Press-conference with Angelina Jolie

Press-conference with Angelina Jolie

rated by 15 teachers
Press-conference with Angelina Jolie
This is a role-play worksheet: a press-conference with Angelina Jolie. The main purpose of this activity is a) revising question formation in present simple, past simple, present perfect (for the students acting as journalists) and b) detailed reading (for the Angelina Jolie student). The student impersonating Angie should be a stronger one as there is a lot of information that she should study and be prepare to answer relevantly, and if necessary - improvise. It's important to give the students enough time to prepare (to make up questions or study the biography) and check if the Angelina Jolie student understood all correctly and if the journalists have all their questions grammatically right. Only then the role-play makes sense. The role-play is suitable for pre-intermediate through upper-intermediate students, interested in movies/celebrity life, any age.