Game: Tangled!

Game: Tangled!

rated by 8 teachers
Game: Tangled!
I made this game drawing inspiration from a game called "Enredados" by Bontus. Print and cut up the cards. Divide your students into groups of no more than 5 and explain that you will take a card from the pile and read and instruction to the first student. For example: right hand on right knee. The student must do the action on himself. But if the action is impossible to do on yourself, like "right hand on right elbow", the student must use the elbow of the next person. You then go on to the next person and give them an instruction. Go on like this for a few rounds. If a new instruction implies changing the position, students must always respect the new instruction. When a student falls or drops the position by accident, they are removed from the group and you start over until there is only one winner. If you don't have a lot of time, the winner can be the person who lost fewer times. I hope you like it!!! My students had a lot of fun!