103 FREE Summer Activities, Worksheets and Creative Lesson Ideas

FREE Summer Activities

The weather’s hot, the sun is out, and the flowers are blooming - isn’t summer a wonderful season? Your students are probably just as excited about it as you are - and some of them are probably reluctant to sit attentively in a classroom when they’d rather be kicking back with a cold drink. Keeping students engaged during the summer months can be a tough proposition for ESL teachers - and not all of them are up to the challenge. If you want to keep your class interested, you’ll need to get them talking about topics that grab their attention.

And there’s no better way to grab their attention than to focus on what they’re all thinking about: summer! BusyTeacher.org offers 103 summer-themed worksheets that’ll get students of all levels speaking, reading, listening, and writing about the season. From simple grammar and vocabulary exercises to advanced composition and speaking activities, we’ve got it all. With these worksheets at the ready, you can turn even the laziest summer classroom into a place filled with fun in the sun.

Many of the 103 summer-themed worksheets you’ll find here on BusyTeacher.org include brightly-colored pictures that’ll catch students’ eyes. But that’s just the beginning of what makes these worksheets so engaging for ESL students around the world. Every worksheet takes a cue from the summer activities that are already on your students’ minds, and invites them to fill in blanks, match summery words with their definitions, solve puzzles about summer fun, and even speak and write about their exciting summer plans.

Not only do these worksheets cover a wide range of grammar and vocabulary topics - they also address all four of the ESL categories of reading, speaking, writing, and listening. And the wide variety of worksheets available on BusyTeacher.org means that you’ll always be able to find a worksheet that’s the right level for the class you’re teaching - whether they’re just beginning at level one or approaching fluency at level five. Quite a few of these worksheets can easily be adapted for several different ESL levels, too.

When you download a worksheet from BusyTeacher.org, you never have to wonder whether it’s useful - because every worksheet on this site was created, tested, approved, and uploaded by a real ESL teacher like you. In fact, if you’ve got a worksheet that’s been especially helpful in your classroom, we’d love for you to share it with our community! Just click the “Submit a worksheet” button at the bottom of this page.

As you browse through the 103 summer worksheets here on BusyTeacher.org, you’ll notice our convenient thumbnail view, which makes it easy to preview every worksheet before you download it. And although we stand by the quality of every community-contributed worksheet on our site, some worksheets may be more useful to you than others - which is why it’s handy to be able to check through lots of them at a glance.

All our summer worksheets are free to download, use, and share - so what are you waiting for? Grab some that look right for your class, and see how BusyTeacher.org makes it easy to bring some summer fun into your classroom!

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  • Complete Beginner (22)
  • Elementary (73)
  • Pre-Intermediate (54)
  • Intermediate (29)
  • Upper-Intermediate Advanced (9)
  • Exam Level (2)
  • Suitable for All Levels (2)
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