Questionnaire Addressing Misconceptions

Questionnaire Addressing Misconceptions

rated by 2 teachers

As a pre-reading activity, give students a short questionnaire based on the content of the reading and addressing common misconceptions in that reading. For example, if the topic of the reading is language acquisition, the questionnaire should have common misconceptions about language learning in it: e.g., Children are always the best language learners--true or false. After students take the survey, they may share their opinions with each other. The teacher should then debrief them on the survey results and then directs them to their reading for further study of the issue.


This helps in getting students involved in the considering a topic more analytically than they have before and questioning long-term assumptions they might have on that topic, why they hold those assumptions, and if they are in fact valid. They are then more prepared for reading material that may challenge those beliefs.