Classroom Video Of The Week #2: Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar

Classroom Video Of The Week #2: Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar

'Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar?' performed by a group of Korean kids.


The video on the left is the second one in our new series 'Classroom Video Awards'. It's a group of Korean kindergarten kids performing the variation of the kid's rhyme 'Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar' (or 'Who Took The Cookie...'). The 'actors' are really enjoying their roles and having fun.


From the teacher who filmed this:

Oh, and before any one asks, Sherry (the queen) is saying "kiss my hand" not "kiss my ass." Her pronunciation is just a little strained.


Download the activity instructions and the full text of the rhyme here: cookie-jar.doc [25 Kb] (Count: 758)


Have you ever tried 'Who Stole The Cookie...' with your class? How did it go? Do you think staging similar sketches with your learners helps them shake off their shyness? Please tell us in the comments below!


You may find the following article useful - it's about using TPR (Total Physical Response) in the ESL classroom:

- TPR Tricks: 5 Fabulous Ways to Use Total Physical Response in the ESL Classroom


Know a great classroom video for our 'Classroom Video Awards' series? Send us the link!