Remembering The Names

Remembering The Names

rated by 5 teachers

It's probably been done before - maybe by everybody, I don't know.. When I'm starting the term with a new ESL class, I get everyone to think of an adjective that starts with the same letter of their first name. I normally give them an example: "I would be Dangerous David". They get the idea pretty quickly. Once everyone has found one (sometimes takes a few minutes and a bit of help if the students aren't very high level), you play a memory game with all the names. Going round the class, each student has to say all the adjectives+names that came before theirs, and then add their own at the end. It's good because it's fun; it teaches some pretty cool adjectives of course; you learn your students' names very quickly; and I think it's good for the students too, to know the names of all their classmates. I teach at university - you're never sure how well students in the same class actually know each other.