Pass The Parcel

Pass The Parcel

rated by 6 teachers
Pass The Parcel
It is a nice speaking activity which can be either a warm-up or it can fulfil the major part of your lesson. You will need a list of vocabulary, a CD player and a rhythmic song. Each word must be written on a particular card. The list uploaded here is just an example. The selection of the words depends on a group of students you teach. Put all the cards in a small box. Ask the students to stand in a circle. You will control the CD player. Give one student the box and play the music. Students pass around the box to the rhythm of the song. Stop the music in intervals. When the music is stopped, the student who has the box with words picks one card and tries to explain the word on it to the rest of the group. The one who guesses the word keeps the card and you can continue playing the song. The student with the most cards at the end is the winner.