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When introducing the concept of argumentation to students, use the example of arguing to a family member for a new car.
The thesis/premise begins the argument: We need a new car. Students then need to support the premise with various arguments. The class can brainstorm arguments that can be made for a new car, and the instructor can help label the types of argument: a new car is ultimately cheaper (fewer repairs, less gas), a logical argument; a new car is more fuel efficient and causes less environmental damage (ethical argument), and a new car is safer for the family (emotional argument).
Discuss support than can be marshaled: the receipts for car repair over the past year, for example, to support the logical argument. Finally, discuss the counter argument: what objections are anticipated? For example, if the family member will probably raise the economic issue, that a new car is just too expensive, be prepared with some additional argument to refute the point.
This is effective because it lays out an outline of an argument which can be referred back to over the course of the unit of instruction.