challenge your advanced students to listen closely. Try These 6 Listening Challenges fo ...
Views 18,662 All
6 Things You Should Know about Comprehensible Input in the ESL Classroom

6 Things You Should Know about Comprehensible Input in the ESL Classroom

ESL Essentials
Good teachers are always trying to improve their skills and their effectiveness in the classroom. In the process of making ourselves better, however, we can sometimes get bogged down in the techn ...
Views 14,507 All
Getting Students In on the Action: 6 Tips for Promoting Active Listening in Class

Getting Students In on the Action: 6 Tips for Promoting Active Listening in Class

ESL Essentials
Listening requires many skills – accurately processing auditory information, recognizing the vocabulary and grammar in the spoken content, and determining the intent behind what was said jus ...
Views 28,790 All
7 Tips for Helping Shy Guys and Girls Speak More in Class

7 Tips for Helping Shy Guys and Girls Speak More in Class

ESL Essentials
ESL students have lots of reasons to be shy. They don’t speak the language. They are in culture shock. They don’t know anyone in class. Someone else is always ready to speak for them. ...
Views 44,158 All
Present, Practice, Produce: 4 Go to Strategies for Teaching Language Concepts

Present, Practice, Produce: 4 Go to Strategies for Teaching Language Concepts

ESL Essentials
Whether you have taken teaching methods classes or you have put in the effort to become a great teacher without the guidance of a college professor, we all find a way that is comfortable to teach ...
Views 54,914 All
It's More Than Pressing Play: 7 Simple Tips to Create Your Own Audio Materials for Class

It's More Than Pressing Play: 7 Simple Tips to Create Your Own Audio Materials for Class

ESL Essentials
Do you use recorded conversations in class? Do you feel limited by or bored with the recordings that came with your text book? Don’t be discouraged if your answer is yes. It’s easier ...
Views 11,037 All
Is it Run-Around? Run-About? Round-About? Teaching Self-Editing for Idiom

Is it Run-Around? Run-About? Round-About? Teaching Self-Editing for Idiom

ESL Essentials
One of the most difficult part of learning a second language is learning its idioms, those fixed groups of words that have a specific meaning. “Idiom” as used here is not to be confus ...
Views 13,121 All
Give a Quick Listen: Six Quick Activities to Fill 5 Minutes in Listening Class

Give a Quick Listen: Six Quick Activities to Fill 5 Minutes in Listening Class

ESL Essentials
Even the best planners in the teaching world find themselves with five minutes to fill from time to time. Be prepared for these small gaps with these simple listening games that require no specia ...
Views 33,558 All
Making Group Work Work: 10 Tips for Getting Group Activities Right

Making Group Work Work: 10 Tips for Getting Group Activities Right

ESL Essentials
One of the most important elements of a good English class is getting students talking. There is no better (or easier) way to make this happen than group work. Group work is flexible, communicati ...
Views 19,862 All
Immersion without Drowning: Tips for Helping Students Thrive in English Only Classrooms

Immersion without Drowning: Tips for Helping Students Thrive in English Only Classrooms

ESL Essentials
Immersion English classes are common for ESL students studying overseas. However, not every immersion English class is in an English speaking country. Some teachers choose to have a classroom in ...
Views 17,596 All
Starting at the Very Beginning: 7 Activities You Can Do with False Beginners

Starting at the Very Beginning: 7 Activities You Can Do with False Beginners

ESL Essentials
Perhaps labeling a class “beginning” is a bit of a misnomer. Rarely do students enter a beginning level ESL class in the United States that have no knowledge of English. Note I said r ...
Views 44,310 All
Up Close and Personal: 5 Keys to Success for One-on-One Teaching

Up Close and Personal: 5 Keys to Success for One-on-One Teaching

ESL Essentials
I have taught ESL in many different contexts – an ESL class in an international school overseas, classes at a university in the U.S., university level classes for a corporation, and one on o ...
Views 18,438 All
More Than Beginner’s Luck: Must Know Strategies for Successful Reading for ESL Students

More Than Beginner’s Luck: Must Know Strategies for Successful Reading for ESL Students

ESL Essentials
If you are teaching beginning ESL students, it’s important to teach them but also to encourage them on their English learning journey. It is easy for new learners to become discouraged, esp ...
Views 19,530 All
Music for the Masses: How to Bring Classical Music to ESL Students

Music for the Masses: How to Bring Classical Music to ESL Students

ESL Essentials
I can’t be the only to have noticed that there’s a distinct lack of interest, especially among our younger students, in ‘classical’ music. By this, I think we generally me ...
Views 16,733 All
What Do We Do Now? Classes with Long Schedules

What Do We Do Now? Classes with Long Schedules

ESL Essentials
Concern about “not enough time in class” is a very real teacher concern. There is usually so much to teach, so many course objectives, so many students with needs that require special ...
Views 10,517 All
We Should Talk: More Difficult Conversations with Students and Strategies to Address Them

We Should Talk: More Difficult Conversations with Students and Strategies to Address Them

ESL Essentials
Most of us hate the phrase “We should talk,” both saying and hearing it, as it signals the opening of a difficult conversation. Most of us would do anything to avoid the conversation, ...
Views 13,921 All
She Was Succeeded? She Was Successful? Teaching Self-Editing for Word Form

She Was Succeeded? She Was Successful? Teaching Self-Editing for Word Form

ESL Essentials
One of the most troublesome issues I’ve found in teaching English as a Second Language is addressing mistakes in word form. By “word form,” as I’m using it here, I mean mis ...
Views 23,267 All
Being the Best You: 4 Tips for Harnessing Your True Teacher Potential

Being the Best You: 4 Tips for Harnessing Your True Teacher Potential

ESL Essentials
Let’s face it. None of us become a teacher because we have nothing better to do. We become teachers because we love working with students, because we get a thrill from seeing people learn a ...
Views 22,666 All
Keeping It Real: 7 Places to Start in Choosing the Right Realia for Your Students

Keeping It Real: 7 Places to Start in Choosing the Right Realia for Your Students

ESL Essentials
There is no doubt that every ESL class is different. Different students. Different skills. Different backgrounds. Different interests. But there is also no doubt that all ESL classes have one thi ...
Views 20,224 All
Sustainability in the ESL Classroom: The Antarctic Development Debate

Sustainability in the ESL Classroom: The Antarctic Development Debate

ESL Essentials
Are your students as environmentally aware as mine? Media attention and formal education has ensured that the groups I work with are, at the very least, fairly well aware of the world’s key ...
Views 22,620 All

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